.:: Thursday, July 3rd ::.
~ 08:44 AM ~
"...retire to the moon...."
Check photos page for new pictures of the basement paint and new amp.
Run tortoise run
.:: Thursday, June 30th ::.
~ 09:16 AM ~
"....You kick the bucket, I'll swing my leg..."
I have my last tennis lesson tonight. It has been fun but I want to play Neale rather than my fellow learners.
I got my first installment from my summer work and I ordered my new amp. Sweet success.
Tomorrow, I am donating and preping the basement walls for paint. I will wash and tape. Primer on Saturday and paint to follow.
I will bottle my hefe tomorrow.
Iraq fatalies
.:: Wednesday, June 29th ::.
~ 05:35 PM ~
"....the good times are killing me..."
I have tennis practice (its our make up of a rain out) and Neale is out having dinner with friends.
Tomorrow is the last day of summer one session. I have some grading to do.
Did they think this would be ok?
We're out of Scotch
Janet eat your heart out
.:: Monday, June 27th ::.
~ 03:13 PM ~
I am watching the BTK killer confess to some of his crimes. Chilling.
It is the last week of summer one session, then I start summer two. I realized today that there is not a break between summer two and in-service week. Man, I stay busy.
Worst Mistake Ever
Vegs thinner than meat eaters
~ 09:01 AM ~
"....All i ask for, all I pray, steady loaded woman gonna come my way?..."
Mets lost but the kabobs were good. Also, I wanted mozzarella sticks Saturday night and they came out well. The second batch was better (oil was hotter) and Neale approved.
Since we had a rain out, I have tennis practice three times this week.
This dog looks depressed
Just plain wrong
.:: Sunday, June 26th ::.
~ 12:02 PM ~
Neale had fun last night at the ring ceremony. She out doing regular Sunday errands and looking for a mattress still.
After the did the cleaning and preped my kabobs, I am still stumped by this week's unsolved mystery. On Tuesday, I had tennis pratice and came home with my sunglasses, which have since disappeared. I have looked throughout the house and no luck.
~ 09:22 AM ~
Neale got home after I went to bed but there was a note this morning, (as I arose expecting to ride) which mentioned 'shin splits'. I smell a rat....but we have increased our walking and biking miles. I typically do ten miles per ride. Neale recently changed from 2.5 laps at the lake to three. Also, we now walk three miles (45 mins.) as opposed to two. So, there could be some truth to the sore legs. Needless to say, I am heading to the Katy Trail later today.
Last night, since the Mets were not aired, I watched the game on CBS real-time scoreboard. However, tonight, Mets/Yanks is Sunday game of the week.
I watched a fascinating doc about street musicians yesterday.
Open Letter to the Kansas School Board
Next Fest
Pulled the pin?
.:: Saturday, June 25th ::.
~ 12:24 PM ~
"....heavy metal, soft at the core..."
We went for a ride at 8AM as Neale wants to beat the heat. I can ride anytime so I complied. However, it was the earliest we have ever been out.
Neale is out shopping for a mattress. She called to tell me that she went to kitchen & bath store and had some rude service though. She is wearing a t-shirt, running shorts, and a hat. The salesmen stated that the trim was expensive with the tone of "you got enough money?" Needless to say, we are not returning to that store.
Neale is attending a ring ceremony out of town this evening. I am performing general bad behavior and heathen thoughts.
On the national news level, some of you may have seen our early firework show on the news.
1 billion?
.:: Friday, June 24th ::.
~ 11:01 AM ~
"....I've got mine, you got yours, mine came with a cork, I wish yours did too..."
Ah, Fridays....I did not set the alarm for the first time in awhile. I plan to exercise (maybe ride, definetly use the Soloflex) and mow the lawn. I will also bottle my Dunkle tonight.
Mets v. Yanks this weekend...Pedro tonight.
Since I am working this summer for vacation money, home improvment funds, and the doggie, I was able to negotiate some fun cash for my other hobby. I get to order my new amp this week and it should be here my next weekend. It should sweet.
Movie Quotes
Black tar better than others?
.:: Tuesday, June 21st ::.
