.:: Thursday, August 29th ::.
~ 02:23 PM ~
Since we switched to XP, we were using MSN Explorer to connect to the Internet. When I was setting up the connection, it defaulted to the explorer so I used it. However, we were getting a 28.2 kps connection through our modem. Previously, under 98, the average connection was around 44.4 kps. I decided to go back to the direct dial-up option which took a day or two set-up because I didn't exactly remember our MSN sign-in & password. Well, it turned out to be a simple matter of including our domain during the sign-in. So, we are back to a dial-up and clocking in around 45.2 kps, which still isn't the speediest. Until, we switch to DSL or cable I want the best performance from our humble dial-up connection and I think I got it. But, I am reading this from Tweak3D and TechSpot.
Heart attacks harder for women
No strike please
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Monday, August 26th ::.
~ 07:11 AM ~
Classes at CSU start this morning. Summer is over for me. I have already been teaching at Lorain for a week so I am warmed up. Today's goal: discuss the syllabus and take attendance.
I didn't watch the championship game because Neale rented "Lord of the Rings" but congratulations to Louisville in the LLWS. They were a fun team to watch. It was refreshing to see that much enthusiasm on the diamond.
Deviant Art
GUI Stuff
Velocity Art
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Sunday, August 25th ::.
~ 07:53 AM ~
We had a great time at Cedar Point with Dolores and Maureen. It rained on our way there but it passed and the weather cooperated. We rode 5 coasters (Gemini, MF, Magnum, Raptor, & Meanstreak) and saved the Milliennum Force for last. It was the longest wait (1hr. 20 mins.) but worth it as always.
If you haven't seen Good Eats, check out the Food Network's Good Eats marathon on Sept. 1st.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Friday, August 23rd ::.
~ 08:51 AM ~
Our Cedar Point plans are on hold. Weather.com states the obvious that it is lightly raining and shows t-storms moving in. We are planning for tomorrow morning.
The Friday Five...courtsey of Smattering.org
1. What is your current occupation? Is this what you chose to be doing at this point in your life? Why or why not?
:: I am a teacher, or a part-time sociology instructor. I currently have two part-time teaching jobs and am looking for a full-time position. It is my choice to be doing this right now. I feel I am making a difference when I am teaching and it helps bring out the best in me.
2. If time/talent/money were no object, what would your dream occupation be?
:: Well, I would gladly be a major league baseball player because it is a game. But, I would really prefer to teach full-time for a school that is focused on providing the best for its students.
3. What did/do your parents do for a living? Has this had any influence on your career choices?
:: My father worked for Caterpillar and my mom worked in an elementary school as a cook. They wanted the best for me and I have done my best to make them proud.
4. Have you ever had to choose between having a career and having a family?
:: No, Neale and I have an understanding that we are both happiest when pursuing our career goals and that makes our own family/personal life the happiest.
5. In your opinion, what is the easiest job in the world? What is the hardest? Why?
:: Easiest job would be one that a person loves to do because it isn't really work at that point. The hardest would be one that crushes the soul under routine and formality because it brings the worker no satisfaction.
I used GeForce tweaker up until a few weeks ago but it is not supporting the lastest Nvidia drivers (yet, I hope), so I have switched to NVmax and my card's performance has improved.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Thursday, August 22nd ::.
~ 12:44 PM ~
My class at LCCC is going well. I only get to teach one class there but I am ready for more. Still looking...
I downloaded Windows XP's Power Tools today. It is nice to have TweakUI back. There have been other version of TweakUI for other versions of Windows and it helps change various settings in Windows that can be very helpful. For example, getting rid of those shortcut arrows on icons and improvements to using the mouse.
While at LCCC I checked my email and the PC I get to use in running Windows 95 with Netscape Communicator 4.9. If you are using that version of Netscape, I can bet you’re not seeing this right now. The formatting I use on these pages is not supported by that version. However, those users can see the main and intro pages I bet. So, hopefully, those users notice my disclaimer and they upgrade so they get to view the pages.
My classes at CSU start Monday.
We are going to Cedar Point tomorrow.
