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.:: If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen.-- Henry David Thoreau ::.

C & N since 1998

.:: Friday, December 31st ::.

~ 01:27 PM ~

" luck would have it..."

Sad to see Sunset Hills got hit. About 5 mins. down Watson from us.

Great night is cardio kickboxing. Different instructor for my classes as the usual instructor was at a show. We worked on submissions in fight class. Last Thursday of the month is always ground work.

One of the submissions was the Bas Rutten Neck crank as you see below:

Happy New Year!

evolution of the hipster

.:: Thursday, December 30th ::.

~ 02:00 PM ~

"...going to Paris..."

We shared wine at Debbie's house and then headed out to dinner with Steve & Joan. Cyrano's did not disappoint. Excellent food, service and conversation.

Gathering supplies for New Year's Eve and Day. Planning a white bean soup for New Year's Day dinner.

Great night back at cardio kickboxing and fight class on Tuesday. Doing ground work tonight.

on to the next one
olive lentil burgers
plan AT

.:: Tuesday, December 28th ::.

~ 12:51 PM ~

" it twice..."

We had a great Christmas weekend. On Friday, or Christmas Eve, we braved the snowy roads for dinner at the new Balaban's. On Christmas day, we had our small gift exchange as Neale, myself and Ellis gathered around the tree for opening of stockings. After the gift exchange, we saw "The King's Speech" at Frontenac. We took a short afternoon walk to enjoy the white Christmas day. For dinner, I made a cauliflower and celery root soup. I had to make my final round of holiday treats with the making of my third (& final) pie for the holiday season. Also, a batch of red velvet cookies for the following day. In the evening, we watched "A Christmas Carol", which is our tradition. It is the George C. Scott version from the mid 80s.

On the Sunday after Christmas, we had a family gathering at Neale's brother's house. Neale's Dad and wife arrived in town as well. We had our gift exchange and shared food. The videos of the day have been posted on the photos page ( HERE). More photos soon.

Yesterday, we had a gathering to remember Steve's mother (as well as Neale's grandmother) that passed away earlier this year. Neale also visited my office to help update my decorations. Dinner was a challenge as restaurant we had enjoyed before was having a rough night. They comped our drinks but it was stressful.

next adventure

.:: Thursday, December 23rd ::.

~ 08:29 PM ~

"...very naughty indeed..."

Too long without an update. Busy with the end of the semester and I have been lazy this week. However, I did get the Christmas 2010 photo page updated and uploaded the videos from my Flip from last weekend.

3-2-1 Contact
subject to change
banned movies

.:: Monday, December 13th ::.

~ 10:42AM ~

"...all the Lifetime ones..."

Yesterday, we received our first coat of snow and cold, cold weather. Today, it is a lovely 8F but sunny. Some schools are actually closed. I have my last week of classes. Grading is in good shape. I passed on working on Saturday but did work yesterday. Neale has a work at home day today.

All the Holiday cards are in the mail.

Shoveled yesterday. I went out around 6 and the main roads were in rough shape. The neighborhood streets were much better.

Neale asked for an old photo so I got out the box of photos to find it. While looking for the one particular photo, I came across a few others to share.

The first time I ever saw Neale was in the ISU Graduate student photo case. I grabbed the picture when the year was over.

Neale and Snap the Cat.

Holiday time is time for grasshoppers. Oh, the holiday cheer.

Glasser's Apply
AT pack contents
Presidents & faith
LCCC Holiday Card

.:: Wednesday, December 8th ::.

~ 10:10PM ~


Video of Corgi Fun Day races above. Ellis makes his run at the 1:56 mark.

Brazos Walking Sticks
sticky fingers
Corgi Fun Day Tricks
Corgi Fun Day photos
Christmas Movie Facts

.:: Monday, December 6th ::.

~ 10:51PM ~

"...The bark of a redwood tree is fire resistant..."

I switched doctor appointments with Neale as I was experiencing shoulder pain. I popped the shoulder on Thursday during sparring and it felt better since then. But, as a precaution, I wanted to describe the issue to the doctor. I had an appointment scheduled in two weeks but decided to get in before the end of the year. Check up went well. She has a new and better office. The doctor was pleased and does not want to see until December of 2011. Plus, I got my scripts extended.

After the doctor, I needed to make a stop at Costco since I forgot to get vitamins last week. Then, a stop at Treats Unleashed for Ellis' food. Ellis could also use a new brush but they did not have a two-sided brush like I currently have. Probably find it at Petsmart like the first one. But, I wanted to support local business so I tried Canine Center too. Finally, a stop at Ace and a car wash.