~ 04:29 PM ~
I have my fourth tennis lesson tonight. Neale is playing JP.
I have been doing some research on teen pregnancy....great links: 1,2,3,4. Oh, and abstinence-only does not really work.
Broadcast Flag
.:: Monday, June 20th ::.
~ 12:55 PM ~
We had a busy weekend. We had brunch with family on Sunday, then we went for a ride, played tennis, and I grilled for the first time as a home owner (ah, suburbia!). The kabobs were good. On Saturday, we went to a coworkers graduation party (finished his Ph.D.) and mingled for a few hours.
I decided to paint the basement during the July 4th holiday weekend. Also, we will replace the ceiling tiles, which were damaged (how? I have no idea). Overall, the basement is finished and that is a great selling point. But, making it alittle is good enough.
That's a camper
The moon!
.:: Friday, June 17th ::.
~ 07:26 PM ~
"...Since you’re gone, I sat at home...Wonder why no I’ll never be free..."
My donation went well. The Lifetime Movie Channel was on while I was there and since the other donors decided to sleep or read, I decided to not protest and watch a bad movie. Well, the movie of choice was "Reunion", which was specially bad. Marlo Thomas ("That Girl"), Peter Strauss ("Nick of Time"), and Leelee Sobieski (her first film).
Dateline NBC is doing a nice job of showing how sweatshops connect to the US, which is a topic I just covered this week.
~ 09:29 AM ~
"...I have tested positive.....for boogie.."
Good morning....
I am donating today and then we are going a ride possibly. Neale has an election which will be wrapping up in the afternoon.
My tennis lessons are going well. Since I have some athletic ability my foot work and body control help me get into good positions for striking the ball. Last Tuesday, the wind was strong so I wasn't following through enough. I thought I would hit the ball too hard and hit the ball out of the playing area, which is embrassing. Yesterday was better. Neale has agreed to hit the ball around this weekend.
We are attending a party tomorrow for my coworker that recently finished his Ph.D. It is a barbeque so we have been asked to bring a small side dish. We chose macaroni salad.
.:: Wednesday, June 15th ::.
~ 08:12 PM ~
Since we have considered a male dog after talking to our breeder, we developed a short list of names (in no particular order):
~ 07:50 PM ~
"...break beat..."
Jack Johnson
Happy TV Father's Day
When You're Falling
What the hell?
~ 01:15 PM ~
"...in my head..."
Schivao autopsy released and guess what....must see video.
None of which you read?
.:: Monday, June 13th ::.
~ 05:57 PM ~
Can a woman fit through a basketball hoop? Yes.
Child Labor
Stuff On My Cat
~ 01:00 PM ~
"...I love poetry, and a glass of scotch, and, of course, my friend Baxter here. ..."
Pancake Bunny
.:: Sunday, June 12th ::.
~ 03:59 PM ~
We went for a ride. The weather was great. Better than yesterday. I am alittle sore though. I went out on the Katy/Lake extension, which is a good three or four miles of straight path. The wind was against me on the way back, which is a nice challenge.
~ 09:27 AM ~
"...what does that man do?..."
By the way, Sorpanos....March 2006.
We are visiting our prospective breeder today. They are going to the Cards game so we are catching them afterwards.
Why can't I buy my home at Sears now?
He does not care...suckers
Order a pint
Iraqi Army sings
.:: Saturday, June 11th ::.
~ 05:38 PM ~
"... don't let a number go you by..."
We went for a ride. Since it is summer, Neale prefers to go earlier, which is best but she has to rise from her cleeping chamber in order to do that. Today, she accomplished that and we were back by 11AM. I did about 13 miles and I am a few miles short of 2100. She is now doing 3 big loops at the lake, which is about 8.7 miles.
I before the mundane yet dangerous household tasks of cleaning the back gutters. Since the previous owner wanted a flower bed instead of rain removal system there was small plants growing in some spots. Well, they are finally gone. There is one spot that needs some attention (as it rained...again..and I saw a sour spot). So, I will climb back to my roof and hope I do not take a header onto my concrete patio.