Kmart Raid
Golden Age of Hoaxes is...today
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Wednesday, August 21st ::.
~ 10:24 AM ~
My summer is over and classes have begun. My first day at LCCC went well. There was a minor scheduling error by the college that placed two sections of Intro. in the same classroom. So, I arrived to students' standing in the hallway. I decided to find a few extra chairs and sort out the problem after the first class was over. But, even more students showed up and I was quickly teaching "in the round" as every corner was full. While explaining the situation, a member of the staff appeared and he knew whom to call in the case of this event. Well, the person on the phone was told that two sections were wrongly assigned to my classroom and that those not in my section should report over to the Business bldg. across the quad. With that cleared up, I thanked the person on the phone, collected my syllabi from the other section's students, and began my class. Thankfully, it only took a few moments to clear up.
My class at LCCC is about 40 students and they appear to be a good bunch. They asked questions, responded to mine, and maintained good eye contact as a class. I am looking forward to this semester. Next week, I start back at CSU.
Today's linkage:
My Bike Trail
Segway is Ginger?
IWT Bans RIAA From Accessing Its Network
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Monday, August 19th ::.
~ 01:37 PM ~
It is actually raining here. It has been a dry summer and the last few days we have had some much-needed rain. The grass outside (the parts that are not dead) is turning a comforting color of green. Also, I really cannot remember the last time they mowed our lawn. The smell of fresh cut grass after a sweet summer rain is only a happy memory.
I am prepped for my class tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting back to it.
Neale had a great time in St. Louis this weekend. We are planning to return right after Christmas.
I can't recommend Big Fix enough. It always has helpful and timely updates before the actual owners of the software/hardware getting around to announcing the need for a fix, which could be costly if an unfriendly user exploits a "hole" in a piece of software.
The Mets have been a disappoint this summer. However, with the announcement of the strike date for August 30th, the Mets may have played their final home game of the season yesterday. It has been painful to watch but I really hope the players (aka the millionaires) can settle their differences with the owners (aka the billionaires, well mostly) without a work stoppage. Let's play ball.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Sunday, August 18th ::.
~ 12:17 PM ~
With the switch to XP Pro, I have had to seek out a few "new" programs. The programs I used to tweak my video card do not support the latest drivers and the Pop Killer is no more. I tried two (yes, 2) pop up killers in two days and one (which remain nameless because their other freeware is so good) did not work. The other wanted me to pay for it after only 1 day. But, I am using Panic Ware's software Pop Up Stopper and it is much better.
I biked only 10 miles today and did not explore any new territory. Tomorrow I will.
Classes at LCCC start Tuesday.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Friday, August 16th ::.
~ 10:12 PM ~
Yeah, it goes away
All of this and more of nothing in my life
No color clay
Individuality not safe
As of now I bet you got me wrong
So unsure you run from something strong
I can't let go
Threadbare tapestry unwinding slow
Feel a tortured brain
Show your belly like you want me to
As of now I bet you got me wrong
So unsure you run from something strong
I haven't felt like this in so long
Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
That don't last forever
Something's gotta turn out right
You sugar taste
Sweetness doesn't often touch my face
Stay if you please
You may not be here when I leave
As of now I bet you got me wrong
So unsure we reach for something strong
I haven't felt like this in so long
Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
Strong, I haven't felt like this in so long
Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
That don't last forever
Something's gotta turn out right
--- "Got Me Wrong" from Alice In Chains' Sap
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Wednesday, August 14th ::.
~ 11:20 AM ~
It has been awhile since at entry and there are a few reasons for the delay. First, I was working at my temporary job (which has ended) and not making the time to update the journal. Second, I was waiting for news about the full-time teaching position I was up for this fall. Well, I did not get that position. Third, our PC crashed. Therefore, I had to put out a few fires, so to speak.
Well, despite all that activity, I have good news. First, I ended my temporary job because I was very upset by the news I did not receive the position I was pursuing for this fall. I was decided I needed to end the temporary job and get myself together. I received the news Monday morning (Aug. 12) but by the afternoon things had changed. I received a call from Lorain Community College that they were interested in offering me an adjunct teaching position. Of course, I accepted. It fit my schedule and will be a great opportunity. Therefore, I have two part-time teaching positions for this fall and will continue to look for a full-time position.
