.:: Wednesday, August 30th ::.
~ 05:23 PM ~
"...christmas is coming...116 days..."
Ellis had a good day and I heard of other doggie swim days so he may get the chance to swim this year.
I am donating tomorrow. I plan on painting Friday and Saturday. Sunday has been requested by Neale that we spend some quality time. It is cool here so we can ride. The bikes have been neglected since I have been painting.
Later in the month, a statue will be dedicated to Lars Hoffman at LCCC. I will be attending the event and taking pictures.
Dog Parks
Ebay safety
.:: Monday, August 28th ::.
~ 07:20 PM ~
"...the best choice..."
I painted today. I have about half the trim done with the first coat.
Neale's dinner was good so the place maybe a keeper.
~ 08:25 AM ~
"...dear mr. fantasy..."
The carrott cake went well. Neale did the frosting. Her dinner went well. She is trying a new dinner service called Time for Dinner.
It is overcast today but I hope to paint this afternoon.
.:: Sunday, August 27th ::.
~ 03:39 PM ~
"...He's dead. I'm crippled. You're lost. Do you suppose it's always like that? I mean war...."
I painted for five hours yesterday and have about half of the trim done. I would be there today but the weather is wet and more in coming. So, we walked and it was quite humid. Neale was going to go to Saint Louis Soccer Club girls’ championship game at Soccer Park but the rain washed out the tournament. I cleaned Neale's car (nasty birds).
I made Alton's cornbread recipe and used my iron skillet. I turned out well. I am making carrot cake tonight. Yesterday, I made herb stuffed tomatos.
I Cards/Cubs game was moved to the evening for ESPN so I am watching the Longest Day and cleaning. Neale finished her first book (To Kill a Mockingbird) and we watched the film version last night.
.:: Friday, August 25th ::.
~ 10:35 AM ~
"...was it you?..."
The storms are coming and it is keeping me away from painting. Other than that, it is a regular kinda Friday and I will find something else to do (clean the doors or fix the area above the new ceiling fan).
Way to go America
Who killed Bubba?
Cheeky monkey
.:: Wednesday, August 23rd ::.
~ 11:56 AM ~
"...gas man cometh..."
~ 09:34 AM ~
"...trophy wife..."
The semester has begun as I have had class meetings. I have three classes on TTH and one W night. So, I have all day Wednesday to do what needs to be done. Today, I am awaiting the gas man who will install a new electronic device to read the reader from outside via a drive-by. Presently, I am writing down the meter every month for our budget billing. Otherwise, it is a normal Wednesday of working out and doing laundry.
Ellis has been rather excited this morning. So, I have had to remind him to control himself.
Fast food blues
Storm pic
.:: Monday, August 21st ::.
~ 07:32 PM ~
"...All At Once (It's Not Important)..."
Lead paint. Can I also have some DDT? I started to paint Bill's trim today. Since the siding is absestos, the trim paint has to be lead based. I scrapped loose paint and kept my distance from any lead dust. Luckily, I was outside and there was a good breeze. It went slower than I preferred but I got a good 12 feet painted.
Can we fly Virgin Atlantic to Europe next year?
If you have seen "Snakes on a Plane" and seriously like it, email me and explain.
A regular fav...File Hippo
Find a Name
~ 12:24 PM ~
"...into dust..."
It is the first day but I do not teach in class on MWF this semester. I just have office hours, which I need to do and it also helps make me grade.
I had an odd dream the other night. In the dream, I was trying to untangle a hose and it would not come undone. I backed up from the hose and said "it is not the hose that is tangled, it is me" and the hose did untangle. Odd.
.:: Sunday, August 20th ::.
~ 07:38 PM ~
"...naked as they came..."
I spent four hours painting and the second base coat is almost done. I have one 8 foot section on the porch left to do. I used Britt's tall ladder for the back.
~ 11:48 AM ~
"...We Will Become Silhouettes..."
I slept late for a Sunday because I am planning on painting and not biking or walking. However, the weather is not cooperating. So, I was in the mood to cook something besides regular breakfast fare. We do not have any bran flakes (Neale is changing that soon, she is out doing errands) so I flipped to another page of Alton's Baking book. I made chicken and dumplings with Morningstar's chick'n strips. The last time I tried this was in Terre Haute and I was using Bisquick, which did not turn out well. This current try was much better.