I am enjoying a Macanudo Hampton Court tonight with a homebrew...the simple things are good. Back to my pseudo-vegan/mostly veg lifetstyle in the morning.
I am brewing my Hefe and enjoying a Warsteiner.
Hit me on the slant
I am a drug dealer
.:: Friday, June 10th ::.
~ 07:49 PM ~
I accomplished everything I wanted to.
We are watching "Into the West".
I enjoyed a Rogue Chipotle Ale last night. Smoky but not spicy yet yummy.
~ 01:23 PM ~
I put together the new bed...photos soon. We still need a mattress. There was som confusion about Ikea's parts and we missed the mattress at the store. It did not look like a mattress, it expands after you open it.
I posted our photos from Noel and Cassie's wedding...check the photo page.
~ 09:12 AM ~
"...I ate a big, red candle...."
I have a busy day ahead of me: mow the lawn, tame the backyard, grading online, laundry, Soloflex, and walk with Neale. I am grading on a Friday because the interviewing for a new sociologist at LC ate up my afternoons. Yesterday, I had to get an oil change, which took a refreshing 45 mins. I watched "Hands on History" (Weber grills & Louisville Slugger bats) so the time went quickly.
Is it safe?
.:: Thursday, June 9th ::.
~ 07:47 PM ~
"... Get back, get back a rollin'..."
My tennis lesson was canceled due to the nice (massive) storm that blew through about 6:15. Oh well, we are watching "Anchorman". Stay classy.
"She broke up with me two days later i think she met
her don juan in italy she has a new man i have a new
mustache now all my friends are gonna call me
mountain man and everyone will think that i'm a
stupid drifter to walk the earth alone i'll never
shave again on the night she left me facial hair grew
miraculously i dressed in black like johnny cash and
grew this beard of shame i've heard it said she looks
a lot like sherilyn fenn and sometimes i'm mistaken
for billy gibbons i may appear wise but i'm an idiot
it's over she left me and she will soon forget me she
found out i was lame i grew a beard of shame come
all be faithful joyful and triumphant i am a new man
i have a beard of shame" --- Lagwagon "Beard of Shame"
John Stuart Mill
.:: Wednesday, June 8th ::.
~ 05:21 PM ~
"...I'm the only way..."
Odd event of the week: Neale answered the phone at 12:11AM, awoken from a dead sleep and the person (a woman?) said: "I can't do it, the needle is too cold" and hung up. Needless to say, I did not hear the phone but there was an entry in our caller ID....private caller/private number. Sleep tight.
~ 06:47 AM ~
"...you're the one for me fatty..."
I started tennis lessons and I did well for the first day. The class is about 14 or 15 and I am the only male. I am 'intermediate' since I have played before, albeit 10 years ago in college gym. However, my weak points are not hitting the ball straight but keeping it controlled and having a consistent serve. Also, like high school baseball, I need the confidence. I played very relaxed last night while we worked on front hand and back hand. There was only one moment where I became 'overwhelmed' by having to return a ball rather than just letting the training and reflexes do their part.
Tough times for our popular president. Exxon likes him though....
Creationism: God's Gift to the Ignorant
About the Chaps
.:: Friday, June 3rd ::.
~ 07:22 AM ~
"...They meant let's make a lotsa mon-ee...An' worry about it later..."
We watched "After the Sunset" last night and it was a decent film.
Lord Vader guessed it was a guitar.
Ten Must Reads (in my opinion)
Its called diversity....religious diversity
Smart people, bad ideas
.:: Thursday, June 2nd ::.
~ 02:54 PM ~
"...I got a will inside my head...will of understanding...."
I picked up my tux. Noel and Cassie's wedding is this weekend. We are leaving tomorrow.
Free Doughnut Day
Reading is fun
.:: Monday, May 30th ::.
~ 05:32 PM ~
"...you wanna know how I do it? I do it all right...."
Happy Senorial... Memorial Day.
We went for a ride. The path was busy with the families that break out the bikes three time a season. I am approaching 2100 miles and Neale is set to break 1000 soon. Our distances are alittle short since we bought the meters about two months after we started riding.
I start my tennis lessons in June....Neale leaves me because of my massive serve in early August...sad really.
