.:: Tuesday, April 29th ::.
~ 06:31 AM ~
We watched Manor House last night. It was informative and out of the ordinary but we cannot finish the series. Hopefully, it will find its way to summer reruns when we can devote more time to it or at least Tivo it.
I will update Neale's FAQs section...better questions and an updated photo.
Please send your book suggestions....I need a new read.
Lukin : Lyrics
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.:: Monday, April 28th ::.
~ 04:41 PM ~
I decided to update my FAQs. Hopefully, I can get Neale to update her answers too. I finalized my summer syllabuses and am going to give my car a spring cleaning shortly.
Neale will be home shortly and plan on taking a walk.
"you can spend your time alone redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
--- "Present Tense" by Pearl Jam, courtesy of AZ Lyrics
~ 09:02 AM ~
It is a beautiful day here. It is my last week of regular classes. Today, we are discussing the role of Information Technology and the Third World at CSU. It is a new lecture/discussion for me but it is part of the special topics I built into the course. Last Friday, we discussed green consumerism.
Neale and I did a nice ride at sunset last night and used our Cooker coupon. “Six Feet Under” was especially good last night and only a few episodes remain.
Globalization, IT, and Conflict
Falling Through the Net
Pew Internet & American Life Project
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.:: Sunday, April 27th ::.
~ 09:50 AM ~
I finished The Eyre Affair and throughly enjoyed it. I can't wait until the next book comes out in paperback. Jasperfforde.com : Homepage will keep me satisfied for now.
Bahianese le mix is nice and fun.
Neale and I did a quick trip on the bikepath yesterday.
20th WCP: Ressentiment and Rationality
HateFilter - Stop Hate Front Page
STOP THE HATE! -- Fighting Bias & Hate Crimes on Campus
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.:: Thursday, April 24th ::.
~ 04:09 PM ~
 Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?
What Monty Python Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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.:: Wednesday, April 23rd ::.
~ 11:09 PM ~
Southern trees
Bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves
And blood at the roots
Black bodies
Swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hangin'
From the poplar trees
Pastoral scene
Of the gallant south
Them big bulging eyes
And the twisted mouth
Scent of magnolia
Clean and fresh
Then the sudden smell
Of burnin' flesh
Here is a fruit
For the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather
For the wind to suck
For the sun to rot
For the leaves to drop
Here is
Strange and bitter crop
--- "Strange Fruit" by Nina Simone
Jazz legend Simone dies
Women of Our Time
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.:: Sunday, April 20th ::.
~ 08:19 AM ~
We tried to sell our skates yesterday but Play It Again was not taking skates yet. They said to try again in a month and we will. We browsed their racket selection and saw a few possibilities. But, we wanted to try Dick's before making a purchase and there was one right across the street. Dick's had a good selection and some prices were cheaper than Play It Again. So, we found some rackets to our liking and made our purchases. I am confident that we will make our money back when we finally sell the skates.
Our first trip to the court was good. Both of us were rusty and Neale spotted quickly that my backhand was a weakness. For a first trip, it was good. There were a few decent volleys but Neale took the first few games.
We are going to brunch and then to the bike path. It is a beautiful day. Happy Easter everyone, have a great day.
We watched "One Hour Photo" last night and I watched "The Ring" after Neale went to bed. Check out the Film section for details.
Google News
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.:: Friday, April 18th ::.
~ 02:12 PM ~
We went to the dentist yesterday and it was a much-welcomed visit. Since coffee, tea, and red wine are personal favorites of mine, I had some stains on my teeth. I decided to due something about it and purchased some new toothpaste as well as some Colgate Simply White. I will post some objective results soon as I just started the treatment today.
We are going to Easter Brunch again this year.
Since we love our bikes and do not use our rollerblades, we are reselling them to Play It Again Sports. The skates were fun albeit dangerous. They were purchased before the bikes and the bikes are much more fun. We are hoping to put any money made from the skates towards some tennis racquets. Neale and I have a bet to decide on the court. Place your bets as she has not seen my baseline moves.