Last night, we ate at the Cheesecake Factory with Neale's family for Kelly's birthday. It went well but the rains came at the end.
Classes start tomorrow and I have already had activity in my online classes.
Going to the Riverview
The Price is....what?
Dr. Diana
.:: Saturday, August 19th ::.
~ 03:16 PM ~
"...blown five..."
I went to paint but it rained. So, I will go tomorrow and mow our lawn today.
Neale got Kelly's gift and I went to Costco for staple items. We are going to the Cheesecake Factory for Kelly's birthday dinner. We rarely get the cheesecake despite there being one that is made with Splenda. Their veggie burger is just fantastic.
I was supporting Webster business by going to the Do-it Best Hardware store. We need another sprinkler for the front yard and one that Neale can use. So, I was looking at sprinklers, which were all Do-It brand and the plastic ones seemed really cheap/breakable. I went with a metal sprinkler and it will probably be the last sprinkler I ever buy. It was forty dollars but it is solid.
.:: Friday, August 18th ::.
~ 11:30 AM ~
I finished more edging and applied the second coat to half the house. Tommorrow, I will finish the second coat. I also picked up the trash pile and placed it in the dumpster. The pile was blocking the corner of the house that I had to edge. The taller (& more stable) ladder will be arriving soon for the edging. I managed to scratch myself at Bill's house but there is running water and I had my GermX in my glove box.
I was able to find a rare copy of the "Manhunter" soundtrack on CD on Ebay for Neale. She use to have it on tape and it would be a nice addition to her Ipod.
My prep for the semester is done. We had a statue dedication for Mr. Hunt's work yesterday. On my way out of the building to go paint, I ran into Mr. Hunt and Linda Chapman.
Neale and Ellis walked yesterday. I picked up Dewey's Pizza for dinner.
This morning I was watering and Ellis got sprayed with the hose a few times. So, I used the no-rinse spray to clean him up. He did smell alittle doggy the other day.
My CS-3 is not back yet. Next, my Rat 2 will be modded by Keeley and the wah done by Chad Mathews. Then, the board will done.
Tie your shoes
Firefox 2.0
.:: Wednesday, August 16th ::.
~ 03:09 PM ~
"...ever feel cheated?..."
Loud and clear
.:: Monday, August 14th ::.
~ 07:19 AM ~
I painted Friday and Saturday. The house is almost done with the first coat. If the weather holds, I am going to edge the back today. However, I need the trashpile moved in order to get to the front corner. Also, Britt is leaving his taller ladder, which will make the trim easier. I will put on another base coat as well.
On Saturday, we celebrated Debbie's 60th birthday at Harry's Downtown. Not too much for a veg but I made it through. The food was great and my pineapple upside down cake was enjoyed.
On Sunday, we walked and went to Mount Pleasant for wine and music. The Soulard Blues Band was there and we met one of Neale's coworkers.
It is back to work today for me. The first day back is never mandatory but you do have to make an appearance. Tuesday and Wednesday there are events to attend. I have some prep to do at school but most of it, I can do from home.
Snakes on a Plane
Olsd wonders
Oh bother
.:: Friday, August 11st ::.
~ 08:19 AM ~
"...measure your height via your armspan..."
The weather is better so painting is a go. There might be some small AM showers and late PM showers but there is a window to start the first base coat. The paint will dry fast. Tomorrow is also looking good for painting.
I made another batch of cider using raisins and more splenda. I also changed yeast to a champagne yeast, which is very aggressive and hearty.
Using Alton's recipe, I made Debbie's Upside Down Pineapple Cornmeal Cake. I used cornmeal for a more traditional southern recipe and it was the same version Alton did on his show. His recipe in his baking book excludes the cornmeal and whole milk.
We broke Phase 1 last night and tried Lenny's Subs, which was a new Jersey style sandwich shop. The bread was not as good as Jersey Mike's, which is 5 mins. in the other direction on Watson. Lenny's will get the north 44 crowd and some of the University students. They also deliver between 10-2 for businesses.
I have my Boss CS-3 Compression/Sustainer packed for modding by Chad Matthews. He also did my SD-1 (TS 808 mod), GE-7 Equailzer (its quieter), and BD-2 Blues Driver (more rich & tube-like).
