Had a great race yesterday. Ran well. Could have pushed the last 4 blocks but soreness in my right hip was considered. From Thursday's fight class, I had sore legs, which were soaked in Epsom salts on Saturday. A good hot soak in Epsom salts always works for me. After the race, we went to First Watch for breakfast. Neale met me at the finish line. Then, we headed north to drop off Ellis to my parents. The ride was good and the weather stayed nice.
Before World Cup was enjoyed, Neale had to work on a document.
Summer One is almost over. Just finished summer two syllabus. In my college teaching career, I have witnessed the raise of online teaching and this summer was the last hard copy course schedule my school released.
Making hot dog buns as I am craving Chicago-style hot dogs. Sounds good to me.
On Friday, we had dinner with one of Neale's work friends. He is a Union lawyer and his current girlfriend joined us at Lucas Park Grill. For a Friday night and late June, we were comfortable on the outdoor dining area. Washington Ave. was busy. Many people were out and moving around. Lucas Park Grill had a Match 'meatball' dish that was saved by the ratatouille. Red zin by Four Vines was good and the dessert was shared.
Today, Neale was up before me and has started to let Ellis jump into my bed after his breakfast. He does not like that he is up and I am still in bed. He leans in and starts licking my face until I come around. We all watched the first game of the World Cup and suffered through the US game. During the 'extra time' of the US game, I called my parents since my Dad emailed about Hawaii.
After the game, Neale requested pesto as our basil plants are thriving. I made a trip that had a few unscheduled stops. I started at Global Market but they had no whole wheat penne and Walgreen's had no enzyme cleaner so a stop at Target was done. Finally, a stop at Ace for tomato cages and Friar Tuck's finished the journey. The pesto tuned out well and Neale started familiar movies as I prepped Ellis' stuff for his trip. Also, my parents package was repackaged and my project guitar body style outline was finalized.
My muscle soreness comes from a session of judo and jujitsu throws practice on Thursday. We worked some submissions as well.
Neale laughed fairly well at Jim Jefferies recorded spot.
Hiked Hawn State Park yesterday. I hiked the northern loop clockwise and stopped at the backpacking camp for the night. Since I did not start the hike until 4PM, I arrived well before dark and was able to set up without a problem. There was a heat advisory but I left hydrated and had plenty of water at camp. Hawn only has water at the trailhead and I did not need to gather water from the stream, which I could have. I was surprised to have the camp to myself. After eating (couscous, granola, and my trail mix) and making coffee (a must), I immediately examined my gear and made a list of changes to my packing list. The pack was about 37 pounds but I wish to get under 30 pounds. Last night, I had luxury items I would not take to the AT next year. So, my next overnight will be just the essentials as if I was doing the AT. It has become apparent that the Tru-Spec pants I bought last year are seriously too large. Also, being cotton their warm & hot weather use is clearly flawed. Great in the fall but retain sweat during the warmer months. Good pair of pants but probably their last hike. When I turned in for the night, the pants were not yet dry. The night was uneventful. Had a bird making calls from sunset to about 11, an faint sound of owl calls to my east, and coyote howls around 2. It sounded like only three coyotes but they were south of my tent and not really close. The biggest pests are the smallest. Since I was reading in my tent, the light attracted moths. They were not in the tent but under the fly, which created a racket. I had one fly in the tent but was able to eliminate that annoyance. On my hike in, I noticed fire rings along the trail and the large ring at my campsite. Following the advisory, I did not entertain the thought of a fire but it seems my fellow travelers are in favor of breaking the rules.
This morning I was up with dawn but stayed in the tent until around 8AM. I saw one trail runner with a dog on the connection trail. I wondered if it was their leash I found on the way in. The leash was gone when I made it to the sign to the camp. As I was making coffee a very loud guy came down the trail and he was speaking to someone I could not see. After packing up, I decided to do the rest of the northern loop to Pickle Creek and complete the loop. I could tell I was the first person on the trail that morning as the spider webs were still intact over the trail. No one was out at Pickle Creek and I did not see anyone until I was back at the car. A family showed up and the father was carrying the kid in an backpack style kid carrier. I do not know which way on the northern loop trail they were headed but I would feel comfortable on the rocks with an infant on my back. I did not slip but the pack reminded me to focus on proper footing. Pics from the trip are HERE. The one vid soon.