~ 10:19 AM ~
"...are you in me? Or am I in you?...."
I brewed my dunkelweizen yesterday. I was watching the 'Easter Egg' verison of Rocky Horror while brewing so I was inspired to flip the process up. Needless to say, I used more chocolate malt than I planned on, changed the malt addition, and boiled the hops more.
We watched The Aviator, which was good but not great.
Bush says take off
Brunswick Stew
.:: Sunday, May 29th ::.
~ 10:57 AM ~
"....Jews don't snokel..."
Thanks for the anniversary cards and gifts. Five years....wood.
Savor was excellent. It has not been open for long but the service and food was great. Neale had the stir fry and I chose the marhati vegetables (Indian curry). The pinot was alright but Neale liked the white cosmo. The above quote is from the table next to us. I have no idea what the context was but it seemed to be in jest.
UFO footage from local news in Vegas....the truth is 20 to 1 Mulder.
1 mph
.:: Friday, May 27th ::.
~ 10:25 PM ~
".... So clean, so blue and it's so deep....shallow...."
Five years...its our anniversary. We are going to dinner tomorrow. Sappy candlelight and soft music today.
Local boy catches big fish, big fish needs chip and tartar sauce now.
Add humorless to the list of charges
.:: Tuesday, May 24th ::.
~ 05:52 PM ~
"....I don't feel nothing...I don't feel nothing at all...."
Neale is playing tennis.
I spread some grass seed in some areas in the front yard I wish to improve. I also picked up some more broadleaf killer for the backyard.
My classes are going well. I am adjusting to having to talk for so long.
24 ended well.
A flash about Bush's War
Crying while eating
Dance dance dance
World Atlas
.:: Sunday, May 22nd ::.
~ 10:00 AM ~
"....I wish we could get away....drink wine and screw...."
Augusta was fun. We went to Mount Pleasant and did not visit other locations. They had a live blues band (Alvin Jett and the Phat Noize) and there was 300+ people enjoying the day. The weather was great. So, we bought a bottle and enjoyed our picnic lunch. I was the designated driver, which is important considering the backroads of Augusta are anything but straight. We will go back this summer.
We are atttending Harrison and Casey's birthday party today.
.:: Saturday, May 21st ::.
~ 10:35 AM ~
Congrats to Erika (N's [step] sister) and Jeremy on their first child.
SW:ROTS was Lucas' best effort. Best film in the sage. The screen was excellent and the sound was overpowering.
It was a full fun day. We went for a ride, then to the movie, P.F. Changs, some errands (ie Provisions for today's picnic), and our first trip to Ted Drew's this year.
I found a four-pack of Celebrator at Provisions and it was a fine dopplebock.
No swipre, just wave
Weenie Roast Webcast tonight
.:: Thursday, May 19th ::.
~ 06:17 PM ~
"...fade like a radio station...out of range...."
We went for a ride. It was warm but the trail was clear. Neale is creeping onto 1000 miles. I broke 2000 a few weeks ago. Then, we went shopping for Casey and Harrison's birthday present. We have not been in a Toys 'R Us for quite some time. We browsed. We purchased a nerf football for my teaching. I wanted a new way to start class so we are tossing a ball around and doing introductions. It will be fun or a diaster.
Neale is watching SW: Phatnom Menace, which I recently saw so I passed. We were able to find a copy of SW:AOTC, which we will both watch.
William Gibson
STL Opera
.:: Wednesday, May 18th ::.
~ 07:06 PM ~
"...hooray for you...."
At the office on a Wednesday night....that is commitment. Well, I am here for graduation. I did do two actual professional actions while I was here though. Plus, I read my course evaluations. Once again, the peeps like the show so I will keep doing the show.
I got some rubrics draft done today. I need to improve my rubrics and that is a common phrase used in these parts. I reorganized my online class some and need to develop a rubric for my EDUC class discussion activities but there is still the weekend.
We watched Empire Strikes Back last night and Neale had the idea to watch one or two of the new ones tonight but they were gone at the video store.
Force to explain
Is that a slave cabin in your yard?
Five with a nine
~ 09:40 AM ~
"...feel good...."