.:: Thursday, August 10th ::.
~ 10:57 AM ~
"...the way of the fist..."
Happy Birthday Dad!
I would be painting but the weather is keeping me in. At last check, the radar looked like this:
Not nice. I could get the paint on but it would washed away by the upcoming storm. There is no rush but I would rather be working on it. The tough part is that I get up at 5:30 to be ready to go, the sky is clear, but the radar looks terrible. I just heard thunder.
As of now, tomorrow and Saturday is looking better for painting.
On Friday, my grades are due. In-service week starts Monday.
Steve and Joan are visiting in mid-September.
.:: Wednesday, August 9th ::.
~ 04:47 PM ~
"...what is a good day for you?..."
Since the rain (or potential rain) kept me from painting, I installed the new ceil fan in the bedroom. The previous fan was ugly and, I hope, installed after they painted the ceiling white instead of its previous lime green.
~ 07:12 AM ~
"...stick to the story..."
The power washing of Bill's house went well. It took 2 hours and Neale said it was the first time the house had been cleaned. The washer rinsed sheets of white paint and chips off the home. The mold caused my allergies to get alittle bothered but it will pass. I would start the base coat today but the weather forecast is worse than yesterday. It rained briefly around noon Wednesday in Roxanna but passed quickly. The plumbers were working and laying new PVC. They were taking out all old pipe. The plumbing stack went up yesterday. I will need a taller ladder to get to the porch trim and the back peak but the best will available on the 6 footer. It is not a big house (pics soon). Neale and Britt picked out dark browns for the new paint. I am not sure if I will get to paint today as the 40% chance and radar is troublesome. There is no rush but I wish to stay on top of it. However, it is an hour away.
Neale is meeting with a person regarding Anna's soccer team. When she gets home, we are walking. She has a medical appointment later in the morning.
Shall do no harm
Desperate Networks
.:: Tuesday, August 8th ::.
~ 09:31 AM ~
I am power washing Bill's house today. There is rain in the forecast but I can get it in. I am also dropping off the materials and seeing if the ladder is workable.
.:: Monday, August 7th ::.
~ 12:38 PM ~
"...did not hurt..."
I was giving Ellis his morning brush and I found a tick. I got the tweezers and placed him on the counter. The tick was probably not on him for longer than a day, if not just this morning, and it had a grip. I was able to remove the entire tick intact and cleaned the area with peroxide (which we always have since I use it as mouthwash on occassion and to weekly clean the toothbrushes). There was a drop of blood but Ellis did not mind really. The tick is in a ziplock for later disposal. I called the vet and they said that there was no reason to see him. So, all is well. The patient is playing with his toys currently. He turns 10 months tomorrow.
~ 09:37 AM ~
"...alitle on the nose..."
I am power washing tomorrow. Rain is in the forecast though.
This is the last week for my online classes. I am posting exam scores today.
I checked my fall rosters and I have an interesting situation developing. I teach an EDUC class and I am the only one that teaches the class. We discussed offerring the class at night in the fall. In order to see what the real feelings of the students were, 8AM TTH class or W 5-8, I let both be available. I checked the rosters and I have an equal number in each, which would also allow the class to go for the fall. We usually need a minimum of six in a class, as one or two will drop out. But, since this is a class for the Greenville program and these are driven students, I could do both this fall. Also, my race class is not making numbers so it will be canceled most likely, which is sad but understandable given our purpose as a school.
I need to visit Trader Joe's this morning as I am out of flax seed oil.
Top Books
How to Open a Beer Bottle with Paper
.:: Sunday, August 6th ::.
~ 05:49 PM ~
"...it happens to alot of people..."
The CD project is done.
I am considering my next brew. I plan to do a cider and the mead but I need a beer too.
~ 03:51 PM ~
"...all around effort..."
We went for a ride this morning and then to CJ Muggs for salads. I went fast on the path two days in a row. Next, we tanned and I cleaned the front gutters. Since my back has healed, I can tan again. Neale went to Straub's Market for food. She stocked up her Ipod when she got home and I am alphabetizing ours CDs. She is now reading. For dinner, we are having something from House of India (minus the rice).
.:: Saturday, August 5th ::.
