.:: Monday, June 30th ::.
~ 01:49 PM ~
First days are always....unavoidable. However, it gets better.
~ 06:26 AM ~
It is the first day of my CSU Summer II class. I am teaching a section of "Sociology of the Third World" for them. I previously taught this course in the spring.
Once again, I will be archiving the journal (see links above) and starting a new one for July and August.
Katharine Hepburn dies at 96
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.:: Sunday, June 29th ::.
~ 10:02 AM ~
The First Annual Woodchuck run went well. In all, it was a 12 mile trek south on the Ohio & Erie Towpath starting near Red Lock and ending at the Indian Mound. Neale dropped me off and went down to the Merriman Valley to bike. I met up with her shortly and we biked together for a few miles. I will post a few pictures soon. Afterwards, we went to Scorchers for dinner. Scorchers’ Draft House was a place we use to go to when we lived in the Valley. For sentimental purposes, we drove by the old apartment and saw the changes in the Valley. So, it was a great day and a sentimental trip as we move out of Ohio to new beginnings in Missouri.
Earth Riders - Missouri Trails
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.:: Saturday, June 28th ::.
~ 10:17 AM ~
The Woodchuck Run is today. Check the photos section for photos (soon).
My copy of Strangers With Candy (Season One) arrived yesterday. Good times...
MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action
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.:: Wednesday, June 25th ::.
~ 3:02 PM ~
There is finally warmth and sunshine in northeastern Ohio.
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002
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.:: Monday, June 23rd ::.
~ 3:19 PM ~
Sorry...long time no post. Luckily, no one really remembers that time I forgot to post for a few months when I moved from Terre Haute to Akron. I had my first chat today with my online students and it went well. We didn't talk about the course too much as everything is pretty straight forward and we covered most of that through email. But, it was fun. I spent about an hour this morning setting up the electric, dish, and phone in St. Louis. It was painless. Neale got some (and I mean ALOT) of boxes from a couple that just moved. We are set on boxes. I will do a good part of the loading before we move. The moving men will handle the big stuff. We get the trailer over the weekend and then the freight company picks it up. In all, we should be settled by mid-August. I have been looking into DSL in St. Louis and am finding some good deals. There are about three major companies that provide good service in the area. Broadbandreports.com is a great service.
Need another shirt? American Apology Shirt is the gift to give.
Federal Trade Commission - The Do Not Call Registry is warming up.
bjup.com -- Latin -- Miscellaneous Phrases
Not In Our Name
United for Peace and Justice
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.:: Thursday, June 19th ::.
~ 1:39 PM ~
It was rainy while I was grading but it has cleared up. Time for a ride!
The pics from this past weekend with my parents have been posted. Check out the Photo section.
Meet my new car. It helps to know someone who works at a dealership.
SatireWire | dot.com.edy
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.:: Wednesday, June 18th ::.
~ 08:14 PM ~
My contract is on its way! It should be here soon. I knew it was coming but it is just another link the chain to St. Louis. We found a place, have a car dealer that wants to sell (the stylish and luxurious...slightly used...going to check CarFax) Mitsubishi Galant and movers are awaiting our call. Our apartment has already been rented so July 31st we are out of here.
I did 10 miles in less than 45 minutes yesterday on the bike. The path was empty because of a threatening storm so it was very clear and there wasn't a breeze.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Woodchuck Run 2003 is scheduled for June 28th. The tentative rain date is June 29th.
TechTV | Windows Tip: Choose How Much .Net You Want
Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage
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.:: Monday, June 16th ::.
~ 04:58 PM ~
We had a great weekend with my parents. We road the bike paths, saw "The Italian Job", and enjoyed some quality time together. In all, a great Father's Day weekend.
I watched Trio’s special on Bill Hicks last night and I was amused. I was sad. I was scared. I laughed until I cried. Just what Bill would have wanted. A great talent that not enough people know enough about to appreciate.
WhoWhatWhen - Interactive Historical Timelines
Unbrand America
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.:: Friday, June 13th ::.
