.:: Tuesday, October 31st ::.
~ 11:47 AM ~
"...thoughts rearrange..."
I made a tasty (improved) tofu and asparagus curry last night. The addition of Greek yogurt to the sauce is helping but I need work on my spice addition (still some grainy taste). Tonight, a small Chicago-style pizza.
~ 06:24 AM ~
"...good day for an exorcism..."
Neale is heading to Britt's house for Halloween candy gathering. Ellis and I will be here at home. The bowl of candy is ready, the pumpkin is ready, and the blacklight looks good.
We had a great time in Chicago/Oswego last weekend.
I painted 4 of 5 basement windows at Bill's house and put a second coat on half the porch. The light leaves at 5 these days but we are almost done.
The new 367 opened yesterday. It makes the ride smoother but the Missouri River bridge is still a construction zone.
Happy Birthday to me. We are going out for dinner this weekend to celebrate.
Back to School
IPod Skills
.:: Friday, October 27th ::.
~ 10:53 AM ~
"...hear it from the man himself..."
We are almost packed and ready to head North.
El Rushbo.... wrong again. Next show, more of the same cheap shots, distortions, and pleas for attention.
Psych Dictionary
Limehouse Blues
Diet and pay less at the pump
.:: Thursday, October 26th ::.
~ 11:42 AM ~
"...breaking the broken..."
Bad weather once again. No painting. But, there might be baseball.
I got my ticket for the 1st 2006 Ho-Ho show.
I am making a spinach paneer for dinner. On KDHX 88.1FM (streams online too), the host on Wednesday nights gives recipe (which has been Indian mostly) and I was inspired.
Gave'em five
.:: Wednesday, October 25th ::.
~ 05:18 PM ~
"...last but not least..."
Happy 60th Birthday Mom.
I insulated the water heater pipes but I could not find a wrap for the tank at Home Depot.
Once again, it is raining in Saint Louis but they should get the game in.
Fear itself
.:: Tuesday, October 24th ::.
~ 08:17 PM ~
"...I will be execute..."
The congestion got worse for the 12:15 class and the last half hour was a struggle. After work, I picked up my Mother's birthday gift, went to the Canine Center for Ellis' treats, picked up some supplies at Costco ( Nyquil for one), and stopped at Home Depot (water pipe insulation). I felt better after the Nyquil but I am still a little stuffy. It will pass.
We went for a walk, Neale is making Greek-style green beans, and the Series is on.
Next weekend, the fruitcakes will be made.
YouTube as political tool
Kill Disk
Ken is right on again
~ 11:02 AM ~
"...the loner..."
It is a nice day here but I am still battling a little congestion. It really came on while talking this morning in class. I feel fine but my throat went dry.
Local News Barkapolozza Coverage
.:: Monday, October 23rd ::.
~ 07:52 PM ~
Neale finalized my Mom's gift. We picked something unique.
I painted the front peak of Bill's house, walked Ellis, and strung our Halloween lights.
Ellis enjoyed Barkapoloozza. Good music, friendly dogs, and we helped a good cause.
Firefox has released 2.0.
Shatner sings
Splendid Table
Commodore 64
Commodore 64 again
Keep Up With Commodore
.:: Saturday, October 21st ::.
~ 08:37 PM ~
"...Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet...."
I finished glazing and I will paint the front peak on Monday. If that goes quicker than expected, I will start on the second coat of trim for the porch.
Diet Rockstar
~ 10:34 AM ~
"...over the coffee table..."
We are going for a walk. The rain missed the area so I am glazing/painting today. Neale is taking it easy.
I am giving Yahoo Fantasy Basketball a try.
101 Cookbooks
Skidboot the Dog
The Office
.:: Friday, October 20th ::.
~ 10:44 AM ~
Great series. However, I am passing on the World Series.
I am working over at Bill's today.
I decided to start taking Coq10.
On Sunday, we are going to Barkapalooza.
.:: Wednesday, October 18th ::.
~ 09:50 AM ~
Good game last night despite the results. Back to Shea....its not over yet.
After our 2 inches of rain on Monday, it is sprinkling here. It will not keep Ellis and I from getting in our walk.
Deliver Us From Evil
Iran and Ritter
.:: Tuesday, October 17th ::.
~ 07:31 PM ~
We are watching the Mets/Cards. The good news: no rain. The bad news: Tim McGarver.
Firefox is updated to Firefox 2 RC3. 75% of the add-ons are working for me.
.:: Monday, October 16th ::.
~ 06:43 PM ~
"... death by sexy..."
Rained out. This is good for the Mets as Glavine is not very good on short rest.
~ 02:03 PM ~
"...god lemar that was stupid..."
The game went well. We took the train, which was slower than we normally move around the city. But, it does have its benefits. The standing went well as Neale got a good spot in left center. We left at the bottom of the sixth given the Mets being up by so many and it was starting to rain. Speaking of rain, it is soaked down here and I don't think there will be baseball tonight.
The tar
Grudge 2 top film? Huh?
.:: Saturday, October 14th ::.
~ 12:49 PM ~
"...from which I came..."
New photos of updated upstairs bath added. Please go to photos, our home, bath, and look at the bottom of the bath page.
Next year's tomato strategy will be redeveloped.
~ 11:31 AM ~
"...why billy?..."
We saw Quidam last night. Great show and great seats. Their tent only held about 2500 people.
We are going for a ride soon. Neale had to pick something up at the mall.
You Are 5: The Investigator
You're independent - and a logical analytical thinker.
You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does.
Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations.
You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it.
.:: Thursday, October 12th ::.
~ 07:52 PM ~
"...nice selection..."