Last Friday, I received an error message concerning my Windows Explorer. After a brief call to tech support, I realized my registry was corrupted and needed to reinstall the operating system (OS). So, I had a decision: do I keep using Windows 98 or do I make the move to a new OS? I made some calls and was able to get a great deal on WinXP through Cleveland State. I installed the new OS yesterday afternoon and was up back to happy computing by the evening. WinXP recognized all of my hardware and I have been installing fixes/learning about XP since yesterday. So far, it is faster and cleaner than Win98. WinXP Office is also better and I can start prepping for the many courses I will be teaching this fall.
So, everything is good!
I realized that my intro page graphic is not loading in some browsers and I will find a replacement soon.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Monday, August 5th ::.
~ 06:57 AM ~
We had a great time this weekend with Mom & Dad Sut at Put-In-Bay. I will post photos soon. Today, they are in Dressen, Ohio visiting the Longaberger Basket Factory.
IQ Test anyone?
New main page theme soon...I promise.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Thursday, August 1st ::.
~ 06:12 AM ~
My campus visit went really well. I saw the campus, met instructors, delivered my presentation, and talked with the dean of my prospective college. I should hear their decision on the position within the next week. I am looking forward to hearing from them.
Neale and I will be traveling to Port Clinton this weekend to spend time with Mom and Dad Sut. We leave Friday and return Sunday. On our wat back, we are going to look around Sandusky because that is a prospective location if we have to move west.
I have been out on the bike path twice since Saturday and it has gone well. I saw Wallace Lake last night in Berea. I hadn't seen the lake before since we never walked that far north on the trail. Neale is planning to practice again tonight after work.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Sunday, July 28th ::.
~ 11:24 AM ~
Our first day with the bikes was good but could be better. We both got Trek 7100 Multitracks, which is their hybrid brand of bicycle. Yes, matching bikes but they both fit us well. Neale is working on getting her balance and we will try again this afternoon to improve her confidence in the saddle. I am leaving soon to gather some supplies so the bikes can be stored properly in the garage.
We didn't go to the Indians games, despite having cheap tickets. We wanted to spend sometime together and rented (finally) "A Beautiful Mind" (see film page for comments).
I will be traveling to Findlay on Tuesday for a campus visit. It should be fun and I will prep today.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Saturday, July 27th ::.
~ 12:12 AM ~
The phone interview went well. I am a finalist. They invited me for a visit on Tuesday. I will get a tour of the campus and do a mock lecture to the committee. This is great news! More soon...
We are shopping for bikes Saturday morning and going to an Indians game at night. They play the Tigers.
Friday Five from Smattering.org
1. How long have you had a weblog?
:: For about two and a half years.
2. What was your first post about?
:: The journal/blog arrived with the redesign of the site. After Neale and I were married, I launched this site and added the blog to keep everyone up-to-date on our life together.
3. How many changes (name, location, etc.) of your weblog have there been, if more than one?
:: Same blog all the time. It just changes format as I learn new skills.
4. What CMS (content management system) do you use? Do you like it or do you want to try something else?
:: I use the same Tripod filemanager. I update the code freehand.
5. Do you read people who have both a journal and a weblog? Or do you prefer to read people who have all of their writing in one central place?
:: Yes.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Friday, July 26th ::.
~ 10:08 AM ~
What's this? I am posting in the journal in the middle of the morning? Yes, it is. No, I didn't get fired from my temp job. Since I have adopted what I refer to as "the zen of office temping" (if your an office temp, be the best office temp), I think I can hold that job for awhile at a yet unamed large health care provider.
I am home because I have a job search event happening this afternoon. I have a telephone interview with a potential employer. I am excited and looking forward to doing well during the interview. I have receieved a lot of helpful information and feel prepared. Since I get to talk about what I love, I believe I will do fine. More soon...
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Thursday, July 25th ::.