Neale had a good night on her own. We own a new microwave as the existing one is dying. The repair person said the problem and repair would equal the value of a new microwave. We appreciated his honest opinion and will call him again if we need his help.
Tonight, we had dinner at Lorussa's Cucina and it is now my favorite Saint Louis Italian. Great meal. Happy Father's Day to the dads.
The weather says it is clear tonight but the radar looks like it will storm.
Neale surprised me on Thursday with the conclusion of our anniversary. We spent the night at the Chase, dinner at Bar Italia, and watched Hamlet in the park. Excellent night.
My doctor recommended another week off from running so I had no fight or krav class. Also, no cardio. I kept the strength training throughout the week. Added the 100 push ups and 200 sit ups to the routine.
Weather is clear so I am heading the woods. Trekking pack is packed. 36 pounds. Short trip so I have some extras but would like to get closer to 30 pounds.
"...But what I like about 'em most is that they're real good lovers
They do it in the park, they do it in the dark
But most freaks are known for breakin' hearts..."
Trip to the doctor today. Hoping for a clean bill of health so I may resume normal activities. Rode my bike after the storms last night. Neale enjoyed the World Cup but was fatigued.
"...All right. I'll say it. 'Cause Truman was too much of a *pussy wimp* to let MacArthur go in there
and blow out those Commie bastards!..."
Despite not liking games that end in ties or draws, I have been watching many hours of World Cup soccer. The USA tying England was the best of the day. Not too worry about Slovenia or Algeria.
Neale is at the gym. The house is clean and the laundry is finished. I did not run in the Cure 5K this morning as to not derail my healing. Plus, I did not run at all in the last week. I need to train before a race in order to have good experience. Eying the Kirkwood-Webster Connection Run.
Currently, storming outside and watching the Cubs/Soxs. My parents dog, Sami, is huddled underneath the desk as she does not like storms. Ellis, our dog, does not like rain or being wet but have never minded thunder.
On the days I do not use the Soloflex, I have started the 100 push ups and 200 sit-ups routines. I tested at the top for my age but I wish to accomplish both, especially in my current state where I cannot run or jump. After the doctor on Monday, I plan to return to krav if there is no swelling. Right now the ankle looks great and the bruise that started all this is almost gone.
Having read mostly about the A.T., I started reading Pacific Crest Trail info for info on gear, food, and general trail experience. When planning my daily food intakes, I decided to add hard tack to my inventory. I will make it myself and I think the uniqueness of it will be fun. Beats saltines or water crackers.
Watching the Cardinals. Offense is taking the road trip off. Congrats to the Blackhawks! Cub fans groan as another Chicago team wins a trophy.
Got a call from the hospital lab and tried to return it. The person was unavailable or out for the day after various transfers through uninterested parties. Also, my doc called while I was in the yard with the dogs. I was given a new med in the sulfa family. So, I am unsure if I take both or quit the old med for the new? Calling back in the morning to confirm. It was my first day without a limp. When I woke up I actually forgot I had a problem for 5 minutes. Then, the dull ache returned.
I did do our walk with Neale and Ellis. It bothers me not to be active when I want to be active. I will probably miss the Cure race as my ankle is still swollen. However, the lymph bump is gone. Seeing the doc on Monday.
I found new a yoga mat as she needs one at the gym for her floor work. Also, I picked up a can of Break Free for gun cleaning.