I have to attend graduation tonight. It is a nice event.
We are heading to Augusta Wine country instead of the lake this weekend. We are visiting a few wineries and having a picnic.
We have a new version of WebCT to use at school. I have been using it since yesterday afternoon and it is better (faster, simpler) to use. I am in the process of updating my online class format. It is a learning process that never ends. I thought my discussion forum was not challenging enough and my paper/presentation format could be more detailed. I also updated my links. The students will not have access until Monday so I have time to tinker.
I tried Cameron's Coffee Woods and Waters blend this morning. Good but not great. It was a city roast as opposed to my preference, dark roasts (i.e. French, Italian, or espresso).
We are attending Casey and Harrison's birthday party this weekend. I believe their 7 or 8?
Upcoming Brew Schedule: Dunkelweizen (i.e. Honey Wheat)...May 27th....Hefeweizen...Octoberfest.
.:: Tuesday, May 17th ::.
~ 06:29 AM ~
"...I’m just a boy with a new haircut and that’s a pretty nice haircut...."
One year ago, we took possession of our first home.
I have a meeting today and I will work on my summer prep. My traditional SOCI 131 courses are bascially ready and online needs only a few tweaks. However, my EDUC course needs a schedule of events. I am finally feeling comfortable teaching that course. The unofficial official rule of thumb is "you do not know a course until you teach it five times". That may be a bit high in number but it is not that far from the truth.
After working the phones yesterday, the conclusion was our IKEA trip is a go but having the bed delivered is better.
 | You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.
Postmodernist | | 81% | Existentialist | | 81% | Modernist | | 63% | Materialist | | 50% | Cultural Creative | | 44% | Idealist | | 38% | Romanticist | | 25% | Fundamentalist | | 0% |
What is Your World View? (corrected...hopefully) created with QuizFarm.com |
Interstate wine sales ok'd
.:: Monday, May 16th ::.
~ 07:12 AM ~
"...A melancholy town where we never smile...."
Neale is taking Thursday and Friday off so we can spend time together. On Friday, we are seeing Star Wars, Part III at the new Galaxy theatre. I believe the screen is three stories tall, which is perfect for Star Wars but not for Sideways, for example. We decided to polish up on our Star Wars nostalgia and rented the original three. We did not see any of the 1997 theatre re-releases on the big screen.
Yesterday, we went for a ride and then to Sweet Tomatoes. I was in the mood where I wanted to do something but really had no substantial projects to invest in. We are waiting on the landscaping and the painting of the basement is coming in June. The backyard is in good shape. So, I worked on small issues: the details of our medical directives, a tax inventory of clothes for Goodwill, replaced the door latch, and cleaned the front gutters. On a related note, I tried to donate our old printer to the Alton Goodwill on Friday and they refused it. They did not want any old PC components. So, I am trying the South County Goodwill. Needless to say, I am not putting the printer in a landfill. It will find a new home.
I have the day off and have a haircut this afternoon.
100 Best War Films
.:: Saturday, May 14th ::.
~ 06:52 PM ~
"...taste so good, like I knew it would..."
Saturday the 14th...Richard Benjamin, Jeffery Tambor (!?!?), and Howard Cohen (director of MST3K's Deathstalker).
The rain has passed so we are going for a ride at the lake. Neale wants to stop for bubble tea too.
Science vs. Common Sense
Free Graph Paper (.pdf)
Science vs. Common Sense Part II
.:: Friday, May 13th ::.
~ 06:52 PM ~
"...gotta get out and get right..."
I am watching the Mets v. Cards.
Britt was in a car accident today. He is fine but in search of a new SUV.
Oh, the end of the semester. Grades are in and I get a day away...sweet success.
In better news, I enjoyed lunch with my colleagues. We have a tradition to eat lunch on the last day of the semester.
I realized my knowledge of fetal homicide law was lacking so I did some reading. It comes in handy trust me.
QOTSA will be on SNL tomorrow and performing next weekend for KROQ.
Caddyshack trivia (I need to rewatch)
MC Chris
.:: Wednesday, May 11th ::.
~ 06:13 AM ~
"...shattered, I'm in tatters..."