~ 10:28 PM ~
We are going to an Indians game this weekend. They are playing the Tigers and we will cheer for the Tribe.
Do you have a question for the Hysterical Liberal Magic Eight Ball? My sources at the Times say yes.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Tuesday, July 23rd ::.
~ 10:28 PM ~
Neale had a great birthday. Thank you everyone who sent a card or called. We will be purchasing Neale's bike next weekend.
I have a very promising career change developing. I will post news as it develops. I really hope I have great news soon.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Sunday, July 21st ::.
~ 10:27 AM ~
I have been watching the National Geographic more.
~ 12:52 AM ~
"MIB II" was okay...nothing special. Laura Flynn Boyle needs some sort of professional help, Johnny Knoxville was less funny than usual (he disappears in the second half), Jones is going through the motions, and Smith saw dollar signs. If I could write scripts like this, I would be wealthy. But, I have a conscience. Lousy conscience.
We tried "The Cheteau" of Strongsville. As you would guess from the name, it was a pretentious wine bar. Why? Featuring only French wines for a summer tasting is foul. The rest of the world makes wine and French wine is hardly "the world" standard. It was also an EMPTY wine bar at 9:45 on a Saturday. Good luck.
Watching: "Austin Powers: TSWSM" and switched to "American Psycho". I gotta return some videotapes.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Saturday, July 20th ::.
~ 01:25 PM ~
I decided to tackle our kitchen sink problem this morning. We have a garbage disposable and it is very handy. But, it leaks. The leak creates, let's say, an "unpleasant environment" underneath the sink. I finally had enough and I believe I found a fix. Mundane, yes but a need chore for the household.
On a lighter note, Neale and I are going to see a movie tonight. I waited too long and "Insomina" is out of the theaters in the local area. So, the movie tonight will be "Men In Black II". Needless to say, my expectations are low and falls under my "something to watch" categories of films. Since Neale saw "Road to Perdition" on Wednesday with Dolores, MIB is our best (ha!) option if we want to see a movie tonight. Oh well.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Friday, July 19th ::.
~ 11:20 PM ~
Watching: Big Screen Screensavers: "Forbidden Planet"
"Dr. Edward Morbius: My evil self is at the door, and I have no power to stop it."
~ 06:17 PM ~
I have been adjusting to having a regular working day. So far, it has been fine. There are alot of very nice people at my workplace.
Day in the life:
6AM Wake up
7AM Leave for work
8AM Arrive at work
9AM to Noon...Filing, inventory, answering phones or doing packet requests
12PM Lunch
1PM to close...Filing, inventory, answering phones or doing packet requests
5PM Communte home
6PM Dinner
7PM Time with Neale
Lose some CDs
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Monday, July 15th ::.
~ 03:36 PM ~
Hired! I have a temp job. I start tomorrow. Very good news for the current situation.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Sunday, July 14th ::.
~ 11:58 PM ~
The lasagna turned out great. The cooked pasta was the best choice. Recipe here. We divided the recipe in half, subsituted the pasta, and, of course, no chicken broth.
I am giving "The Dead Zone" on USA a chance. I was also interested in "Monk" after hearing an interview on "Fresh Air". So far, on "The Dead Zone" (Unreasonable Doubt episode) we have a "12 Angry Men" redux.
Wanna Be On My Website? No, not mine, Patti's site.
~ 06:37 PM ~
We went for a walk, played frisbee, and are giving asparagus lasagna another try. We used cooked pasta instead of oven-baked this time. The pasta was too crunchy last time.
Nerd Test
Are Mac users smarter?
~ 12:08 AM ~
Last night, I stumbled upon the Independent Film Channels' "Weekend of the Living Dead" and I was happy to see "Dawn of the Dead" once again. Despite the rough production, it is a good story, sustains a great mood, and illustrates many dominant cultural themes. Right now, "Re-Animator" is on and it is probably thee best adaptation of a Lovecraft story. The third film in the Animator series is set for next year.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Saturday, July 13th ::.
~ 09:18 PM ~
Neale finally has her arrabbiata sauce right. Very tasty. Interested? Look here.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Friday, July 12th ::.