~ 01:13 PM ~
After a busy morning of grading, reading posts, and organizing the web course, I have switched gears. I am watching "Angels in the Outfield" (1994 verison) and it is a sweet film. I never saw it before today. It is a nice change from the Dario Argento doc I was watching last night. I needed something after watching too much of the terrible "American Nightmare" (2002) not the excellent "American Nightmare" (2000), which also runs on IFC regularly.
Researchers Trace the Ancestry of AIDS
In Their Own Words-Discovery of HIV
Timeline of the AIDS Epidemic
The Origin of AIDS & HIV, and the First Cases of AIDS
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.:: Thursday, June 12th ::.
~ 11:43 PM ~
It was an overcast and rainy day. We didn't get to exercise but we needed the night off after three days on.
I have been very busy with my online course. It is fun. I have learned a few things for next time already. But, the forum discussion has been very good.
My parents visit this weekend.
NARA | AAD Main Page
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.:: Tuesday, June 10th ::.
~ 12:40 PM ~
I was in the mood for something different last night and had some frozen corn on hand. So, I did a quick search on Food Network and Smoked Corn Cakes with Diablo sauce seemed interesting. It turned out quite well and I skipped the "smoked" part. The Diablo sauce was very good and you could adjust the heat according to your comfort level.
Opensecrets.org--Money in politics data
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.:: Monday, June 9th ::.
~ 12:40 PM ~
There is no such thing as "limited government".
Computers and Socialism; or Cyberspace & Self-management
Locking up the cave? The Always Amusing Euphemism Generator
Almanac of Policy Issues
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.:: Sunday, June 8th ::.
~ 11:55 PM ~
And they wandered in
From the city of St. John
Without a dime
Wearing coats that shined
Both red and green
Colors from their sunny island
From their boats of iron
They looked upon the promised land
Where surely life was sweet
On the rising tide
To New York City
Did they ride into the street
---- Lyrics | The Royal Scam
~ 03:35 PM ~
I got done checking my course forums and had to fax some stuff for our move. So, I thought I would take a ride but it just turned very dark and started to rain. Hopefully, this will pass quickly.
The Mets are getting beat ---badly--- today.
We found a new home.
Eugene V. Debs - Famous Quotes and Quotations
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.:: Saturday, June 7th ::.
~ 07:12 PM ~
West Pointe!
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.:: Thursday, June 5th ::.
~ 11:12 AM ~
I did well at Half Price Books. I will be taking one more trip on Friday.
Neale will be visiting St. Louis this weekend to look at possible apartments for us. She did a lot of research and was able to narrow the field down to four choices. Apartment Guide was a great resource.
Best of History Websites
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.:: Wednesday, June 4th ::.
~ 09:48 AM ~
Neale's tennis match got rained out yesterday. I went for a walk. Today, I am venturing over to Half Price Books to see if I can pass along some old paperbacks.
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.:: Tuesday, June 3rd ::.
~ 12:27 PM ~
We went for a short ride yesterday. However, Neale is playing a coworker in tennis today (weather permitting, as it is raining currently). I may go for a ride solo.
My online course is underway and all most everyone has checked in. I started off the discussion with a couple of discussion questions in our forum. I will post some for each chapter and students are asked to do the same. Once everyone gets comfortable posting & responding, the course will run smoothly.
AccuRadio.com - Internet radio you control
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.:: Monday, June 2nd ::.
~ 09:59 AM ~
We went to the Towpath yesterday. It was fun as usual. The improvements are coming along and we spotted some "Trailblazers" for the first time. I guess they are on the path to help people and provide repairs.
My online course started today. The students will start to log in shortly.
Mountain Bike Maintenance
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.:: Saturday, May 31st ::.
~ 10:31 PM ~
We are enjoying Mojitos. However, my recipe needs work as it is not as good as the one I had in Vegas last week.
Does megalodon exist?