Labor Department Proposes Revamp Of Overtime Pay Rules
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.:: Tuesday, April 15th ::.
~ 06:36 AM ~
We went for a ride yesterday evening. It was nice and just a quick up & down the bike path.
I got a lot done yesterday afternoon. I made several exams and study guides for the upcoming finals week. I had to wait on some of the exams because they covered student presentations, which just ended for the CSU and my Race class just started their presentations yesterday. However, the Race class is much smaller and will wrap up soon.
A Tale of Two Photos
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.:: Monday, April 14th ::.
~ 04:18 PM ~
 Which OS are You?
Hacks: Industrial-Strength Tips and Tricks
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.:: Saturday, April 12th ::.
~ 11:32 PM ~
Well you gassed her up
Behind the wheel
With your arm around your sweet one
In your Oldsmobile
Barrelin' down the boulevard
You're looking for the heart of Saturday night
And you got paid on Friday
And your pockets are jinglin'
And you see the lights
You get all tinglin' cause you're cruisin' with a 6
And you're looking for the heart of Saturday night
Then you comb your hair
Shave your face
Tryin' to wipe out ev'ry trace
All the other days
In the week you know that this'll be the Saturday
You're reachin' your peak
Stoppin' on the red
You're goin' on the green
'Cause tonight'll be like nothin'
You've ever seen
And you're barrelin' down the boulevard
Lookin' for the heart of Saturday night
---from (Looking for) The Heart of Saturday Night by Tom Waits
~ 10:49 AM ~
It is a sunny day and we are heading to the bike path. I haven't been out on the bike in over a week due to the weather. Tomorrow, we are heading the towpath.
Pentagon Defends Use of Civilian Clothes
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.:: Wednesday, April 9th ::.
~ 04:00 PM ~
It was a good morning but it came at alot of hussle behind the scenes. Making sure presentations go as smoothly as possible can be difficult when technology fails. Despite my concern and warnings about having a backup plan if the technology does not cooperate, I had to postpone one presentation. In all, the presentations have been quite good and very informative.
Media Workers Against the War
Common Dreams
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.:: Tuesday, April 8th ::.
~ 06:49 PM ~
It managed to be foggy all day. Not uplifting.
This Day In History
The Reason Why
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.:: Monday, April 7th ::.
~ 01:54 PM ~
It is a cold and rainy day. The Indians canceled their home opener. I have some grading to do but I am caught on things. Tomorrow, I am doing a "Religious Jeopardy" in my Intro. classes. I believe it will help make the chapter more interesting and give the students another way to relate to the material. Besides, the text spends most of the chapter discussing the demographics of the world religions. In the past, I have mostly focused class discussion on religion and society through various issues like separation of church and state or the creation v. evolution debates. It is fun to try something new.
After a couple of days of using this new app, I highly recommend the Pop-Up Stopper Cleaning Companion. I have been using the free version of Pop-Up Stopper for some time but this handy addition to it is great.
My Favorite Utilities
1. Pop-Up Stopper
2. SpyBot
3. WinZip
4. MS PowerToys
5. Belarc
6. Irfanview
7. Adobe Acrobat Reader
8. Norton Anti-Virus
9. X-Setup
10. IEBooster v1.5
Flame Warriors
Rethinking Schools: Just For Fun Map Game
Supreme Court Upholds Cross Burning Ban
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.:: Sunday, April 6th ::.
~ 12:25 PM ~
Did you spring ahead?
I installed DirectX 9.0a and started getting an error message. I was not happy. I had been running DirectX 9 and it was fine. I realized that DirectX is notorious for not being able to install a previous version if you want to roll back (like a video driver). So, I considered trying a freeware uninstaller or using my XP System Restore function. I could not find a uninstaller for DirectX 9.0a since it was new (March 24th release). I decided to try the System Restore and went back two days to a restore point. Very easy to do and it will be something I consider in the future (of course, I will make a restore point next time and not just rely on XP to do that for me).
Neale mentions a "St. Paul Sandwich" on occasion and I always wondered what it was and now I know.
