Sunday, June 30th
~ 12:56 AM ~
We did see the late showing of "The Bourne Identity" and it was good. However, nothing new nor surprising. Matt Damon and Franka Potente were good but could have used more dialouge to move along their characters.
Neale was very pleased to catch "The North and South" mini-series on the Hallmark channel this afternoon.
Once again faithful readers, the present journal will be archived and a new fresh (slightly redesigned) journal will take its place sometime Monday morning.
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Saturday, June 29th
~ 04:15 PM ~
We are watching the Mets vs. the Yankees. Despite the embrassing game last night, the Mets are playing well today. Neale went into work earlier but was able to get what she needed done quickly. After the game we are going for a walk and then Neale wants to see "The Bourne Identity".
[comment on this day's entry]
Friday, June 28th
~ 10:49 AM ~
NPR retreats from their policy about requiring permission to link to them. I believe it is the best decision and the right decision.
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Thursday, June 27th
~ 04:58 PM ~
Oh, what a fuss about the pledge.
~ 11:02 AM ~
The U.S. Government loves its games.
~ 12:24 AM ~
Over two years and I have yet to call this a 'blog'. :)
This is driving me nuts.
Random Thoughts of a Girl
I spent some time and designed a new layout for the next journal (july)...added one new feature.
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Wednesday, June 26th
~ 03:28 PM ~
Warchalking? How about Hobo Signs?
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Tuesday, June 25th
~ 06:44 PM ~
New World Trade Center
~ 10:29 AM ~
I like Moby's music. I have many of his CDs, well...except "Animal Rights" (can you blame me?). All of the Moby CDs I own are actual CDs bought from a store, online or brick-and-mortar. Despite his usual helpful insight about the music industry, he makes an assumption in this article that lacks evidence. How can he be convinced that Pearl Jam or Moby or Weezer fans are more "technically advanced" than Pink or Brittney fans? Isn't that just his prejudice for pop music and their fans shining through? Finally, there is little solid evidence that online music sharing (or stealing) has had any real affect on overall record sales. Moby, sorry, I am not going to buy or burn your CD because I haven't heard anything interesting off your new CD and the same goes for that rushed demo Weezer released recently. For more info, Moby's website.
Where do I get henchmen? Oh, Villian Supply
~ 12:44 AM ~
English Server Fiction Collection
Online Books
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Monday, June 24th
~ 07:56 PM ~
Grammar & American Heritage Book of English Usage
A List Apart: Time Management, the Pickle Jar Theory
~ 12:18 PM ~
Go Brown! My interview with UPS went well. I should hear something soon.
Dubya Chronicles
Human Clock
[comment on this day's entry]
Sunday, June 23rd
~ 02:18 PM ~
I added new pics of Sami to the photos page.
Neale is off tanning and then we are going for a walk on this beautiful summer day.
~ 01:28 PM ~
We saw "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" last night and if it wasn't for the last 30 minutes it would have been one of thee worst films I have ever seen in a theatre. It could have possibly beaten out "Dr. Giggles" as the worst film I have sat through in a theater. Why I saw "Dr. Giggles" is unclear but I believe it was at least free. Anyway, I really like the original Star Wars trilogy and I have seen them recently so this isn't a distorted childhood memory at work, they were above average (not great) movies. But, Clones and Menace are really not good. I was interested in how the story develops but the writing in these films and "ready-for-console-gaming" scenes are just not good. Will I see the four remaining films? Oh, yes. But, unless something changes at Lucas Films, these movies just pale in comparison to the majority of sci-fi action films today (Matrix, LOTR, etc.)
Remember Darryl Kile
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Saturday, June 22nd
~ 02:50 PM ~
The West Side Market was well-stocked and nicely priced as usual. It is great to cut out "the middle-man" and get fresh produce in bunches.
We went to Johnny Mango's for lunch and it was good. It was my first visit and Neale's second. Today's specialty bean was monk with miso and the grain was jasmine rice. Yummy.
Food Timeline
We're taking a break from the heat and probably venturing to see a movie later. I believe Neale chose "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones". I would prefer "Insomnia" since I have Chris Nolan's first film ("Following") waiting next to the VCR.