~ 01:08 AM ~
Fred Jung: "Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on." -- Blow (2001)
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Thursday, July 11th ::.
~ 03:47 PM ~
Oh, this is a great review site.
~ 01:30 AM ~
Never miss a fix, never miss a patch with the Big Fix.
Well, this is sort of accurate..
Take the
Screen Saver are you? quiz.
It's the quiz with oomph!
Created by Rachel (oomph)
and John (woobyslj)
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Wednesday, July 10th ::.
~ 02:18 PM ~
1. Fast-food or regular (sit-down) restaurant?
:: Sit down. We like dining in.
2. If or when you go to fast-food places...drive-through or walk in?
:: Walk in but carry-out.
3. Any restaurant food...eat in or take out?
:: Eat in.
4. You are at a restaurant and are too full to finish your meal. Do you leave it, or ask to have it wrapped up to go?
:: Leave it. There is hardly a lot leftover unless the resturant is serving huge portions, which most resturants we visit do not. I do like leftover pizza though. Neale does not.
5. Where does most of your food come from...restaurants or the grocery store?
:: Grocery store and market. We both like to cook. Neale has changed her habits and started cooking more.
6. Do you shop for food at a supermarket or a convenience store?
:: Supermarket. Giant Eagle...it takes a giant.
7. You have 13 items in your cart. Do you try to go through the *12 Items of Less* express line or grit your teeth and get into the regular line?
:: No. No. No. We head to the self-scan.
8. If you shop at a store that has them, do you use the regular or self-scan checkouts?
:: Love the self-scan.
9. Paper or plastic - Part One...what kind of bags do you take?
:: Plastic.
10. Paper or plastic - Part Two...which payment method do you use when buying food?
:: Plastic but not debt because there is a .25 changed for each transcation at the supermarket using the card that way. Credit there is no problem and it all comes from the same place. I know the small charge for debt may not seem like alot but it adds up. In some places and with some banks, it can be as high as $1.25 per transcation.
Courtesy of This or That
~ 01:18 AM ~
Neale picked up dinner at Aladdin's Eatery. She really likes Aladdin's house dressing and I am guessing it is a slight variation of the classic Greek dressing. So, I am going to attempt a clone. Here is my first guess:
1/2 cup of olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons of red wine vignegar
2 cloves garlic, crushed
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of dijon-style mustard
1 teaspoon of oregano and basil
1. Mix a few pulses in a food processor and then add olive oil in steady stream while continously blending.
Fan's booed at the conclusion of the All-Star game last night. Hey fans, it is an exhibition game not the ALCS. Why would Torre or Brenly want to risk another team's player in an extra inning exhibition game? It is one thing to play an exhibition game and give everyone an appearance in a great event. But, it is another matter to ask the last pitcher on a roster to throw what could be a week's worth of innings. In all, the opening events were well-done.
Interesting fact: last extra inning MLB game occurred in 1994...and we know how that season ended.
New hoaxes plus the bonus.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Tuesday, July 9th ::.
~ 10:23 AM ~
[Why he wants to play baseball.] Roy Hobbs: So then people would see me walking down the street and say, "There goes Roy Hobbs. The best there ever was in the game." -- The Natural
This looks very interesting.
~ 01:23 AM ~
According to Sugardew, I am a...

what's your inner flower?
[c] s u g a r d
e w
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Monday, July 8th ::.
~ 11:35 PM ~
Neale is feeling better. She still has a cough though. But, she is talking more and breathing easier. We went for a walk tonight during the All-Star Home Run Derby ( thanks Tivo).
I received a good letter in the mail today. No an acceptance/hired letter but one with promise. I also made the phone calls I had to make today. I am trying which is all I can do.
Scrollbar racing
Good news
~ 12:11 PM ~
Once again I had the moment where I stand in the center of our home and wonder what I haven't done that needs to be done. Today, it was cleaning the stove. At our Akron place, the stove was self-cleaning, which is a very nice feature. Luckily, the day is nice and I can have the windows open despite the claim that my oven cleaner of choice is "no fumes". I always think of Sylvia Plath when it comes to ovens and fumes which is uncomfortable. I enjoy her work.