Software Patch
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.:: Saturday, April 5th ::.
~ 12:25 PM ~
I called Tim's Cycle in Middleburg Heights and they offered to give me a better deal than Eddy's in replacing my shifter. I have no immediate plans to do so but Tim's mechanic was very helpful and if they had any Treks in stock when we were shopping, I would have gone there. It is a very friendly and knowledgeable staff.
Space Odyssey sounds like a handy utility but there is no XP version.
Despite its allusions to chaos theory and the unique chain of events that result from our actions, the government has decided to pull its recent ad campaign on drugs. So now, I have to pay my taxes because I was refusing since that money may go to buy some more bombs that could affect civilians.
Museum of Hoaxes
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.:: Friday, April 4th ::.
~ 02:19 PM ~
It is cold and rainy here. Not the kind of day to go for a ride. On Wednesday, I eclipsed 400 miles. However, the plastic cover to my left gear shifter disappeared. So, I am in the process of tracking one of those down. In the meantime, I will have to develop something to keep moisture out of the shifter. I have a plan with some plastic wrap in mind. Not the best but it will do for now. It is the kind of day to dust off my copies of Green River and old Soundgarden though....still ultramega ok.
"She looked at me with dignity, said..."Baby there's one thing you've gotta see...Even though we're headed for war...this nation's prouder than ever before...Yes, there's a sprit in the air...We're more American than anywhere."...Well, I just smiled 'cause I could tell...This little girl's going to hell" -- Green River "Swallow My Pride"
Urban Dictionary
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.:: Wednesday, April 2nd ::.
~ 01:02 PM ~
It is a beautiful day and I will be going for a ride shortly.
At CSU, my class is working through the presentations. Every group is making a genuine effort but there are various levels of success so far. However, I believe they are learning something about the topics and will be better presenters in their careers.
Digital Consumer
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.:: Monday, March 31st ::.
~ 02:08 PM ~
Let's Go Mets
Museum of Unworkable Devices
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.:: Saturday, March 29th ::.
~ 09:11 AM ~
I am watching MST3K and this episode is "Bat People".
Pentagon Papers
IWW Songs
People's Songs
~ 12:41 AM ~
(villa elaine)
"Here they come, here they come,
here they come and they might as well.
Too many birds in my confusion now.
Now they'll circle over this house 'till we
take them in..."
You show me a sign
to rise up from the world we know
and she's strung out on life.
He soon rolls his teeth.
Spilling out from a mouth fit to overflow back into me...
She moves and it's fire
(fire underwater),
speaks of its flame
(she speaks my name).
Well they all really want you,
if only you that wanted them.
Lights move in the chalk lines,
chains that define who I am...
Here we are again.
(how could I have seen?)
Always she's driving
(how could I have known?)
right through the strangest calling
(I should have known).
straight through the sound,
(gramarye, I've found),
see how she's driving me... down.
Straight from the sound.
She's seen as a bright sun to anyone...
hollow and mined
with the weight of the world
trailing out till the
last train discovers me
alive on Vine.
Repeat chorus:
I used to see something in the idea,
but only once did my hands reach
anything beautiful.
Now she's turned away...
and I... ooooooh I....
Repeat chorus
Remy Zero
~ 12:15 AM ~
Butler lost.
The trek from Lock 39 to the Indian Mounds event will be referred to as The Woodchuck Run (no allusions to Cannonball Run, however the Gumball Rally allusions are welcomed).
"...but it's Saturday night and I'm lying alone
In the bed that I made, disconnected the phone
Still they never called you
No they never call you
No they never call, never call, never bloody ever call..."
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.:: Friday, March 28th ::.
~ 01:32 PM ~
Butler is playing the Sooners tonight. I smell an upset. Go Bulldogs!
~ 09:28 AM ~
"...Light the candle
Put the lock upon the door
You have sent the maid home early
Like a thousand times before
Like the castle in its corner
In a medieval game
I foresee terrible trouble
And I stay here just the same"
The Onion: War on Iraq
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Thursday, March 27th ::.