~ 11:57 AM ~
We saw a production of Jake's Women. It was good. The play centers on the problems of Jake and his relationships (or lack there of) as well as his journey towards resolution. Dolores was in the production and did a good job. I would have liked the production more if I would have felt uncomfortable during the arguments. When a marriage is breaking up (obviously, I do not about this firsthand), people yell louder, curse, and say things that are not rational. Simon did not include this in the arguments and it shows that he, despite his willingness to open up his personal/emotional life for the stage, was still restrained. I must admit that I am not a fan of Simon's work and prefer my plays more in the Pinter and Mamet genre.
[comment on this day's entry]
.:: Friday, May 30th ::.
~ 03:03 PM ~
With no errands to run, I am going for a ride this afternoon. We are both going to see Dolores' play tonight.
propaganda critic
Jay's Leftist and 'Progressive' Internet Resources Directory
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.:: Thursday, May 29th ::.
~ 01:49 PM ~
I did not mention this in a previous post but the reason my neck is stiff was due to an ill-timed sneeze. Is this a sign of growing old? I was off-balanced and sneezed so the middle of my neck to the base is stiff. It is getting better...almost 85%.
 You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You have strong faith in yourself and those around you. A true leader, you are relentless in your persuit.
What Matrix Persona Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Remember, no pictures at Starbucks.
Bad news....no, Baja Fresh or Chipotle in St. Louis. ¿Dónde está mi burrito?
Welcome to Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages
Tax Law Omits Child Credit in Low-Income Brackets
St. Louis Restaurants and Reviews
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.:: Wednesday, May 28th ::.
~ 10:01 AM ~
Our new TV is here and it looks/sounds much better. We also inherited a large TV box for a few days, as the delivery guys (one of which looked exactly like Cliff Floyd) said we should hang on to it in case of a malfunction. However, our neighbor wants the box as he has nephews who enjoy large boxes.
I have to contact a TV repair person today to see if they are interested in the old TV. I am also cleaning the outside closet in preparation for the move. I was able to get about a third done last night. I am sorting books and old papers today.
My neck feels better but still stiff.
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.:: Tuesday, May 27th ::.
~ 09:07 AM ~
Our DirecTV DVR receiver is getting installed this afternoon. The Hughes' hard drive is slightly larger than what we had before. Our TV comes tomorrow and then the repairs from the storm will final. I will be leaving to get two surge protectors shortly and to pick up our mail.
I replaced my bike brake pads yesterday. I was getting a slight squeak and thought that a new set of brake pads would do the trick. The new pads are slightly longer than the set that came with the bike. Since last July, I have eclipsed 500 miles on the bike.
I really like History Channel's Conquest.
If you use XP and get random "recovered from a serious error" message at startup, read this.
TechTV | Unscrewed
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.:: Monday, May 26th ::.
~ 12:18 AM ~
The Vegas pictures have been posted. Also, I emailed copies to friends and family. On a related note, we saw another celebrity flying Southwest. Yes, the word "celebrity" is a stretch when you are flying the sky's city bus but Neale spotted him. Last year, it was Tony Little in Tampa and this year it was Kevin DuBrow. Give up? Yes, Quiet Riot's frontman. He was heading to Texas. C',mon feel the low, low fares...
We went for a ride today. Tomorrow, we are heading to the Towpath. Hopefully, the repairs on the trail are done so the 2003 Woodchuck Run can get under way.
The Groundhogs at HogHaven
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.:: Sunday, May 25th ::.
~ 02:11 PM ~
We're back. We had a lot of fun and came out even. Thursday night was our best night and Friday night went rather quickly. The casinos were great. New York New York was very nice, MGM was ok, Circus Circus was terrible, the Flamingo was nice, and the Bellagio was beautiful. The pictures will be posted soon.
Got some time? Hold the Button
Guardian Unlimited Books | Review | The road to 1984
Howard Zinn Online
Howard Zinn page
identity theory | the narrative thread - howard zinn interview
A People's History of America by Howard Zinn
A People's History of the United States
The Christopher Hitchens Web
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.:: Wednesday, May 21st ::.
~ 07:02 AM ~
We are leaving soon. We are staying at New York-New York Hotel & Casino and it looks nice. Wish us luck! Be back in a few days.