~ 04:58 PM ~
"...Pour the sun upon the ground
stand to throw a shadow
watch it grow into a night..."
Neale is reading. Yes, you read that right. She has been inspired to read "To Kill a Mockingbird". Tennis did not go well.
I am finishing my soup (slow cooker veg vegetable w/ homemade broth) and waiting to walk Ellis. I am also brewing the amber for the Oktoberfest. In the meantime, I am watching "The Goonies", which I have not seen in years but it peaked my interest. Before "Goonies", "Curly Sue" was just ending....she's all grown up.
~ 09:58 AM ~
"...Because the revolution’s here, and you know it’s right
And you know that it’s right..."
Neale gave "Miami Vice" a B-. She is playing tennis with Matt currently. Later, we are having lunch and I am going for a ride. I am doing laundry and cleaning right now.
I looked through IKEA for a couch. I need one in my office and we are going to the Chicagoland area in October.
In preparation for the Pineapple Upsidedown Cornmeal Cake, I cleaned and seasoned our cast iron pan.
PC DeCrapifer
AYSBOTU (yes, old, I know)
.:: Friday, August 4th ::.
~ 08:54 PM ~
"...I've seen your boat..."
Neale is seeing "Miami Vice". I was not in the mood for a film plus I was finishing my workout and I wanted to walk Ellis. He enjoyed the BBQ Chicken bone, which was a new flavor. We are watching "Eight Below" while I edit my parents Alaska photos. The slideshow below are the highlights I picked.
Tomorrrow, Neale is playing tennis with Matt and I am going for a ride. We also have our last Sweet Tomatoes "buy one-get one free" coupon left. As we are doing phase 1 again, it was timely. Next weekend, we are breaking phase 1 with Debbie's birthday dinner. I am making Debbie Alton's Pineapple Upsidedown Cornmeal Cake.
~ 09:07 AM ~
Neale picked up the paint for the front window trim. I am working on that after I paint Neale's grandfather's home. I am not sure when that is starting exactly. I have to power wash it first and Neale has to go back to our paint source for the paint.
We used one of our Sweet Tomatoes coupons for dinner. Club Veg seems to remember Neale's birthday but mine is more hit or miss.
We got tickets for Quidam in October.
For better or worse, we are seeing Miami Vice. We both appreciate Michael Mann's films and the territory is sentimental. Its got to be better than Dukes, right?
My online class is almost over. I received the second exams and I will have them done early next week.
I donated yesterday. The guy next to me stated to the other guy that they took a double platelett and whole blood earlier in the year and it took him ten days to recover. WHAT?!?! I have been donating for 10+ years and I once had a lazy evening after a donation.
Early experimentation with the JamMan has exposed a few things. First, it is a tricky device. Second, it is a helpful practice tool. Third, it will be very useful.
Ellis was playing with toys, has been out twice since I am watering the backyard, and is currently stretched out near his crate.
Eat right
Cat Armor
.:: Wednesday, August 2nd ::.
~ 09:55 AM ~
"...an empty way of life..."
I watched most of "The Aristocrats" the other night. I had read about the film and got the main idea, which makes a great point. However, in its full version, it becomes like eating too fudge. Speaking of rich, the Cafe Diablo pie was featured on FoodTV's "Road Tasted". Wow.
Happy Fun Ball
Yeah, its all natural
Bottle Music
.:: Tuesday, August 1st ::.
~ 06:42 PM ~
"...Wraith Pinned To The Mist & Other Games..."
After spending most of the morning at the PC working with my online classes and meeting another plumber for an estimate, I went to do some errands.
I went to Costco, Home Depot, and Petsmart. I found a garage door squeak repair kit. It is basically a can of silicone spray and some tubes of yellow & white grease. After 45 mins. the door sounded much better and I tighten the chain as the nut came loose under finger pressure. Next, the bedroom ceiling fan and painting the front window trim.
~ 10:12 AM ~
"...the splits have it..."
I have been getting caught up in my online course. Later, I need to visit Costco.
VH1 Classic is running the first day of MTV. I am not sure when my family got cable but I do remember being fascinated by early MTV. CNN did a list of moments and besides number #25 (Jessica!), I remember each one. For our Baby Boomers, here are the 60s once again.