On Sunday, we went for a hike at Hawn State Park. When I got out of bed, my left thigh was sore. I assumed it was a sore muscle from my hike on Friday. We packed and went for the hike. My leg was fine but at Panera for lunch afterwards it stiffened. At home, I noticed a swelling and a puffiness. So, we decided to go to urgent care, which is minutes away. The doctor there was stumped so he sent us to the ER. The ER examined my left leg and ran tests. They took blood and I had xrays. There is a bruise on my shin from sparing on Thursday. It was not a bad bruise and it was not sore. I iced it on Thursday and Friday. Then, I switched to heat on Saturday. The xrays were negative. There was no fracture. However, the blood test revealed an infection. I was diagnosed with cellulitis. Since we caught it early, I was given medication and sent home. If I would have waited, I could have had my first overnight in a hospital with an IV of meds. I am awaiting the blood test results and it feels better today compared to yesterday. But, I may not get to run on Sunday for the Cure. I am still working out just no cardio or aerobic exercise.
Pictures from the Hawn State Park hike last Sunday are posted. (HERE)
After my 11 mile hike yesterday, I took a day of rest and continued to check myself for ticks. I cleaned the house and Neale went to her workout. She returned with the trainer's plan for her. It was well made and answers the concerns Neale has for her body.
Since the heat was unappealing, we went to see "Iron Man 2". Decent but not as good as the first one. Worth the time. For dinner, we went to Growlers and I allowed myself blue cheese on my salad. Slight compromise.
I was happy to weigh in this morning at the weight I was when Neale met me. I still have about 15 lbs. to go.
Yesterday, I had a great night at krav working on bear hug defense and in fight, it was just three of us. My skill to improve on was to find a good medium between "concrete feet" and "bicycling". I was able to do that and had good success. However, I did land a good right hook to the body on a guy and nailed his liver. It knocked him down, which was a first. No hard feelings, part of the practice.
Today, I planned to hike Buford Mountain Conservation Area. It is near Bismark, MO and close to Elephant Rock State Park. However, the Google Map directions reference "Siren Creek Road", which is actually State Hwy U. The other name is not posted anywhere in that area and my clue was the "Buford MTN Scenic Outlook", which I passed. The actual conservation area is not marked well and you need to know what you are looking for to find it. Otherwise, it is gravel road with one small sign mentioning the area. However, that creates a perfect situation for me as no one else was there. I did find evidence of recent use, such as a Clif Bar wrapper that still smelled of the product, a half empty water bottle, and horse manure. The first 40 mins. of the hike is uphill and rocky. The elevation gain from 1040 feet to 1680 feet is a task. It levels out across the balds and the view from Bald Knob is nice. I noticed several fire rings and given a clear night it would be a great place to tent. Pictures and video from my YouTube channel is HERE. The turn back to the trail head is unmarked and is a "Y". Being a conservation area, it is natural, unmarked, and not well maintained. Many blow-downs, which require loops around and finding the trail again. With the heat, humidity, and elevation changes it is a challenging but rewarding hike.
Neale's $3 wine turned out to be a bust.
Day 4 of the fast is going well. Results are happening.
"...you think too much....first time I have been accused of that...."
This weekend is National Trails Day and we plan to support the event. The American Hiking Society is encouraging people to get to the trails. I have a hike planned for Friday and Saturday if the weather permits. First, Buford Mountain is a possibility. I have never been and the descriptions promise great views. Next, we may make it to Hawn State Park and hike the north loop. Last year, we did the south loop.
Before the storm, we were able to walk to the rec center for Neale's workout. Ellis and I continued on since the previous storm knocked the heat and humidity out of the sky in the afternoon. I was also able to mow the front lawn.
Back to krav and fight class last night, very good night at class.
Fixed our flag mount. New lag shield. Why am I the only US flag bearer in the block?
Went for a run this morning. I plan to be in top form for the Cure race. With some fire in my belly, I was able to clock a 7:15 min. mile. Energy well directed.
~ 12:01AM ~
"...All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets...."
I had a 5K yesterday. It was the 1st Annual Memorial Day 5K Run/Walk for Backstoppers. Good group, great day, and the organizers made a good effort. With groups that are new to doing 5K runs, there are some hiccups in the execution. For example, most races start with an opening ceremony, which is the playing or singing of the national anthem. We had a pretty good teenage guitar player doing Hendrix's version of the song. But, we were lacking an actual flag, which creates a bunch of people looking in different directions. I also found it odd that they chose a version inspired by heavy drug use at an event for people that seek to arrest drug users and dealers. Maybe I am being too tough on them. Overall, very good event. I ran a good race but I did not do as well as I wanted. I posted a time of 25:52, which was slow for me (official results HERE). I want to break the 25 minute mark this year. The relatively flat tracks of the Race for the Cure and Kirkwood-Webster runs should provide that opportunity.