~ 09:32 PM ~
I am proud to announce that during the summer there will a special event. On a yet to be disclosed date, I will be biking from Lock 39 to the Indian Mounds on the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath. It is a total of 19.5 miles and I am seeking sponsorship. Please feel free to contact me.
~ 08:53 PM ~
Neale is seeing Chicago. I am not one for musicals...well, besides Rocky Horror. But, that is a different story and not for tonight. I went for a ride tonight. I did a quick 15 miles from our home to the bike path.
In class today, we discussed politics and the war. Anyone who thinks younger members of society are not informed is wrong. We had a very good class discussion on reasons to go to war and reasons we should not.
Georgia O'Keefe
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.:: Tuesday, March 25th ::.
~ 06:17 AM ~
Our bikes are ready. They called yesterday afternoon. I will stop by tonight after Neale gets home. Of course, I will have to stop at Baja Fresh. We walked outside last night as the weather was much better than we expected.
24 is back.
Medium Gets Its War
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.:: Sunday, March 23rd ::.
~ 12:20 PM ~
We dropped our bikes off at Eddy's Bike Shop yesterday. We bought them from Eddy's and they agree to check on the bikes as long as we own them. The tune-up will take a few days as it is a busy time of the year from them. Next year, providing that we are still in Cleveland, we will drop them off earlier. However, since the weather turned chilly, we were not going to use them this weekend. The best thing about the tune-up is Eddy's in Fairlawn is next to my favorite burrito place, Baja Fresh, so we had to stop in for dinner. We also stopped by Bed, Bath, and Beyond to browse and we found a great deal on an actual Calphalon pasta/steamer pot. They were having a sale and we needed a new pasta/steamer pot as our previous one wasn't designed for extended use.
Cyberjournalist Blog
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.:: Thursday, March 20th ::.
~ 09:49 PM ~
I donated today. There is a new system available to gather plateletts, red blood cells, and plamsa. I may give that a try. I split tonight, which after 100 minutes of donating they were able to get two samples instead of the usual one.
Iraq Body Count
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.:: Wednesday, March 19th ::.
~ 06:29 AM ~
Chris' picks:
Best Picture: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Best Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Best Actor in a Leading Role: Michael Caine for The Quiet American
Best Actress in a Leading Role: Nicole Kidman for The Hours
Best Actoress in a Supporting Role: Kathy Bates for About Schmidt
Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Christopher Walken for Catch Me If You Can
Best Animated Feature: Ice Age - Chris Wedge
Screenplay Written for the Screen: Y tu mamá también - Alfonso Cuarón, Carlos Cuarón
Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published: Adaptation - Charlie Kaufman, Donald Kaufman
Best Cinematography: Gangs of New York - Michael Ballhaus
Best Music, Song: Gangs of New York - Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen Jr. (For the song "The Hands That Built America")
Best Costume Design: Chicago - Colleen Atwood
US Department of Laughs
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.:: Tuesday, March 18th ::.
~ 05:33 PM ~
Neale and I went out to the bike trail Sunday and Saturday. Neale did only a few miles but I was able to get in a swift 13 on Sunday. There were many people out, walkers, bikers, and skaters despite the remnants of snow on a warm sunny day.
Tired of peeping-Tom TV? Is it causing MVVD? Find out at Word Spy
Five Random Questions for Chris...Courtesy of Google
1. Which of the following CANNOT be the lengths of the sides of a triangle? A. 1, 1, 1;
B. 1, 2, 4; C. 1, 75, 75; D. 2, 3, 4; E. 5, 6, 8; Courtesy of SAT QOTD
:: B
2. In which 1995 film did Michelle Pfeiffer play an ex-marine teaching problematic students at a tough Los Angeles school? Courtesy of Trivia Cafe
:: Dangerous Minds
3. Sarandon To Present Oscar, But Will She Protest? Courtesy of The New Orleans Channel
:: Nope, the film industry wants business to remain good despite the war and having its employees make political statements (pro or con) on its night is not good for business. Save it for the rally.