~ 10:19 AM ~
The search continues. I have a few calls to make this afternoon.
I decided on a theme. I hope you like the new look. I have had the time to experiment recently. :(
~ 02:27 AM ~
I updated the main page layout. I had an idea of what I wanted and I achieved most of that idea. But, I feel alittle something more can be done with it. Maybe a weekly theme.
Greatest Moments at Shea
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Sunday, July 7th ::.
~ 12:06 PM ~
Learn to type.
Neale's cold is better.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Saturday, July 6th ::.
~ 10:42 AM ~
Friday Five from Smattering.org
1. Where are you right now?
:: At home in the second bedroom. I am watching the end of the women's final at Wimbledon.
2. What have you lost recently?
:: Luckily, nothing.
3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now?
:: The first CD I purchased was Frank Zappa's "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 2". I am only embrassed that it took me until 1992 to switch over to CDs.
4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen?
:: Pilot Precise V7 Fine. By the way, the window doesn't really work.
5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
:: Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Friday, July 5th ::.
~ 03:36 PM ~
The 4th was great. We had alot of fun with Dolores & Joe. Joes' beer was very good. We were close to the fireworks and it was a good display.
Neale has a touch of a cold so our inexpensive day trip to Dayton was postponed. We are planning on seeing the USAF Musuem.
Online music? Is it an Internet Debacle? I don't think so and neither does this person.
Is this why our Attorney General isn't smiling?
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Thursday, July 4th ::.
~ 05:40 PM ~
Hope you have a happy and safe 4th. Neale and I are headed to Dolores and Joes' for a cookout and fireworks. Of course, Neale needed some sparklers.
Do you have spyware lurking on your PC? Check with Ad-Aware.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Wednesday, July 3rd ::.
~ 11:07 PM ~
Neale went to Max's Deli for lemon squares and picked up dinner. They have a great menu and are veggie friendly. The lemon squares (which were yummy) are for our dinner with Dolores and Joe tomorrow.
I would like to say a deep thank you to my parents for helping with a minor auto problem I had this week. Being a jobseeker is not kind. However, I hope things will look up soon.
~ 09:00 AM ~
I went skating yesterday and I am improving. I believe it was my 9th time out. I am skating faster and smoother than before. I decided to challenge myself and attempted my first steep hill. I made it about halfway down and realized that I was going too fast. I decided to ditch and performed a "stop-drop-and-roll" (well, it seemed like it) in the grass next to the path. The landing was much better than last time, so I got up and continued without incidence.
Join the Dell sweepstakes and win some extra cash (Dude, you could....nevermind). But, I don't think Dell's sweepstakes nor Gateway's new promotional campaign is going to change my decision to purchase our next PC from Alienware or Falcon. Both offer fast systems (Area 51 & Mach V), well-designed in and out, attractive cases, on-site support, and full coverage warranties. Their systems may not be for everyone but there are more choices and better prices than Dell and Gateway available.
Recheck your filters and make sure your spam account is still working properly.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Tuesday, July 2nd ::.
~ 10:15 AM ~
jobseeker: One who seeks employment from Dictionary.com
Worst-Case Scenario
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Monday, July 1st ::.
~ 12:01 PM ~
Just who invented baseball?
The co-founder of Wham-O died this weekend. His company gave us the frisbee, hula-hoop, slip-n-slide, and slingshot. Speaking of cultural fads, who gave us the boombox?
~ 12:05 AM ~
We made aparagus lasagna last night. The recipe is from Sara Moulton's new show "Sara's Secrets" on FoodTV. It was good and we made a few changes to the recipe to cut back on the calories. However, we will want to use regular lasagna sheets than oven-ready. The oven ready got too crispy.
I am watching "Point of Origin" on HBO. Good but nothing special. Several HBO films have been very good films (61*, Gathering Storm, Conspiracy, and The Laramie Project).
I made a small change to the journal format. The links above are very helpful and I visit them almost daily.
Finally a useful telemarketer.
[comment on this day's entry]