~ 12:11 AM ~
They're overused in some forums, maybe underused in most email but emoticons are handy. Eod.
Kelly Blue Book
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Friday, June 21st
~ 09:19 PM ~
Tomorrow we are venturing to the West Side Market for fresh fruits and veggies.
Oh what alittle rain, time, and road construction will do to travel. I picked up Neale this afternoon because her car is in the dealership. We have a stuck passenger door and it needed to be fixed. So, I picked her up this afternoon and it starts to rain which slows traffic down even further since Interstate 71 is being repaired. A trip that usually takes 40 mins. round trip took 90 mins.
Friday Five for Chris.
1. Do you live in a house, an apartment or a condo?
:: We live in a two-bedroom apartment.
2. Do you rent or own?
:: Rent. Just signed our new lease.
3. Does anyone else live with you?
:: Just us.
4. How many times have you moved in your life?
:: Neale about 7 or 8 and me about 5 or 6.
5. What are your plans for this weekend?
:: We have to do some shopping and maybe a movie.
Wired: "Public Outcry about NPR linking policy"
~ 09:22 AM ~
Summer Solstice
~ 12:05 AM ~
...teach me now what I could never learn to remember how to be to continue when I feel I really shouldn' to remember how to be to continue when I feel I really shouldn't -- "Aunt Avis" by Widespread Panic
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Thursday, June 21st
~ 01:33 PM ~
Coke or Pepsi? This or that? Either/or? Internet Explorer or Netscape? Want more alternates? Well, there is StarOficce for those that wish not to use Microsoft Office and there are alternative browsers for those that wish to use those. Give Mozilla or Opera a try.
By the way, Microsoft released more updates for Office 2000 recently. If you use it, have you updated it?
~ 11:09 AM ~ is up for auction. I'll pass as we just renewed our domain name last week.
Discards: Photos Time Forgot
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Wednesday, June 19th
~ 06:34 PM ~
I had a link to NPR below earlier today and then stumbled across this. I like NPR and I listen to it daily for news plus whatever great interviews are on "The World" or "Fresh Air". However, I find the need to acquire clearance to link to something like NPR on a personal website promoting more people to listen to their material is ridiculous. Isn't the point of the Internet to spread information? Moreover, to spread good information and not material that is in poor taste (like a large variety of stuff posted online). Fine, no more links to NPR.
Good one Starbucks. Fools.
~ 10:15 AM ~
I added Neale's San Diego trip to the photos page.
Remember Joe Buck.
Father of the Internet.
~ 12:41 AM ~
Scott Shuger
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
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Tuesday, June 18th
~ 03:18 PM ~
I updated the photos page. The Mets photos were added and there are three more home photos.
~ 12:53 PM ~
I have never had a virus or been hacked. I hope I haven't jinxed myself but I do practice safe browsing. Can this guy break into your computer? The tips helped me changed a few things to make my version of IE more secure.
Good ball.
Science is fun.
~ 12:43 AM ~
New Feature: Please send me sites you think I should know about.
I am just curious what you are looking/reading regularly online.
Here are mine:
Baseball at ESPN
Independent Media Center
And, of course, numerous blogs/journals.
Yes, Zombo makes me laugh in a odd (probably unnatural) way.
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Monday, June 17th
~ 04:23 PM ~
Looking for Deep Throat
~ 12:48 AM ~
We had a lot of fun this weekend. We enjoyed the Stan Hywet Hall Car show yesterday and Sami was great too.
Time Capsule
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Saturday, June 15th
~ 12:41 AM ~
Friday Five for Chris.
1. How often do you do laundry?
:: About 4 times a week. Whites at least once, colors twice, bedding once, and one load of towels I use to clean.
2. What's in a typical wash load?
:: Mostly towels.
3. Front or top loader? Powder or liquid detergent?
:: Top loader and we use liquid Cheer because Neale is convinced there is less fading of colors.
4. Do you use fabric softener in the rinse cycle?
:: Nope. But we do like Bounce in the dryer.
5. Dryer or clothesline?
:: Dryer but we do air dry pants, shorts, and shirts on a drying rack.