Watching Discovery's "Brewmasters" has me in the mood to brew. I only made the pumpkin during the fall. There were a few batches over the summer. I have my Celebration Stout, ESB, and Dubbel recipes on my to do list. Probably do the ESB this weekend and then the stout. Get the dubbel in before the year end.

Neale's Christmas gift to me arrived today. Plus, I got 4 holiday cards in the mail. Last string of lights was installed too.

careful with that axe Eugene
famous and gay

.:: Saturday, December 4th ::.

~ 12:21PM ~

"...listen Sasha..."

Today is the Cans Film food drive at Wehrenberg. Neale is delivering our cans right now. She attempted to shop at Aldi's last night and learned about their coin operated cart system. She had no change as she was coming from the gym. She had an issue with paying for a cart even if she had a quarter. I want to take her to Aldi's as a field trip so she can see what the store is like. I was able to get her to Dierberg's recently for shopping but as much as I despise the mall, she does not like to shop for food. As a couple that helps to balance us. I took her to the Dierberg's I shop at the most, she avoided the searching around as I know where our stuff is located. She ended up buying the cans at Shop n' Save. She could have avoided all this mess by letting me buy the food for the Cans Film Food drive as I had in the past. I was at Costco yesterday. But, she thinks I spend too much money on the donation, which rewards us with a movie ticket. Her karma and mine run in slightly different circles. She was able to buy a good protein for the donation as I suggested. Seeing a movie soon.

I moved into the smartphone reality of 2010. I was able to upgrade my cell phone to an HTC Aria. It will arrive in a week or so. I learned my lesson about not realizing how much a smartphone can help on a daily basis but in 2008 I was not really thinking about it. I decided on the Aria based on features, size, and price. The Samsung Captivate seemed too big as I will carry the phone in my front pocket during the warmer months. Plus, I really do not need the latest and did I mention I am using AT&T?

Grading today as I graded yesterday and will be tomorrow.

Hung the holiday lights yesterday. I was able to string them as one big loop to save on cords running around the yard. Still need one string for the front porch pole.

droid battery life
vegan baked beans

.:: Monday, November 29th ::.

~ 09:51PM ~

" la la la la..."

I had a serious case of lazy this morning. Grey overcast sky and after a long holiday weekend, I had to will myself to get out of bed and attend a meeting on campus. Good meeting. Something big coming to LCCC possibly. I will do my best to help it happen.

Tree was up on Saturday and Neale decorated it tonight.

veg samosas
WGN bridge coverage

.:: Sunday, November 28th ::.

~ 01:50PM ~

"...a lighter shade of green..."

Yesterday, we watched the Ohio State v. Michigan game. Neale lost interest after the Bucks went up by two touchdowns but I stayed with the game to the end. She started watching DVDs after the game and asked if we had "Krull", which we do not. It is a favorite film for her. When I went out for supplies, I stopped at Best Buy for the video and not surprisingly Best Buy did not have the DVD. A Best Buy employee asked if I needed help, I told what I was looking for and he had never heard of it. Probably for the best as I bet I can get a better deal online. Neale settled for Harry Potter instead.

Corgi Fun Day pictures have posted here.

Thanksgiving videos as well. (here)


.:: Wednesday, November 24h ::.

~ 02:31PM ~

" pull a stunt like that again and I will break both your arms..."

Happy Thanksgiving.


.:: Friday, November 19th ::.

~ 02:31PM ~

"...someone was chosen and someone bailed out..."

Working at home.

Last night, I attended cardio kickboxing and fight class. Usually, I just get to fight class on Thursdays. Just three people sparring regularly. Good night for me. However, my trainer noticed I was not properly blocking roundhouse kicks. Later, we banged same-side legs as we both had the simultaneous idea to roundhouse kick to the side. My shins are basically lacking any feeling these days but my left calf is cramped. A good night's rest helped but I am glad I am not running a 5K or hiking this weekend.

beer myths
Black Bear Bakery
Born On a Day That the Sun Did Not Rise

.:: Sunday, November 14th ::.

~ 10:41PM ~

"...excited he missed him...."

Cold night at Washington State Park but fun and challenging. Good experience builder. Beautiful morning. Went to Webster's Holiday Day street event after breakfast at First Watch. Ellis got compliments as he walked the crowd. Neale was surprised that many people recognized the breed. Neale went to our niece's soccer game in the afternoon. She won and plays in the championship for the city/county. The game is in three weeks. I had to rake leaves. Ellis and I played in the yard. The neighbor two houses over has a new puppy and it is a larger breed. The dog watches us play and I can tell he really wants to join in. I don't know the guy that lives at that house as I never see him. Hey, pal: Play with your puppy. The dog found a ball in his yard and started throwing it to himself. Cute but kinda sad.