I had a great ride yesterday. Neale decided to play tennis with Matt. It was her coworker J.P.'s last day...a day of mourning.
I was cheering for Uchenna and Joyce whereas Neale was pulling for Rob and Amber.
I left the car dealership with the feeling that I had been traded for a half a pack of smokes at the county lockup. Ouch...violated and needless to say, no trip to the Lake.
Posting and You
Implicit Association Test
National ID card?
Canadian Bigfoot...wants hockey back
.:: Monday, May 9th ::.
~ 06:21 AM ~
"...the price I pay, destiny is calling me..."
Neale spied a rat in the yard. Yes, a rat I say. I went to grab the bat to attack the rat because we do not have a cat. Instead, I bumped the candle and started such a ramble, which means I broke some glass and feel like such an ass. Alas, the rat escaped. However, I did find his two holes while working in the yard and I destoryed them with a shovel after cleaning up the glass.
I am going to the dealership today so I am selling a kidney and bringing Russian classics to read.
Speed Trap
.:: Sunday, May 8th ::.
~ 05:43 PM ~
"...I predict a riot..."
We had brunch at the Forest Pack Country Club. It was good. Harrison and I talked about baseball. I swear I saw an ex-student too.
I worked in the backyard. The last shrub is gone. The pathway is free of grass and ready for woodchips. I busted one of the urns so we can get rid of it. I also cleaned the patio furniture so we may sit in the backyard.
I am watching womens' beach volleyball.... Misty May.
Hey, how about them Cards?
.:: Saturday, May 7th ::.
~ 07:30 PM ~
We went for a ride.
We also won on the horses. Oh, yeah.
~ 09:16 AM ~
It is a nice day, I think we are going for a ride.
My brewing went well. I bottled the Celebration and brewed the pale ale, which does not look to pale as of yet.
616 (update the myths)
Damn, I missed no pants day
.:: Friday, May 6th ::.
~ 02:43 PM ~
"...a long slow goodbye..."
STATS (so good!)
~ 10:07 AM ~
"...could have been, should have been mine..."
Neale liked the sangria, which is good enough for me.
I am bottling the Celebration stout and brewing my pale ale. It is a simple recipe but it is good to make it now with our return to SB Phase 1 on Monday.
I stand firm in my conviction that any beer you have to put a lime in really needs work back at the brewery.
Terror suspect invited to dine
.:: Thursday, May 5th ::.
~ 03:13 PM ~
"...bob's yer uncle..."
A group of students gave their presentation on school shooting and a solution offered was arming teachers. Despite the overtones of the NRA and Missouri's concealed carry laws, we discussed why for one, you really do not want your high school gym teacher sporting sansabelt polyester shorts, a whistle, and a Glock. Given we were in a classroom, we discussed why the shootings occur in the first place (AGAIN) and how bullying should be monitored. The day I have to sport a HK P2000SK to class is the day I become a coffee picker.
The Blair's Sudden Death is quite good. No, I do not know what to do with the keychain. It has a more subtle hot than Dave's Insanity sauce. I did spinkle some de arbol chile powder on my califlower though. I also picked up a Dave's six dried spice shaker, which is handy. Besides the love of heat, the chiles raise metabolism and that cannot hurt.
I saw my neighbor doing the hula in the frontyard. At first I respected the ability to break the norm and appreciated a possible "Desperate Housewives" slant. But, alas, she was playing with her daughter.
(Ultimate Firefox)Tweak Guides
~ 10:07 AM ~
"...started pushing forward back..."
Cinco de Mayo. Special Note: Its not about the Alamo, the spanish army, or the dead. It is about good sangria though.
Chris and Neale's Sangria:
1 bottle Rioja (aka the red)
1 cup Spanish Brandy
Club soda to cut consistency
1 cup Splenda
Lime, Lemon, and Orange slice
Mix, chill, and sip.
Runaway groom
Bush does Cuatro de Mayo
Runaway dad loses penis
.:: Wednesday, May 4th ::.
~ 02:02 PM ~
"...sooner or later..."