Stop, drop, and roll will not help me.
We're going to need a bigger boat. Maybe not.
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Thursday, June 13th
~ 10:42 PM ~
Neale wants satellite radio for her car in the near future but this would be the best of both worlds.
Yet another security hole in IE.
Free Tixs to TV Shows and the shows to see.
Mirror mirror.
~ 04:51 PM ~
MonoMatch and my score is 02:15. Try to beat that!
~ 11:22 AM ~
Take a one-tank trip along one of the newly designated scenic drives.
I hope you have watched movies and been suspicious about some of the effects in the majority of action films. Maybe they will address "how tires squeal on dirt roads" soon.
Dream a little dream
Featherless chickens? Now Spam
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Wednesday, June 12th
~ 08:22 PM ~
Neale is watching She's The One which is a very good film. But, the Mets are on so I will not be joining her tonight.
I finished Amercian Gods by Neil Gaiman and throughly enjoyed it. I didn't predict the ending but I was close. He is a very good storyteller and I will check out his next book or maybe one of his earlier ones soon. In the meantime, I've had a copy of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man since '97 and never got around to it. So, that is next on the list.
The rain held off and they did paint the porch railing. It looks quite nice.
~ 09:43 AM ~
I believe our porch was suppose to recieve a much needed coat of paint but it rained this morning.
The job search continues.
Ultimate Insult
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Tuesday, June 11th
~ 09:05 AM ~
I spent yesterday getting a lot done on the job search. I was able to prep materials for several prospective leads.
Our carpets are cleaned (thanks to the Polo Club) and they look much better.
"I would stand transfixed before the windows of the confectioners' shops, fascinated by the luminous sparkle of candied fruits, the cloudy lustre of jellies, the kaleidoscope inflorescence of acidulated fruitdrops--red, green, orange, violet: I coveted the colours themselves as much as the pleasure they promised me." -- Simone de Beauvoir
Tivo Community
Opera. Sex. and Other Vital Matters.
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Sunday, June 9th
~ 05:50 PM ~
The Mets were able to take 2 of 3 from the Indians. But, today was just not their day.
Enjoy an avocado
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Saturday, June 8th
~ 11:18 AM ~
All-Star Voting has begun.
American League
1st Base Jim Thome
2nd Base Rey Sanchez
Shortstop Alex Rodriguez
3rd Base Shea Hillenbrand
Catcher Jason Varitek
Magglio Ordonez
Ichrio Suzuki
Bernie Williams
National League
1st Base Todd Helton
2nd Base Robbie Alomar
Shortstop Rey "Best Hitting NL SS" Ordonez
3rd Base Edgardo Alfonzo
Catcher Mike Piazza
Bobby Abreu
Brian Giles
Barry Bonds
~ 01:33 AM ~
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Friday, June 7th
~ 05:25 PM ~
I just finished uploading photos to the home and Florida trip pages. The pictures turned out great. I rearranged the bedroom today so there will be new pictures of the bedroom soon.
Just hours away from the Mets v. Indians series. I am going to all three games and Neale is going to two. If they still allow cameras, then I will have some pictures of the game up soon too.
~ 12:32 AM ~
Tonight is the Mets v. the Indians. Hopefully, the Mets can reverse this disappointing 5 game losing streak. Ouch.
I signed up at Kelly Services once again. It will provide something while I wait for a full-time teaching position.
We signed our third lease at the Polo Club. It has been nice living here but we will probably not sign a fourth lease. I politely inquired about whom the management uses to clean the carpets and they offered us a free cleaning with the new lease. Well, it was something. So, the carpet cleaner is coming Monday and I will have move the furniture around for the cleaner.
Neale liked the new nightstand but we have to redesign our bedroom once again. We believe there are about three combinations for our bedroom set in our cozy bedroom so we are going to try the third layout.
Oh, modesty
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Thursday, June 6th
~ 10:26 AM ~
Neale's vacation is over. She went back to work today. I am heading to Kelly Services after the furniture delivery people arrive. We added the remaining nightstand to our bedroom set. When we bought the set we just ordered one nightstand and Neale always wanted the second one to balance out the set.