I lost some mass in the two and a half weeks away from the Soloflex. It was a nice break though since I had been going steady since March. There is some ab soreness and alittle in my pecs. I decided to mix up my routine:
Leg Lift 25
Tri Push @19 2 X 25+10+10+5
Tri Ext @19 2 X 25+10+10+5
Shrug @18 2 X 25+10+10
Bicep @18 2 X 25+5
Roman Chair 25
Military @9 2 X 25+10+10+5
Crunch 25
Incline @14 2 X 50+25+10+10
Butterfly @6 2 X 22
Leg Lift 20
Press @16 2 X 75+10+10
Best Endings
Hail Zeus
.:: Monday, July 31st ::.
~ 04:41 PM ~
"...born to snoop..."
I work during the summer because I love teaching but the money is nice too. I make a point to set some money aside for myself and use some of my birthday money in advance. This year's summer gift is a Digitech Jam Man. My practicing session will improve greatly.
Maui snorkeling pics have been posted on the Photos page. Also, reviews added to the Film page.
~ 11:39 AM ~
"...you sold me for a pair of shoes...those were some really nice shoes..."
Neale had fun at the race. It was the first NASCAR race to use unleaded gas and they ran faster than usual. The shower went well and we are attending the wedding in late September. The shower was for a relative through Judy Hoffman.
I mowed yesterday and watched baseball. Neale got home about 4 and was exhausted. I bottled my American Ale, which is for Oktoberfest in early October. I went back to corn syrup solution for bottling. I had some frizzy bottles in the last batch.
After "Big Brother", we watched the 2005 production of "Pride and Prejudice", which was done well. I stayed up late and had the desire to watch "Doom". I first played Doom in 1994 and played Doom II the most. Quake II got me through 1998-99 and the game tempts me to dust it off and play a few levels. Well, the game was fun but the movie was tough to watch. They made it a zombie pic and there was very little of the fps aspect. Yet, when the fps was in the movie I was getting alittle seasick. Of course, Trent Reznor was given a nod in the credits.
I am working in my online course and getting back to the Soloflex. Kevin, our plumber, stopped by to quote the bathroom project.
Neale's score:
You Passed 8th Grade Science
Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!
Go Donks!
Daily Riddle
America is not the world
.:: Saturday, July 29th ::.
~ 09:27 PM ~
"...The Predatory Wasp of the Pallisades is Out to Get Us!..."
We had another serious storm pass through northern to southeast Saint Louis. Once again, Sutcliff Manor was spared despite a dicey hour as Ellis and I watched the skies (& the Cards/Cubs game). After the storm, I was hungry for cheese and stout so I went to Whole Foods for a thin widge of Sottocenere and a sixer of Bell's Kalamazoo Stout. Before consuming my purchases, I called Neale to see how the storm was affecting the race (she was waiting on the side of the road at last call around 6) and I took Ellis for a walk. Then, Alton's "making of" and "Feasting on Asphalt".
Speaking of walking Ellis, when he does his short 30 min. walk with me, I take him by some large labs that want him for dinner (Ellis is curious about them but not aggressive) and to the school yard where we work on sit/stay. He also get off leash time and usually explores the yard. Last night, he picked up a scent and it was near the covered storm drain. I was about 20 yards away and thought he was smelling sewer filth but he started to cock his head at the grass. So, I thought he may have found another baby bird or rabbit or grass snake. I headed over and he was looking down the drain at two raccoons who were looking back at him. I remembered that our neighborhood raccoons used the sewer like the Tube and I let him get a good look. Neale and I once caught one in the street on the way to dinner and we pulled upside the raccoon while he ate dinner from road trash, he did not move despite my stares & calls. Bold bunch and they have an odd similar look/attitude.
~ 04:11 PM ~
"...lay my love..."
You Passed 8th Grade Science
Congratulations, you got 7/8 correct!
~ 02:11 PM ~
"...couldn't stand the weather..."
We got an early start and played tennis. It has been too long for me. Neale won the first set 5 to 3. I made some unforced errors. The next was a best of five and I won 3 to 1. It was the first time I took a set from Neale. I may become a challenge. Since it was a fine July summer morning in Saint Louis, it was already low 90s with 50% humidity.