After the race, I met Neale for brunch at Winslow's Home, which she really likes. The neighborhood is also attractive but our home search is still months away. She went shopping for shoes and I got groceries at Global Market. I almost feel guilty about how far my dollar goes at Global. Since I start juicing regularly on Tuesday, I purchased several pounds of vegetables and for very little cost.
Since the fast starts soon, I was abstaining from alcohol tonight. Neale took full advantage of my designated driver status. She may have regrets in the morning....or early afternoon. Great time seeing everybody and getting people out that normally do not visit Alton bars including myself.
After taking our nephews to a birthday breakfast, Neale had an appointment with her trainer and I picked up my race packet at Big River Running Company. It is a small shop on non major street. It took me longer than expected. Then, I went to Home Depot, Ace, and Value Flowers for yard materials. Mulch was spread, weeds killed, flowers planted, and vegetables potted. I used my rain barrel for water and it is still plenty full.
Kelly and Sara picked up Chloe at 5. They were generous were our gifts but we did save them a substantial amount of cash and Chloe was not stressed. The dog hostel continues as Sami visits on Monday.
I was hungry for pizza so we ordered out from Dewey's and also picked up salads.
I have a 5K tomorrow.
~ 12:49AM ~
"...lose your pork chop..."
After playing with the dogs, I went for a hike at the Chubb Trail. Down to the river and back. Very few people out.
Neale and I went to Schlafly for drinks and music. Then, we had a snack at the Mayan Cafe. On a tug boat. It was quite dead. At home, we sat on the porch and listened to music. Neale cannot stand when the KDHX DJs talk....for 20 mins.
Our anniversary dinner was great. Neale cooked for me and we used our dining room table for dinner for two. As the living/dining room only sees action during parties and holidays, using it on a weekday was a good change. Plus, we ate together at home, which is rare given our schedules.
I have to pick up my race packet today at Big River Running Company. After that, I am considering a hike.
Currently, I am actually watching "Twilight". I have to admit it is not terrible. But, I think by high school in the late 80s I could spot a vampire better than this girl.
Neale was able to make it home at a reasonable time today. She has been working hard on a case.
The first draft of my AT hike is finished. Currently, 1012.8 miles in 58 days. I have a few zero days (no hiking & rest) and I will hit a few major spots on the AT. For example, a day in Damascus, VA, Jerry's Cabin, and the ATC HQ in Harper's Ferry. There is one night scheduled for a motel but no hostels as I plan to camp or stay at a shelter.
I was able to mow the front and backyard before the rain. With our weekend trips and the wet weather, the grass has been wild, which makes mowing with a reel mower tough. I am attempting to get back to my usual twice a week schedule for spring. After mowing, I made dinner. Neale requested a change from her usual chicken dishes so I made a vegetarian biryani that we could both enjoy. I used the last of my aged basmati rice. I hope to find more as it makes great fluffy rice for Indian dishes. Hint: toast the rice before adding boiling water.
I almost topped 500 miles on one tank of gas in my Prius. 51.1 mpg was the final average. The refill was 10.3 gallons so I had .4 of a tank left.
Summer classes have started. The traditional class is small but it is a good group. The online classes are developing but after the bios of the students there should be a good mix of experience.
After a week off, I am back to Krav and fight class. I took the week at the end of the semester to heal and relax.
Neale is very upset about U2 canceling their 2010 tour. She was going to see the Chicago show with a friend.
I have a 5K scheduled for this weekend. It will be the second of the season. I was able to do a 7:45 minute mile yesterday at the track. Running again tomorrow. The Kirkwood-Webster YMCA Connection Run will number four of the season after the Race for the Cure.
I feel like doing another juice fast in June like I did last year. Starting next Tuesday I will back to a liquid vegetable diet. Smoothies and juice.