Moscow tunnels
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Wednesday, June 5th
~ 12:13 PM ~
Neale and I have to discuss signing another lease with the Polo Club. We have been here for two years already.
Howard Rheingold's Reboot talk
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Tuesday, June 4th
~ 07:17 PM ~
While we were at the Tampa Bay airport, Neale thought she spotted a celebrity in line at the Southwest counter. She was convinced it was Tony Little and I have to agree it was after checking out his website.
We considered seeing a movie tonight, probably "Star Wars: Episode II" but Neale had a headache so we decided to wait until another night.
Our zoo visit was good. Unfortunately, coypu (South American "woodchuck-like" creature) were off-exhibit today but all the other animals were accounted for and active. It was warm but not unbearable. We took a few photos which I will post in a week or two.
I added a few photos to the redesigned photo page.
~ 10:14 AM ~
I have a few phone calls to make then we are off to the zoo.
Are you flirting with me?
Sand in the Gears
 :: how jedi are you? ::
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Monday, June 3rd
~ 08:55 PM ~
Neale and I went for a walk, picked up our mail, and went to Giant Eagle for groceries. Then, I came back and worked on my job search for a few hours. I had a nice talk with Dr. Scott of Butler today too.
Up-vice-1? Try PhoneSpell.
Need a read? I am almost done with American Gods and looking for something else to enjoy.
~ 02:16 PM ~
The job search continues. I have a few phone calls to make this afternoon.
~ 02:45 AM ~
We went to Aladdin's Eatery for dinner. It was very good. It was only our second time, which was strange considering we loved the food during our first visit (almost 2 years ago) and the Middleburg location is only 10 minutes away. We also decided to see a movie but nothing worth seeing was starting around 9PM so maybe tomorrow.
I started the redesign of photo page this evening.
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Sunday, June 2nd
~ 06:30 PM ~
We're back from the Aeros game and it wasn't their day. They lost 9-3 to the New Haven Ravens. We had fun and ate at Mench's Resturant with friends from the board.
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Saturday, June 1st
~ 11:15 PM ~
We're back in Ohio. We had a great time. Look for new photos of our Florida trip soon.
I checked my email and Tripod notified me that I exceeded my site space limit. I quickly scanned my file manager and deleted about 10MB of material. Mostly, I deleted past images so images my not appear in older journal entries (pre-2002) and decided that the photos page needed to be reworked. So, check back in a week or so (whenever I get the Florida pics back) and I will have a new look for the photos page. I will also rework the old photos from the pages and photo albums selecting only the highlights.
Tomorrow, we are going to an Akron Aeros game.
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Tuesday, May 28th
~ 06:15 AM ~
Bon voyage. May the road rise to meet you.
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Monday, May 27th
~ 03:35 PM ~
The Mets are down by 3 but given how the last three games have gone there is still a chance.
I changed the film, journal, and calendar pages. The film page isn't quite fully how I would like it but it is improving.
~ 11:40 AM ~
We went to BW3s in Strongsville for dinner yesterday. Neale had to go into the office to clean up a few loose ends and it ended up taking longer than she thought it would Sunday. So, when she returned home it was about 7:30 and too late to walk. We gave BW3s another chance and it was much better in terms of service. The food is just okay but since we can play NTN or watch a game, it services it purpose. We caught the end of the Laker game and we thoroughly disgusted. I watched the first half and enjoyed watching the Lakers struggle. But, they play 4 quarters not 2 and the Kings could not hold off the Lakers.
Today, the Mets are on at 1 and then Neale and I are going for a walk. She has a few errands to run before we pack for Florida. I believe she is looking for a beach pad.
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Sunday, May 26th
~ 05:56 PM ~
I posted new pics of Sami. She is getting big.
I added the calendar feature.
Mets win!
~ 02:12 AM ~
I am watching Flirting with Diaster.
Things about me you may or may not know:
++ I no longer use my drip-coffee pot. I switched to the Toddy a few weeks ago that Steve and Joan gave us last fall. The coffee tastes much better and I may not go back.
++ I eat breakfast about 10 times a month. There are times where breakfast food (waffles, oatmeal, or an ometel) sounds really good but it doesn't last longer than a week.