Next, we had lunch at Goodcents (Brentwood location...the best one) since Larry's Subs was not open yet. Mee Lei last night was excellent, very affordable, and had plenty of veg options. "Stranger with Candy" was good not great as the TV episodes were years ago. Food Network started their "Good Eats" marathon at 2. They are leading up to Alton's new show "Feasting on Asphalt", which incorporates his love of motorcycle riding. He has a nice BMW bike.
Neale is heading over to Alton to meet up with Sara. She will be away tonight.
Norton Antivirus is expiring on Mega (Los Megos is running the latest Norton) and since it is used once a week usually, I went with the free AVG Antivirus program. We'll see how it works.
Since Fox is not broadcasting the Mets v. Braves, I am watching the live update on CBS. I plan to mow and water the backyard today. It is too hot to walk Ellis, maybe in the evening. **UPDATED** It started raining so that may reschedule the mow. We needed the rain.
 Click to vote!
Life Hack
.:: Friday, July 28th ::.
~ 11:57 AM ~
"...a growing problem..."
I am getting caught up in my online course and planning to mow the front yard. I watered the back last night as the storm passed over us.
As Ellis turns 10 months, we are slowly encouraging him to go outside by himself more often. He is ok with the idea most of the time. His smartness and curiousity keeps us on our toes as he knows any change to the schedule. He moved to two feedings instead of three during our vacation.
We are playing tennis tommorrow and Neale is visting Sara. They are attending a NASCAR event. Yes, you read that correctly. More soon....
We are seeing "Strangers With Candy" tonight and having dinner at Mee Lai.
Dance, Monkeys, Dance
.:: Wednesday, July 26th ::.
~ 05:53 PM ~
"...its european..."
After a week our phone and DSL is back up. The story is a tree was blown over knocking down the line which landed on a shed and the cable melted.
Colbert on Unions
.:: Monday, July 24th ::.
~ 04:58 PM ~
"...oh okay..."
Sorry for the lack of updates but we do not have a phone line at home. So, I came into work to check email and check on my online classes. Neale called AT&T and after two deadlines came ane went, they now have no idea when the phone will be back.
Is this your card?
.:: Wednesday, July 19th ::.
~ 03:12 PM ~
"...hands open..."
We're back from Maui. Here is the day by day of our trip. Pics posted on the photos page.
- Day One
The flight out went well. Last time, we were flying after our wedding on little sleep. This time we had exit rows (leg room), MP3 players, and the laptop for DVDs. United offerred an in flight snack packs for $5 and we had lunch at a Mexican resturant in the San Francisco airport. It was a nice airport. We got a free upgrade from Alamo to a Buick LaCrosse. For dinner, we ate in Lahaina at a new resturant in town called Zuihao, which was tasty.
- Day Two
We went for a walk around downtown and got some groceries (we had a small kitchen). Then, we tried to find a beach in Kapalua but it was nicely hidden. So, we went to Ka'anapali, which was the best American beach of 2003. I snorkeled and Neale laid out. I was in such a hurry to snorkel that I forgot sun screen so my back got burned (and is currently peeling). We had dinner in Kihei, which was at a resturant that was not busy at all. We went to Kihei because Debbie stayed there in the 80s and raved about it. Then, we came back to Lahaina for drinks.
- Day Three
We drove the Road to Hana, had lunch at the Hana Maui Resort (nice but far far away from it all in Hana), and had dinner at the Westin.
- Day Four
We went for a walk, back to the Ka'anapali Beach (I stayed in the shade), and went on a proper dinner cruise.
- Day Five
We found the Makena State Park in southern Maui, I snorkeled, Neale got some sun, and we went to our first luau at the Hyatt. The snorkeling was not as nice as Ka'anapali as the surf was rougher and the coral not as nice (pics of snorkeling are getting developed).
- Day Six
We had to check out of the condo by 11 so we had breakfast at Longhi, then to Haleakala National Park, which is a volcano. We had lunch at the local mall and saw "Superman Returns". Dinner was at an ale house/sports bar near the airport. We has a redeye flight, which went well.
- Day Seven
Back in Saint Louis (HOT!) and we picked up Ellis who was happy to see us.
Maui Hands
Kona Brewing
.:: Thursday, July 13th ::.