4. Is it really possible to travel through time? Courtesy of Chopra
::Yes, but only forward.
5. Where is the No-name, No-fame bursa located?
A) Knee; B) Shoulder; C) Coccyx. Courtesy of Medical Questions
:: Coccyx
Results: 4 out of 5. Number 5 was A (knee) not C (coccyx).
They Rule
Internet 4 Classrooms
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.:: Sunday, March 16th ::.
~ 11:28 AM ~
Yesterday we spent our time well. We ventured over to Costco to stock up on a few essentials. We decided that we no longer wanted to spend our money at Sam's due to a couple of reasons. At Costco, there were several really good deals such as 6 28oz. cans of crushed tomatoes for $6 whereas it would cost $2.99 for one can at the local supermarket. Another reason to venture to Costco was its location. We are moving in July from Strongsville to Westlake and on our return home we were able to visit several possible properties to see what the grounds looked like. We were also able to see if satellite dishes were allowed and how they were installed. It seems that our current complex seems to have a problem with residents installing dishes to the decks whereas the ones we visited yesterday do not. ApartmentGuide.com has been very helpful with the planning of the move as we are looking for bigger at about the same cost and some newer features in the decor. Also, it will place both of us closer to our jobs and cut some travel time off the morning commutes. Westlake is also out of the major snow belt and gets very little snow compared to the east side and the secondary snow belt of Strongsville.
It is 60 degrees and slightly overcast. We are dusting off the bikes and heading to the trail in a few hours.
National Parks
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.:: Thursday, March 13th ::.
~ 11:00 AM ~
Since I am home this week on Spring Break, I get to field a few more telemarketing calls than usual. Yesterday, a MBNA call wanted me to buy a credit protection plan to protect my credit in case I die or become immobile. When I intially said "no thanks", the bar was raised. The salesperson wanted me to remember that the war could be a risk to my credit and that the extra protection was necessary in these uncertain times. I'm not sure what section of the population their targeting but I guess it is the paranoid customers that take a break from duct taping their homes to answer the phone. Enough already. However, there is relief coming as the "Do Not Call" legislation is law and will be up by the summer.
This is not necessary.
I am about 75% done with grading and have 4 days to go.
Opening Day is coming!
I like my freedom fries with freedom mayo
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Wednesday, March 12th ::.
~ 02:09 AM ~
In response to people renaming "french fries" freedom fries and "french toast" battered toast. I think they should really make a statement (?!?!) by ignoring some of these French inventions and discoveries:
+ the aqualung
+ aneroid barometer
+ storage and dry batteries
+ bicycles
+ braille
+ hot air ballons
+ interchangeable parts
+ meteric system
+ pasteurized milk
+ pencils
+ parachutes
+ rayon
+ sewing machines
+ crepes
+ Etch-A-Sketches
+ internal combustion engines
+ movie cameras
+ surgical instruments
+ margarine
+ mayo
+ autos
+ interactive computer networks
+ the WWW
+ helicopters
+ motherboards
+ 40-50% of the American vocabulary
assez? Pensé ainsi.
Babel Fish
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.:: Monday, March 10th ::.
~ 12:09 PM ~
I slept in this morning. I usually get up at 5:45 but today I was in bed until 11...ah, a nice change. I have some grading to do each day of Spring Break and I have accomplished a lot in just a few days.
What was the mascot of Sugar Crisps? How about Sugar Smacks? TV Acres can help.
We are taking a drive to check out some possible apartment complexes next Saturday. We are also going to visit Costco since we are no longer interested in shopping at Sam's.
I was inspired by Emeril and made an apple crisp yesterday. Please see the recipe page for the ingredients.
Some Evidence on Irag Called Fake
Interent Speed Record Smashed
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.:: Sunday, March 9th ::.
~ 10:03 AM ~
Dear Surreal Gourmet,
I'm hosting an obligatory dinner party for three of my co-workers and their spouses this Friday, and I already know it's going to be boring. Please help me.
--Sometimes you've just got to break the rules.