++ I make sure to clean up the living room every night.
++ I check my email at least three times a day.
++ I write down everyting in my day planner even if it is not that important. It is just a record my life, like the journal.
++ I like going to the gym but I don't like talking to people at the gym. I try to avoid it as much as possible.
++ I now notice bad drivers more often than in the past.
++ I like watching the credits of movies.
++ I don't like eating, anything, while watching a movie in public.
++ I like doors and drawers completely closed if not being used.
++ I can't stand cluttered bedrooms.
++ I will not eat in a resturant unless I am dressed appropiately for the place.
++ Woodchucks. Like 'em.
++ I will eat in "streaks". For awhile it will be rice, beans, pasta, or tofu as the main ingredient but usually not together in the same dish. However, it is usually spicy.
++ I call dogs I don't know "Sparky".
++ I seldom read instructions but rather look at something and figure out how it works.
++ I do check the door twice before I go to bed.
++ I never like having too much in my pockets.
++ I take a multivatmin and an aspirin each day unless I am donating.
++ I dream in color.
Speaking of dreaming, I should get some sleep. Night.
~ 01:52 AM ~
Neale and I walked today after the Mets let us down. We bought a frisbee and I managed to throw the frisbee anywhere but where Neale was standing. Oops.
Rock n Roll at 50
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Saturday, May 25th
~ 09:12 AM ~

Chris and Neale's 2nd Anniversary Weekend.
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day
Other Memorial Day details and events: Brief History of Memorial Day,
2002 Memorial Day Concert, and Holmes' 1884 Memorial Day speech.
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Friday, May 24th
~ 11:55 PM ~
I made it down to Fairlawn today. The Mets played what seems like a rare afternoon game Thursday and I hadn't seen the team in a few days so I watched. They won, just like tonight.
An added plus was that Borders in Fairlawn had several copies of Gaiman's American Gods in stock. I am already 30 pages in and enjoying his storytelling.
I skated today for 32 minutes and did three miles. I am improving. I think I have done about 12 miles so far. I am trying to get Neale out this weekend.
I cleaned up the contest page last night. I believe I am done housekeeping for a while. However, I would like to find a new design for the film page by the end of summer. It is probably the largest page besides the journal. A smoother, tighter design would be better.
Case for cocktails
Staying with IE
~ 10:50 AM ~
I cleaned up the faqs pages last night.
Draft dodgers? President Atchison? Secrets of the Presidency.
Beware of scams in your inbox.
We have come a long way in our video game scripting.
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Thursday, May 23rd
~ 03:20 PM ~
Special thanks to Mom & Dad Sut and Steve & Joan for their anniversary gifts. It is much appreciated.
I am heading down to Fairlawn to pick up our travelers cheques for Florida. Why Fairlawn? I can't pass up an opportunity to get some Baja Fresh.
I cleaned up the music page this morning.
This makes even bad movies fun.
Deepest Thoughts
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Wednesday, May 22nd
~ 11:24 PM ~
This person should never be allowed near children again.
Oh my!
Will you give up meat yet?
I updated the sociology and writings pages. I removed old links, add a few new ones, and slightly changed the format.
And to think I just drink the stuff...
~ 12:11 PM ~
I heard a really good interview with Dr. Weil on NPR yesterday. Dr. Weil's site is great.
~ 11:32 AM ~
I updated the links page of our webspace. I removed some old links, added several new links, and slightly changed the format. Please browse our links, you may find something of interest.
Neale spent yesterday watching a trial and was very happy about the proceedings. This was the first trial based upon her research so she was interested in how the case is finalized.
We enjoyed the end of 24 last night. It was a well done series and will return next season.
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Tuesday, May 21st
~ 01:35 PM ~
It is so nice to be almost done with everything I have to do today and it is not 2 o' clock yet. I had a few errands to run and, of course, I am doing my job search.
~ 10:42 AM ~
Google Opens Up Google Labs
Stephen Jay Gould
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Monday, May 20th
~ 12:22 PM ~
Neale and I had a full day of skating. We started at United Skates of America in Wickcliffe and skated for about an hour. Neale did very well and didn't fall once. Then we went to the bike path near our home and skated for about a half-hour. Considering it was Neale's second time on the skates and first time skating without assistance, she did great. But, we both tired and called it a day.