~ 11:24 PM...in STL...06:24 PM...Maui ~
The trip is going well. I will provide a day by day account when I have more time. We are getting ready for dinner after spending the afternoon at the Kaanapali Beach since we could not find the Kapalua Beach. I snorkeled and filled up a camera. Neale tanned and has a red face for it. The trip out was much better than the last time and we are having a great time. Our car is a Buick LaCrosse, which was a free upgrade (?) but we feel much older in a Buick. The Road to Hana maybe tomorrow, our dinner cruise is booked, and we are doing a luau this time (better menu, open bar). We are on budget and I found a six pack of Kona Brewing Pale Ale, which I had last time and have a clone recipe for in the homebrew section. It is hoppier than I remember so I will tweak my recipe.
.:: Tuesday, July 11th ::.
~ 08:47 PM ~
"...love ya..."
Beach! Bye.
~ 10:57 AM ~
"...lets take a ride, a joy ride..."
We are dropping Ellis off at Cristal's tonight and I am having mixed feelings about leaving him for the first time. I trust he will do fine with them but I also know how familiar he is to me and our rountine.
Last minute errands are done with the exception of the lawn. It rained this morning so it will make it a slightly tougher job. We did need the rain though. Hopefully there is more AFTER I mow this afternoon. I am working in my online classes currently.
.:: Monday, July 10th ::.
~ 10:14 AM ~
"...limited edition..."
The Moolah was sold out Saturday and so we tried the Des Peres theatre. It was sold out as well. We had dinner at Casa and then home. We purchased tickets over the phone for the Moolah on Sunday. The theatre was neat and we found seats in two leather chairs. The sound was not mixed right so we missed some dialouge. But, the film was good, not as good as the first one.
We are making final arrangements for Maui. Ellis starts his vacation Tuesday night and we leave Wednesday morning.
Good Brew
.:: Saturday, July 8th ::.
~ 05:02 PM ~
Neale was up early and went to Anna's soccer tryout. Neale is the business manager for the team (uniforms being priority number one). Luckily, it was a low humid day so we were able to ride after noon. The road to the trail was closed so we had to park near a struggling nursery and ride on the road to the trail. The ride went well. Neale is using her Nano on the bike these days. Afterwards, we went our bubble tea stand and to Moe's, which is a burrito place we had not visited yet. Neale drank her bubble tea and I had an Art Vandaly burrito (cup of fat for $9.99 was not purchased). It was better than Qdoba but nothing tops Baja Fresh, which is not in this area. Baja Fresh was in Akron and I always got the rice and bean plate with my burrito, which took three heaping handfuls of cilantro, some smoky salsa, and plenty of jalapeños. Needless to say, the Baja Fresh burrito was not the healthiest and I was my heaviest during that time period. Yet, the Moes burrito was healthier even with the gauc. We also went to the West County mall to pick up some travel items at Brookstone. They have the new airport safe locks and great neck pillows.
When we got home, I cleaned the back gutters (FINALLY) with a borrowed ladder and Neale holding it to make sure I did not topple to the patio. The gutters are better but not perfect. Yet the water does drain and they are not containing three inches of junk.
The basement door stuck so I had to force that open. I will be dealing with that tomorrow. We need a new lock.
We are heading to the Moolah Theater to see Pirates tonight. They have couches instead of seat and adult beverages.
.:: Friday, July 7th ::.
~ 03:17 PM ~
My cavity is filled but the area is still numb. I was able to have lunch without incident though.
Ellis' meds came and they included a bone. He enjoyed the mail treat.
Rush's stag party
Album covers
.:: Thursday, July 6th ::.
~ 07:53 PM ~
"...Sunshine stealing stage time
From the moon and stars above
She said leave me alone
I said take me home
Sixteen down living in the hallowed ground..."
We went to Home Depot to find materials for the bathroom project. Neale emailed our contractor who has to send us a plumber. Othwerise, the project will not happen if the plumber's bid is too high. I begin the demo soon.
I actually did some grading today.
There will be a visit to the dentist tomorrow for my small cavity fill. I chew sugarless gum ( Orbit) and do not sweeten anything besides oatmeal and that is with Splenda. I brush twice a day as well. Dentists....I surrender.
I have not shaved in 6 days. No pics.