--Start dinner with Tequila shooters.
--Cover the table with penny candy.
--Put a disposable camera in the middle of the table ... or better yet, a Polaroid camera.
--Light the entire table with a single candle.
--Play Pat Boone's new metal album and see if anybody gets the joke.
--Serve dinner Middle Eastern-style -- sans silverware.
--Blow up a photo of your boss (assuming he or she is not attending) and play pin the tail on the donkey.
--Pray for a snowstorm.
From Taste Talk
Red Meat
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Saturday, March 8th ::.
~ 11:15 AM ~
Neale has errands to do and I have a stack of exams to grade today. This evening we are going to Dolores and Joe's home for a small dinner party. It will only be a few couples celebrating the upcoming birth of a coworker's child.
We watched "Road to Perdition" last night. Neale was more impressed than I was with the film. She saw it last summer but this was my first viewing. Check the film page for details.
We tried the new treadmills at our complex's gym. They are very nice. However, the crunch board is gone so I will be doing sit-ups before heading over.
Although there is a new version of High Heat coming out, I am not drawn to it. I like the game play and the stat engine is excellent but the graphics are tired. I read some interesting things about MVP Baseball and if it holds up statistically, I maybe putting some cash towards it. MVP is EA Sports' new baseball sim and the much maligned Triple Play is no longer. Rest in peace Triple Play.
Our Amazon Wish List
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.:: Friday, March 7th ::.
~ 12:36 AM ~
Yes, I'm up late.
In health news, our apartment complex decided to improve their exercise room. We now have two elliptical machines, two treadmills, a new bike, a Stairmaster (not new), and a new weight center. It was a much needed change. As the weather is terrible and my Bally's membership expired last August, we have both been using the gym in the evening. However, the previous treadmill had been broken for months and we only had one to use, which caused some conflict among the residents. The new stuff is welcomed! We still can't wait until spring to get back to the bike trails.
An actual good description of my job. By the way, those earnings are full-time numbers...oh, I dream of full-time.
Ponder This
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Tuesday, March 4th ::.
~ 04:27 PM ~
I got three classes lined up for the fall at LCCC. I am pleased. Hopefully, there are more developments soon.
Yes, there is another.... Professor Performance.com but I am not listed. It doesn't seem as popular as Rate My Professors.com.
~ 06:19 AM ~
I have been catching TechTV's Call for Help recently and I tried another piece of shareware/freeware that they recommended. The software is Spybot and it attacks spyware. However, it also helps protect info logged on your PC that could be detected by a keylogger and provides many other useful privacy functions. I have been a supporter of Ad-Aware for many months and it is still useful but Spybot is very impressive. A piece of software that fell out of my weekly rotation was the Big Fix and its purpose was to notify me of Windows Updates. Yet, after the upgrade to SP1, it failed to notify me of anything which made me suscipious so I checked and Windows was releasing critical updates. So, the Big Fix got the big uninstall. It may still work with your system but it gave me problems once I switched to XP SP1.
There is a local weather concern that a new snow record will be set this winter. The current record is 101 inches set in 1995-96. We are currently at 85 inches I believe. Also, we may have a new low temp, which is lower than 2 degrees. The record low was set back in the 1940s. I'm surprised the record low is not below 0. I seem to remember some lower than zero temps when I was younger. With another storm approaching tonight after midnight, there could be records set.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Monday, March 3rd ::.
~ 04:09 PM ~
I received my review of last Monday's class and I was very happy. The professor had many positive observations to share and was impressed with our class. Given recent events, this memo was very encouraging and much needed. I will pass along a note of thanks and remember that despite the present setbacks, things do change...hopefully for the better.
One of Neale's friends and coworker is having his last day as a federal employee today. She says he will be missed around the office.
Single Man's Guide to TV Dinners
Leo Laporte's Leoville
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Sunday, March 2nd ::.
~ 10:16 AM ~
We're closing in on 10,000 visitors. Thank you all.
Das Blimp
Myers-Briggs Personality Test
Useless Movie Quotes
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