We caught the finale of Survivor and The X-Files last night. Neither of us picked V but can understand why she won. I picked Kathy and Neale picked Pasqual. However, we both found The X-Files flat and lacking a climatic punch but since there is another movie coming out in 2003, once again, Chris Carter left us waiting.
Next week, Florida.
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Saturday, May 18th
~ 01:00 AM ~
I tried the BK Veggie last night and it was okay. I haven't been to BK for years (for obvious reasons) and they could use some condiments on the BK Veggie. But, I respect that BK is making the effort, which McDonalds is not.
No pizza?
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Friday, May 17th
~ 06:39 PM ~
From the fun
Friday Five
1. What shampoo do you use?
:: Finesse
2. Do you use conditioner? What kind?
:: Finesse...for normal hair.
3. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
:: About two weeks ago and I do it myself.
4. What styling products do you use?
:: None
5. What's your worst hair-related experience?
:: I cut my hair really short when Neale and I first started dating. It was almost a dealbreaker as she really didn't like it.
Odd thing to with a $20
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Thursday, May 16th
~ 10:16 AM ~
I liked "Say Anything", "The Grifters", and "Grosse Point Blank" too but Cusack for President?
Zippo Tricks
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Wednesday, May 15th
~ 06:40 PM ~
I skated for an hour today on our local bike path and didn't fall once. I am still getting the feel for how I want the skates to feel on my feet. I crossed a road twice and was able to stop without a problem. Despite the having been going to the gym regularly to walk or stairmaster and walking outside on sunny days, I can already feel my legs responding to the skating. Neale is planning to going to an indoor rink this weekend. She wants to practice more inside before braving the path.
When the Mets owned the pitching trio of Tom Seaver, John Matlack, and Jerry Koosman, they were noted for good pitching but weak hitting. At a banquet, NBC's Joe Garagiola watched a waiter place breadsticks on the table, then announced, "I see the Mets' bats have arrived!" --from ZnetSports
~ 11:27 AM ~
I have moved several times in the last 5 years. For the most part, it has been for the better. Nobody wants to live more than a year at the King Apartments in Akron and I was glad to move out of there. As a result of the frequent moves, I have had to be aware of how much 'stuff' I have when I move. So, I have donated alot of spare stuff to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. But, I have held on to the two Allen wrenches that came with my first futon. They're small and got tossed in my toolbox. After reading about inline skate maintenance last night I realized I would have to clean and lube my bearings every so often. What do you know...the two Allen wrenches were a perfect fit to remove the axles.
2000 Uses for Peanut Butter
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Tuesday, May 14th
~ 11:40 AM ~
I am finished at CSU for this semester. I handed in the final grades and gave a few exams back to students that stopped by my office. I will begin to look for a summer job soon.
My elbow is about 75%. I have been using ice and heat in steady rotation, which has helped reduce the swelling and regain flexibility.
State of the Nation from Gallup
George W. Bush Approval Rating
Most Recent Rating: 2002 May 6-9
76% Approve
19% Disapprove
"State of the Country" Satisfaction Rating
Most Recent: 2002 May 6-9
56% Satisfied
40% Dissatisfied
Economic Confidence Ratings
Most Recent: 2002 May 6-9
35% Excellent/Good
65% Only fair/Poor
Sign up for their weekly newsletter.
FHM's Top 100 Online Games
Sunday, May 12th
~ 11:46 PM ~
I am watching Midnight Express. [To the Turkish court.]
Billy Hayes: I just wish for once that you could be in my shoes, Mr. Prosecutor, and then you would know something that you don't know: mercy! That the concept of a society is based on the quality of that mercy; its sense of fair play; its sense of justice! But I guess that's like asking a bear to s*** in the toilet.
We tried the new Buffalo Wild Wings in Strongsville on Friday and were not impressed (lack of service). They're new so we give them another a month.