~ 12:55 PM ~
"...Where have all my friends gone
They've all disappeared
Turned around maybe one day
You're all that was there
Stood by on believing
Stood by on my own
Always thought I was someone
Turned out I was wrong..."
Ellis and Dobler met and it went well. Dobler (named after the Cardinal baseball player) is a 10 year old Boston Terrier and Ellis is 9 months of furry fury. Ellis made himself at home by eating Dobler's food and enjoying the backyard. So, he is spending the time with them.
I need to get groceries and grade. We are tanning and going to Home Depot later to pick out appliances for the bathroom project.
.:: Wednesday, July 5th ::.
~ 01:06 PM ~
"...world class..."
The rain ruined some firework displays.
The World Cup game was really good.
Tonight, we are visiting Neale's coworker and friend Cristal to see if Ellis and their dog Dobler can live together during our time in Maui.
My neck is almost 100%.
I should be dead
.:: Tuesday, July 4th ::.
~ 11:54 AM ~
New photos of Ellis have been posted on his page.
~ 11:08 AM ~
"...wally world..."
Happy 4th!
We were going for a ride but Neale slept in. She went for a walk instead. Ellis got his walk too. I was up and ready as requested though. I may take the day off since I rode the last two days. Neale is at the Saint Louis Mills mall returning some clothes currently. We are watching the World Cup this afternoon.
We took Ellis to the Webster fireworks and he did well. No barking and he did not mind the crowd. It was still very hot despite being after 9. Afterwards, we watched History Channels "Revolution".
Which is drugs again?
.:: Monday, July 3rd ::.
~ 02:48 PM ~
"...wanna dream about it..."
Neale got off work early.
New Ellis photos will be posted soon.
~ 12:28 PM ~
"...wax poetic..."
Neale is at work and may get off early. I am chilling with Ellis who was less than impressed by the brief fireworks he saw last night. Tonight, we seeing the Webster fireworks from a better angle than our driveway.
Ellis' bath went well. I may have to buy him a small pool.
My neck is getting better and it is not interupting my activity. I went for a ride yesterday and I am working out soon.
.:: Sunday, July 2nd ::.
~ 12:51 PM ~
"...smoke and mirrors..."
Ellis gets a bath today. Neale has been withholding some petting because of the flea issue. The fleas are gone and he has been feeling much better.
I cleaned and need to vaccum. I made a veg stir fry for breakfast/lunch. It sounded like the only good option.
~ 11:27 AM ~
"...paths that cross..."
We slept in today because Neale, while enjoying the St. Louis Science Center, slipped and fell on her rear. Her sense of urban cool was shaken for a moment and my laughter did not help. We were on the way across the bridge, which crosses highway 40, and she slipped. I did not see it as I was taking the nearby ramp. I saw people react to her spill though. I also did not start laughing until I knew she was fine. Overall, the Science Center was fine (& free, except the IMAX film we saw called "Adrenaline Rush") but more for kids. The IMAX film was alright but there was a strong biological explanation for thrill seeking, which as a sociologist I do not buy. We have the Missouri History Museum left to see and I want to take in the Cahokia mounds. After the Science Center we went to Growlers for dinner. It is in buildings which use to be a Damon's and is in nearby Sunset Hills. I had heard about Growlers due to its beer selection but the first one is in Creve Coeur so we never made it up there. Neale had low expectations but the food was quite good (free second helping of fries if you want some more). I had a Sammy Smith Oatmeal Stout and a Skull Splitter, which was tasty. The portabella burger was done right and Neale's BLT was very good. The problem with most portabella burgers is that people do not drain the water out of the mushroom enough. So, it becomes rather watery on the plate. They had NTN Trivia which was a favorite of ours a few years ago.
We are lying out our blanket for the Webster fireworks, which are tomorrow. The STL Fair and Veiled Prophet events were yesterday. The fair has been scaled back. The parade has also changed considerable, Don King was a featured member so the white power/pride element of the fair is almost forgotten. Yet, there are still places where he could not golf or play tennis in this city.
We were going to ride before Neale bruised her backside. Also, I slept wrong on my neck so that is nagging me.
Neale is out doing errands. When she gets back, we are tanning.
The previous journal has been archived.
Crying While Eating
Hey hey momma
Brain Setzer goofing off