I am grading...presentations, exams, and other bits. I am meeting Neale at Men's Warehouse to get fitted for my tux and then we are eating at the CheeseCake Factory (great salads). Sadly, no cheesecake for me.
Snack like the Jolly Green Giants of death
.:: Tuesday, May 3rd ::.
~ 07:23 PM ~
"...don't drink poison..."
Sealab 2021 is over. You want the moustache on or off?
We went for a walk. I used the soloflex. The last bag of leaves went to the curb. I also sprayed the fence line as I am attempting to control the green creep from next door. The backyard looks better and the broad leaf is fading. However, I think another layer of weed & feed maybe necessary to control it.
We have decided to go to the Lake (or Lake of the Ozarks) during May 20th to 21st. The semester is over for me and Neale is taking some time off. In the past, late May was our vacation time. Since we are going to Hawaii in December, we are waiting for that time for the regular vacation. Luckily, this year at LCCC, there is time between spring and summer semesters. However, that Monday (16th) I have grades due, the 17th, I have a meeting, and Wednesday is graduation, which I must attend. I like graduation but it is mandatory.
Friday I am brewing my Whitey's Pale Ale.
Calculate building materials
Idol problems
~ 10:18 AM ~
"...Hesh wants drugs..."
What's worse than spending an hour and a half at the dealership reading an old AARP magazine while two other patrons watch "COPS"? Having to go back next Monday to have my belts, batt, tranny juice, and time travel device replaced. It was the only magazine they had but it was a good read. I finished it though. So, I am bringing my old copies of Entertainment Weekly, PC Gamer, and Vegie Times as a donation. It is such simple torture to sit in a dealership while the sunshines and I could be productive. Oh, bother. A walk and yoga session wiped that strain away.
The fine taste of capitalism...scabby bacon
MC Chris
Counts, links, and trouble
.:: Monday, May 2nd ::.
~ 10:45 PM ~
"...I wish everyday was like Sunday..."
WLCA played Europe's "Final Countdown" a moment ago. It was a good reason for deafness.
I am visiting the dealership today for an oil change. I hope I am out before sunset.
We watched a fave film of Neale's called "Shoot to Kill". The Moxi was mistimed due to a Braves' game on Saturday so the ending got cut off. It is a rare mistake. But, I need an ending so here goes:
1) Warren, John, and Steve realize the pointlessness of violence and become
friends. They open a tea shop in Soho.
2) Warren is actually Steve's father and asks him to join the dark side.
3) The ferry is hit by an iceberg and Steve gives his life to saves John.
4) It was all actually a dream...by a dog.
5) US Marshalls who are little people shoot Steve
6) There is a horrific final shoot out like The Wild Ones
7) Steve discovers true love and stops being a pizza guy/gigalo
8) Steve and Jon team together to steal millions from a casino
9) It turns out Warren is a bad cop killing people for hire and Jon is
internal affairs
10) Steve tells Jon "That girl was, is, and always will be nada!" Jon
retorts with "You couldn't buy her, though, that's what's killing you, isn't
it? Steve? That's it, Steve. She thinks you're shit. And deep down, you know
she's right."
Reason #87565 on why not to bring guns to class
.:: Sunday, May 1st ::.
~ 05:52 PM ~
The wind was stiff and the ride was tough. But, a tough day on the bike beats walking.
I mowed the lawn and cleaned the fireplace. Neale is gathering her groceries, tanning, getting an oil change, and buying shorts.
I watched "The Alamo" and it was ok.
We our anniversary coming up we are going big...Tony's. I will have the wine steward chill and breathe the '86 Chateau Mouton Rothschild soon.
Burritos as big as your bomb
Chicken philosophy
~ 10:17 AM ~
"...Clear as winter ice...This is your paradise..."
I replaced the backdoor lock last night. I also racked the amber to secondary. I was watching a show on FoodTV about hot sauce so I got a taste for some chili. I also ordered some online and purchased a hot sauce going away gift for one of Neale's coworkers. We are probably going for a ride today and I will mow the lawn. I may dig up the last shrub stump.
The previous journal has been archived.
Feral Children
CD Kitchen
Ban Bread
St. Louis and Buddhist sand painting