Neale and I are developing rollerbladers. She skated outside today for the first time and did really well with me helping her balance. However, I in a brazen show of stupidity bladed on Saturday, two hours after getting the skates, without my safety gear and seriously sprained my left elbow. I went over the wheelchair accesible ramp (there is a joke there...somewhere) on the sidewalk and fell on my left side. I have a hot/cold pack and am regaining motion. Hopefully by Tuesday I can straigthen my left arm again. But, Neale gets to take of me some since I rarely get sick or injured.
Only two weeks until two years of Chris and Neale's marriage anniversary and our trip to Florida.
Am I right?
Thursday, May 9th
~ 11:27 PM ~
A change of plans for lunch, we went to Panera. Even better news, we are getting a Panera in Strongsville about late June.
As many of you know, the last 10 months of my life have been taken up with reading just sociology (well, besides all the other stuff online) but I now have free time to read other things. With a vacation coming up, I need a new read. Please email any suggestions. Right now, I am considering "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman or "Mason & Dixon" by Thomas Pynchon (a familiar fav) or Rick Moody's new nonfiction work.
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~ 10:00 AM ~
250 NYC Students Boycott Standardized Tests
I am meeting Neale for lunch today. She has a very long election in Fairlawn this morning. So, that is a reason to meet at Baja Fresh, a place I always stop at when passing through Akron.
One of our favorite shows, CSI, is introducing its spin-off tonight, CSI: Miami with David Cursoe (NYPD Blue and average film star) and Emily Proctor (West Wing).
Wednesday, May 8th
~ 11:13 PM ~
Fisher & Sons
~ 09:00 AM ~
I have already graded my exams from yesterday. It is like typing, once you get warmed up you can fly. I have to go to campus today to deliver two make-ups this morning.
To celebrate National Salad Month, May 1 - 31 and encourage Americans to adopt healthy eating habits, The Museum of Salad opened May 1 in New York City (at the South Street Seaport, Pier 17 Building). Dole, a leading brand of salad in the U.S. has endowed the museum to launch National Salad Month. Sammy Salad, the company's mascot, cut the ribbon to open the Museum of Salad to the public. White-uniformed student chefs from the New York Restaurant School were the first "foodies" to see the exhibit. So, if you're health-conscious, or just like the way salads taste, take a journey and learn how Waldorf made the cut and find out if Caesar had anything to do with his Romaine namesake. The Museum of Salad reveres this favorite American food by exhibiting its history, celebrity, and "a-dressing":
- The roots of salad dating back 2000 years
- Celebrity salads--from Waldorf to Cobb
- How it's farmed today for mass consumption
- Build your own interactive virtual salad
Courtesy of Shagmail.
Tuesday, May 7th
~ 11:36 PM ~
No, I haven't seen Spider-Man.
Beware of McGuffins.
New favorite websites:
2. DailyRotation
3. Major Geeks
~ 07:05 AM ~
My Tuesday/Thursday class has their final this morning. I will be grading and doing final grade shortly. I also mailed out a couple of job apps yesterday.
Neale took care of Mother's Day cards duties.
Monday, May 6th
~ 11:00 AM ~
Sunday, May 5th
~ 01:00 PM ~
Feliz Cinco de Mayo
"Deterrence" (1999): "poorly cast, not believable". Like your film reviews short? Try this.
Free chocolate
Saturday, May 4th
~ 07:00 PM ~
We made Savory Shepard's Pie for dinner.
We went for a walk this afternoon. On our way out we saw the woman that has a corgi in our complex. Neale got a chance to talk about the dog with its owner.
We are watching "Deterrence" (1999) tonight and Neale will also probably beat me in Uno again.
Friday, May 3rd
~ 11:39 PM ~
Mets win. Mets win.
This looks oddly familiar..
If Tivo wants to know how much Super Market Sweep I watch just ask me.
My donation went well. However, the staff of the Parma donation center did not believe I had seen every film in their collection. So, they quizzed me on about 6 random titles. I knew them all which proves a few things, none of which are that good. Why I remember the film "Bulletproof" (yes, this one too) and can admit to having seen "Double Jeopardy" in the theatre is beyond me.