The Degree Confluence Project
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.:: Tuesday, May 20th ::.
~ 08:35 PM ~
We leave for Vegas tomorrow. So, if we return with a little more cash than when we left, we will be happy. More photos of Vegas soon....
A really good discussion of the Matrix Reloaded...whoa.
U.S. Soyfoods Directory
ACLU and Worker's Rights
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.:: Monday, May 19th ::.
~ 01:25 PM ~
We had a great time this weekend. I posted some pictures on the photos page. Please take a look. It was a beautiful day. We are off to Vegas in a few days so there will be more photos soon. It is nice here today but we have to run a few errands but we will make it to the bike path later this afternoon.
National Gallery of Art - The Collection
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.:: Thursday, May 15th ::.
~ 11:41 AM ~
I am at Lorain County CC making myself available if any students want their grades in person. Yesterday, I did the same at CSU and only got two visitors. Luckily, they got good news. Today, I have had two so far. Unfortunately, there is always the margin for error. However, not on my part. So, I get two or three students that either failed to take the last exam or turn in assignments. This is dealt with on a case by case basis and I do try to give the students every opportunity to prove themselves. I believe that it is an important "life lesson" to try until all options are not available and to not give up. With that said, I don't accept suspicious excuses either. This is always a busy time of the year and it is almost over for now. I will take some time off and be more than eager to begin the journey again.
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.
--Anthony J. D'Angelo The College Blue Book
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
--Mahatma Gandhi
We are seeing The Matrix Reloaded tonight.
~ 12:03 AM ~
We went to our bi-annual West Wing party tonight. It went well and the ending of the West Wing was unexpected.
I found some interesting reads at MoveOn, CorpWatch, Infact, and Fair Taxes FOR ALL ! ! !
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.:: Tuesday, May 13th ::.
~ 11:21 PM ~
Ah....where to begin? Well, at the start. I accepted the job at Lewis & Clark CC. For those who have not heard, I was offered a full-time tenure track position as an assistant professor of sociology. It was the best news I have heard in many months and it feels great to know that people appreciate my abilities as an instructor. I was the most direct and honest I had even been in an interview. They really liked that and were impressed, as I was with them. I am full of gratitude and humility. I am looking forward to it and it will bring many welcomed changed to our household. We will be moving in early August, Neale's transfer went through quickly due to her excellent reputation, and we plan on renting in St. Louis for one more year.
The insurance will cover our TV, wireless data modems, and Sonicare toothbrush. We have to pay the deductible but they approved that we should buy replacements and pass the paperwork on to them. The complex's stove will be replaced and we will have to purchase a new DirecTV/Tivo unit as we received it free. However, DirecTV is giving a good deal, well below retail price. However, we need to find a solution to the 32" paperweight in our living room that was formerly our television. More soon....
I have finished grading for the semester! The grades are done and I just have to submit the LCCC grades on Thursday. I look forward to a short break before starting my online course in June.
We ordered our tickets through Fandango for The Matrix Reloaded.
Watching: Six Feet Under
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.:: Sunday, May 11th ::.
~ 10:10 AM ~
Ex-Employee Held in Campus Attack
~ 12:03 AM ~
There was a storm last night and we lost our Tivo, stove, TV, and a SonicCare toothbrush. Hopefully, our renter's insurance covers it all. It will, trust us.
The Official Web Site of Bestselling Author Dan Brown
Pearl Jam - Sonic Reducer - Against
HBO: Ali G
Ali G Translator
QueenDom: personality tests, intelligence tests, aptitude tests, attitude tests
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.:: Friday, May 9th ::.
~ 06:28 PM ~
Lewis and Clark Community College
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.:: Thursday, May 8th ::.
~ 01:13 PM ~
I am still in St. Louis. I fly out about 5:20 (central) and I relaxing at Debbie's home. I have to return the rental before I leave. Thrifty gave me a 2003 Dodge Neon and it is a decent car. Considering my last rental was a Kia, I am very pleased with the Neon. The interior is a touch small and the steering wheel is thick but it does drive nicely.