Despite a gray and rainy day in Saint Louis, the Cardinals were able to play baseball. When I was buying my second Schlafy, I was asked for ID. Despite having a window ID wallet, I still have to remove my ID. The guy asked if I was related to David Sutcliff, which was a friend of his. Of course, the answer was 'no'. Given the 12:40 start time, it was an older crowd. Also, it was not a sellout attendance with the rain threating the game. In a permanent mist, the Cardinals won. For the first 5 innings I roamed the stadium. I had a seat but as the bleachers were wet I felt like standing. A Cardinals photographer took my photo and later I took a photo of guy with his Dad. Well played game.
~ 12:20 AM ~
"...what the hey?..."
After a day of doing nothing productive, I went to graduation at LC. Great night once again. Number 7 for me. I was in the back row with an isle seat. I must have been visible for local TV.
Weather permitting I am enjoying live baseball tomorrow.
The airport pickup went well. Got the bag off the belt before Neale arrived at baggage claim. Parked in a permit only for 20 mins with no ticket. Neale was delayed since she had to check her laptop when entering the plane. Her plane was small for the flight back, which was an ERJ and she was on the left side in a single seat.
We had dinner at Amigo's in Kirkwood. Michelle was our waitress. She has worked there since we have been dining there.
~ 03:11 PM ~
"...the dirtier the sound, the best I breathe ..."
Yesterday, Kelly (Neale's coworker) dropped off their dog, Chloe the labradoodle. She is a nice dog but very shy. In many ways, the exact opposite of Ellis. However, they do get along and I will post a vid to prove it soon. She will be with us for two weeks. Her owners are in France and Denmark.
I finished grading yesterday and I just submitted grades. The spring semester is over! I get a week before summer starts and I am not looking at any online courses until later in the week.
It has rained here for several days. I yard to soaked and it needs work. Also, since we have traveled or the weather was bad, I have not planted anything yet.
We had a great time in Oswego last weekend. We went to visit my mom on Mother's Day and see family. I got to cook, which was fun and rewarding.
On Monday night, I started my AT spreadsheet. I have a few days planned. One 25 mile day planned at this point.
Good night in krav working on knife defense. However, my krav instructor left for a dive trip. He will be gone for several sessions. After fight class, we worked on muay thai knees. It was one guy's first night, which must have been overwhelming. It was a physically demanding session. We are moving to K-1 rules soon. Currently, we use international kickboxing rules.
Last week of spring semester. Grading today. I have a week off before the summer classes start.
Despite being a long time contact wearer, I managed to misplace on Sunday night. New lens is in the mail.
After grading all afternoon, I finished my enchiladas with cheese. However, I did not have cheese on hand so a trip to Straub's Market was needed. The enchiladas cooked while I mowed the grass in the front yard. I noticed we are getting new neighbors soon. The nuns next door are leaving. The cost of renting next to us in $975 a month. For alittle more, a person could afford a mortgage in my opinion but I guess there are good reasons to rent. When the enchiladas were cooked, I paused for dinner before cleaning the front gutter and roof. Afterwards, I used the Soloflex while watching a very good episode of "The Secrets of the Dead" on KETC, our PBS provider.
Yesterday, we went to a derby party. Our horses won but we had a great time. We were playing with the kids in the backyard. The host of the party rehabbed his backyard so it is kid friendly.
"...got the part of playing yourself in the movie adaptation of the sequel to your life..."
Since there was rain in the forecast for the weekend, I mowed the lawn at midday. The rain held off until early evening. I was free to spend the afternoon grading. It is the last two weeks of classes.
Neale went out with a coworker after work for a drink. She picked up food on the way home. While eating, she confirmed her desire not to have me gone for 2 months next summer while hiking the AT. I understand her decision but I have not started planning the actual details of the hike yet. I will know more about the time and distance soon. We will both be satisfied after planning.
Storms came through during my workout after dinner. Neale went to bed early for a Friday and we lost power soon afterwards. But, it was back in under 5 mins. I would be in bed too but the Cardinals came back to the field after the rain delay. The Mets are doing great too. Hottest team in baseball.