~ 09:36 AM ~
Last weekend, Debbie suggested "Deterrence" (1999) and we Tivoed (sp?) it this morning. We will be watching it tonight (probably)because Debbie is very interested in what we think of it.
I am doing apheresis again this afternoon. I hope the Parma center has gotten some new videos. I realize how many movies I have seen when out of their selection (50 or so), I have seen almost everyone...twice. Plus, I really hate to pick the movie for the donors. There are three of us donating at a time and the first donor gets to pick the video. Needless to say, my taste is movies varies from my fellow donors. I almost put a few guys to sleep with the "Horse Whisper" last time.
If it is nice this weekend, Neale and I may attempt to rollerblade. A park near us offers rentals and it would be fun for us to learn. I have been on blades once and did much better than I do on regular rollerskates. Neale says I can't bring the camera though.
It is my last regular class of the semester today.
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Thursday, May 2nd
~ 11:54 PM ~
I'm watching the Mets v. Arizona (west coast game).
Thinking about security while online? Ok, maybe not but here are some suggestions:
1. Turn off file-sharing and services/programs you are not using on your PC.
2. Patch, patch, and patch.
3. Do not open email attachments from an unknown source. Also, if you and another person regularly send attachments to each other, maybe a 'password' in the body of the email would help make sure the attached is safe.
4. Use and update your anti-virus. There are free anti-virus available if you do not want to pay for Norton or McAfee.
5. Back-up your files monthly.
6. Have a credit card designated for online shopping and only shop at secure sites.
7. Don't install software from just any site. Be weary of strange plug-ins.
8. Use spyware detection software like Ad-Aware.
9. Purge your history and cookies often.
10. Disable automatic 'dail-up' if you use a dial-up service or if you have cable or dsl, then use a firewall.
Google Zeitgeist
1. Adrian Fisher's Mazes
2. Maze Generator
3. Maze Manison
~ 10:40 PM ~
"The good times, the bad times. Life is about taking the good and the bad. It really builds character." -- Current TV commercial. Life is also about spotting the potential for a Pyrrhic victory before it is too late. Trust me.
Do you find yourself on a slippery slope? Maybe you’re attacking the person? Then, read this explanation of logical fallacies.
No Word for you? Don't like WordPerfect? Give OpenOffice a try.
~ 04:52 PM ~
I added new photos of Sami to the website. Please check out the pics. I also added the comment line to the bottom of each day's post. Please share your thoughts as well.
Columbus' Community Festival, June 28th-30th.
~ 06:51 AM ~
As I posted last week, I won an award for teaching at CSU. I was considering what to do with the cash prize that accompanied the recognition and decided to purchase DirecTV's MLB Extra Innings. Very pleased with the decision so far.
"The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. Oh people will come, Ray. People will most definitely come." -- Terrence Mann (James Earl Jones) in Field of Dreams
D'oh! but whether it continues or gets canceled it is still one of the Top 50 TV Shows of All-Time.
Yesterday was my last lecture/discussion of the semester. The class ends on the topic of social change and I incorporate various themes that have arisen throughout the semester (i.e. race, class, gender, and age). In both classes, we spent time discussing 'how the PC' has changed your life and the students were able to provide about 14 ways the PC has changed their own lives. How has the PC changed your life?
Very sad.
Watched "All The Presidents Men" for the 12th time and finally want to know who Deep Throat was?
A welcomed change
but maybe these folks could use a change too.
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Wednesday, May 1st
~ 03:00 PM ~
We watched "Field of Dreams" (1989) again last night and that is such a good movie.
Our Florida trip has changed slightly. As you may remember, this entire trip is based upon our winning of "free airfare" from Delta while at Shea last year. We had a year to use the tickets and planned on spending them on another anniversary trip (two years of martial bliss already!). But, Neale has realized that having to fly to New York to use free tickets isn't really going to work for us. Instead, we would rather fly direct and use one of Neale's free Southwest tickets. So, as of this afternoon, we are no longer using our Delta vouchers and finally making our final plans.
~ 09:00 AM ~
Celebrate the Motel
 You are an Andrew Sullivan.
You are not afraid to share your political views with everyone in candid and clear ways.
You may also be making some money... one day. Take the What Blogging Archetype Are You test at