My interview at Lewis and Clark went great. I should hear something soon. The interview lasted a little over an hour and I made a good impression. It was a great conversation and I was honest about my approach to teaching. I believe my style of teaching is a great match for what they want and they told me they were impressed. I am optimistic and look forward to the news.
My first two exams are tomorrow. Then, the grading begins and getting all the grades in order. I have a few remaining assignments due from students so I hope they get them in before I publish the grades.
I spent my free time here tuning up Debbie's PC. It is a good machine.
Baseball Almanac
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.:: Tuesday, May 6th ::.
~ 12:22 AM ~
Note to self: Cancel Old Man in the Mountain off the vacation list.
Ohio League of Women Voters
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.:: Monday, May 5th ::.
~ 03:02 PM ~
Viva Cinco de Mayo!
It is finals week. I had my last regular class at LCCC this morning; it was a review session for the upcoming exam. I also stopped by CSU to give a makeup exam for a student. There will be a few reading days, a flurry of exams, a pile of papers to grade, and the calm of turning in the final grades in a matter of days. I will have a few weeks off; Neale will be on vacation too, so we will spend time with Debbie and then head to Vegas.
This may come as a surprise to some but I do listen to Rush Limbaugh on occasion (yes, he is actually still on the air). Those of you who know my politics may find this strange or you may find it strange that I got sentimental over the Wobblies this morning even more unusual. Have you forgotten your Joe Hill? The reason I occasionally listen to Rush is to keep myself sharp. I am a firm believer that is does more good to spend some time with someone that has the opposing view than spending all your time with like-minded individuals. So, I love "Talk of the Nation", "Morning Edition", and "Fresh Air" more than ever. But, the ability to sort through his misinformation and empty rhetoric is really fulfilling.
Shakespearean Insulter
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.:: Sunday, May 4th ::.
~ 07:21 PM ~
We went for a ride this afternoon. We are trying to go earlier than 3 or 4 and keeping closer to 1 or 2 on Sundays. Neale likes to have her Sunday evenings free.
I made Alton's cocoa sauce (a la Hershey's syrup but better) and, as Neale requested, a peanut butter sauce. Both turned out great.
"I’m an obtuse man so I will try to be oblique." -- Onyx Blackman (Strangers with Candy)
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.:: Sunday, May 4th ::.
~ 07:21 PM ~
We went for a ride this afternoon. We are trying to go earlier than 3 or 4 and keeping closer to 1 or 2 on Sundays. Neale likes to have her Sunday evenings free.
I made Alton's cocoa sauce (a la Hershey's syrup but better) and, as Neale requested, a peanut butter sauce. Both turned out great.
"I’m an obtuse man so I will try to be oblique." -- Onyx Blackman (Strangers with Candy)
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.:: Saturday, May 3rd ::.
~ 08:33 PM ~
We went for a ride this afternoon. Before we did, I was in the mood for the batting cage. I did well in the first cage....at 40 mph. So, that is not anything to brag about. But, I was able to make solid contact at 60 mph. In the first cage, I was able to have a slight hitch in my swing but I quickly changed to a batting stance akin to Sammy Sosa at higher speeds. Having my hands over the plate really helped. The slow pitch cage was also easily mastered.
On our ride, there was a tree across the path and I moved it. It was a rotten tree about 30 feet long that finally gave way to the wind. I did end up doing a somersault over the tree when it broke away from the base and sprained my pinky finger. But, I did do something to help my fellow Meteropark users.
Neale was inspired and made an apple crisp. She used a yellow cake topping which was a nice change. She is preparing herself for another game of Scrabble, which will start shortly.
~ 11:13 AM ~
I have a very good job opportunity coming up. I will be flying to St. Louis on Tuesday and interviewing at Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey, Il. Needless to say, we are both excited about the possibility and I will do my best to land the job. It would be an excellent place for each of us to continue our careers as Neale likes the St. Louis NLRB office and L & C values teaching.
I switched the journal over. As always, the previous journals are available through links above.
West Wing News
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