Washington State Park hike photos and videos posted. (HERE)

Washington State Park
Daily Corgi

.:: Friday, November 12th ::.

~ 12:18PM ~

"...ants around?...."

Turkey Day hike pics are posted (HERE). Videos coming soon.

~ 12:59AM ~

"...not a lot of time talking...."

Great day for a hike at Turkey Run. Neale believes it might have been our 10th trip there. Late in the season despite the great weather. Free admission. We would have given our cash to a donation box if we could have found one. We hiked a new route. Probably about 6 miles of up and down.

More pictures and videos coming. Dinner at Mogger's too.

HBO"s "Wartorn" was intense. Worth a look if you doubt the validity of PTSD.

eat veg

.:: Tuesday, November 9th ::.

~ 07:11PM ~


It is odd to me that I finished in the top 20 and almost the Top Ten on Saturday.

My first Spyderco arrived. Satisfied customer. It should be a great everyday carry knife.


.:: Saturday, November 6th ::.

~ 02:39PM ~

"...few understand why...."

It is my birthday. Year 38 for me. Thank you for the cards and gifts. If we have not spoken yet, we will.

I started the day by running a 5K in Forest Park. It was a brisk 28 degrees at race time and 32 by the finish. Luckily, no wind but plenty of sun. Given the intensity of the kickboxing, boxing, and Krav classes, I only ran once to prepare for today's run and that was on our treadmill. I was in fine shape but the cold weather slowed my time so I did not beat my personal best from September's run in Tower Grove. The sparring on Thursday was a good night. I kept my front leg too stiff so there was one sore spot on the outer left thigh from a few kicks.

After the race, I stopped at Whole Foods for supplies and to pick up lunch. Neale was home when I arrived and she left soon after for a jewelry show. Later, we are celebrating the day.

Yesterday, after online work, I went to bank and took Ellis to Blackburn Park. In the middle of the day, he is able to be off lead and roam the park within reasonable distance of me. We played ball and explored the woods on the east end of the park. Later, I made a spinach ricotta pizza for dinner.

Reckless Beer Names

.:: Monday, November 1st ::.

~ 09:54AM ~

"...This is my right hand...."

Happy for the Giants. Never cheer for the AL in a World Series. Well, maybe the White Soxes are an exception.

Neale made her first Amazon Wish List. You can find it here if you need to send her a gift.

Neale requested dinner tonight and she asked for tofu. I made a stir fry we could share. Sprouted and baked tofu with vegetables from Trader Joe's. Electric skillet makes it really easy to do. Even heat with very little oil.

After 4 years, I finally received a compliment on my watch. The clerk at Treats Unleashed noticed it while buying Ellis' new favorite dog treats....dry roasted buffalo liver. Primal Dog treats have a new fan.

~ 12:08AM ~

"...Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others...."

We had a happy Halloween.

This morning we had breakfast at First Watch. They were busy. Our favorite server said 'hello' as she searched for a table that matched her order. After breakfast, Neale had work to do. I decided to correct the living room shelves that had gotten loose after the painting. A trip to Ace also procured party bulbs for our porch. I had an idea for the Halloween decorations, which included colored bulbs, holiday lights, and simple cardboard ghoul cut-outs. Worked out well for under $40. Pumpkin from Oktoberfest was used to make a Jack-a-Lantern for today. Surprisingly, it had very little pumpkin guts.

We had about 20 visitors over 2 and a half hours of providing treats. We sat in the driveway with the lights out but I made a fire in the chimera. Mostly, young kids with parents but one set of young teens but no jerks. Best costume was the 'headless horseman' kid.

In the afternoon, Ellis and I walked to the school. They have a exercise walk path on the playground with activity areas. There was 12-15 feet of rope for a rope climb exercise. I remembered a childhood menace and climbed it twice. Sadly, no horn to honk. Chin ups were also performed. Monkey bars not quite tall enough for this adult.

I am convinced the amount of chocolate I consumed today is simply for healthy purposes.

Yesterday, I graded exams and made dinner. Tofu cacciatore, edamame gratin, and smashed cauliflower. All vegan and all delicious. Ellis and I walked downtown Webster.

Previous journal has been archived. Please see link to the right for old journals.

Brew Masters

Selma Front Door Fall 2008

Photo from our 2008 Oktoberfest. More on our photos page.



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