I finished Bill's foundation and primed the asphalt tile front peak. It will also be copper like the foundation. It was 50 in the shade, which was a vast contrast from the mid-August humidity.
Neale had to work late but Ellis did fine in his house. I gave him alittle more leftover pork rib to soothe the lack of people time.
I was in the mood for something different so I made a veg Rueben (Swiss, Thousand Island, Sauerkaut, & ham veg slices).
Of course, we are watching the Mets/Cards.
Pet Video
Mind Reader
Porn Up, Rape Down
Gen Pets
~ 12:25 PM ~
"...all five..."
~ 11:37 AM ~
"...so busy lately that I never found the time to open up my mind..."
Water was returned to our home at 2:30 so I could make it to class. However, water washed out the Mets game.
Tomorrow, there is a diversity workshop and I am attending. It is for students.
Album Cover fun
.:: Wednesday, October 11th ::.
~ 01:38 PM ~
"...fight dogs..."
We have a water main break on the block. So, we have no water. This is creating a problem for my night class.
True Love
.:: Tuesday, October 10th ::.
~ 05:49 PM ~
"...sua sponte..."
On Friday, we are going to see Cirque du Soleil and having dinner at Maggianos.
Neale bought Mets/Cards tickets through StubHub. I was surprised. We are going on Sunday. It is standing room only but there are benches around the park.
The sua sponte quote is for a local campaign ad. The guy states he was a member of the US Rangers and that their motto is/was "don't leave a man behind". Well, it is not. The Ranger motto is "Rangers Lead the Way". "Sua Sponte" is their other motto.
Steve and Joan's plans to take their family to Europe are looking good. This is a possible location (Tuscany, most likely).
Our foolish governor stated that some teachers should have guns. So, please help me pick between a Glock or a Sig Sauer.
Reich Ruins
Stealing Stuff
Make Stuff
.:: Monday, October 9th ::.
~ 07:51 PM ~
"...break through..."
The foundation at Bill's house is almost done.
Neale tried Nacho Mama's today and liked it!
Uhn Tiss
Thin Man
~ 12:20 PM ~
"...no surprise..."
Oktoberfest went well. It was not as big as last year due to the holiday weekend and some event conflicts (ie funeral) but a good time was had by all. We have alot of leftover beans. Neale finished the dollar sandwiches, Ellis gets some rib meat (no bones), and I can have the mac salad. Since the Mets were on and having a difficult inning, I did some cleaning while Neale chatted with some friends from work. The Mets swept the Dodgers and play the Cards next.
Ellis turned one year old yesterday and we took him to Three Dog Bakery for some treats. He ate his brownie in the parking lot with a dog's dignity. He also has a bone and puppermint patty later in the evening. He did great at the party and did not bother anyone. Like me, he was tired the next day from the event.
Yesterday, I was in a "blah" mood and did not want to do anything. But, I did muster the interest for a ride instead of painting or doing some other household chore (well, I did do laundry). We rode on the Grant Trail path addition. It adds another 2 miles to the path. Neale has sworn off the path because of the numerous posts and having to start/stop at the traffic lights. If I ride that trail, I will be riding alone. It was the site of my worse bike accident as I hit a construction fence pole with my handlebars and lost a tire.
The new shower is great. Pics soon.
pumpkin way
.:: Saturday, October 7th ::.
~ 01:31 PM ~
We went for a walk and set up for the party. Everything is ready.
Blame it on the rain
Balls to the Wall
Lets Go Mets
.:: Friday, October 6th ::.
~ 09:14 AM ~
"...king of the mountain..."
The bathroom installers are here. Yesterday, they replaced the 50s drum trap with new 1.5 inch PVC. They also ran new pipe for the new shower hardware (Moen faucets). They should be done by 3.
I started the beans and they are in the oven. Neale is handling the mac salad. Besides setting up tomorrow and icing the beverages, we are ready to go. Neale's coworker is making ribs this year. Luckily, the Cards are on early so people will come afterwards.
I started painting Bill's foundation and it seemed to go slow. After 2 hours, I had alittle less than a third done.
The dog gates are officially down and stored. Ellis no longer needs the fencing. But, the 10 months we had them up caused some wear on the walls. So, I patched the dent in the wall and will paint the spots today. I will also finish the spot above the new ceiling fan and finish the side windows.
Liquid Band Aid
20s Slang
.:: Thursday, October 5th ::.
~ 11:58 AM ~
"...texas sky..."
With another phase 1 of South Beach approaching, we satisfied our pizza desires last night. I made homemade crust (splenda, salt, warm water, fast rising yeast, and flour). It made about two 12 pies. Neale did a white pizza and I used my fire roasted tomatoe sauce which was orginally purchased for chili. But, with my leftover baked beans still in the fridge, my bean tolerance has been reached.
The workmen are in our home. Hopefully, Ellis is being nice. They would be in his area to turn off the water. We will have our shower back on Saturday.
I am painting today.
.:: Wednesday, October 4th ::.
~ 11:38 AM ~
"...another place to fall..."
The switch in my recently modded Boss CS-3 died. I contacted the guy that has done most of my pedal mods and he is sending me a switch. Very cool. I just need to send back money for postage. He says it is an easy fix with only two wires to solder.
My night class is not meeting this week and I only have to attend a committee meeting today. We have an event coming up and need to finalize a list of attendees.
~ 09:16 AM ~
"...more familiar..."
Neale played tennis last night and they were able to get in a few sets.
I put the second coat on the side windows trim. On Thursday, I am starting the foundation paint at Bill's place.
On Friday, I am starting the beans for the party and getting a haircut. Neale is taking the day off to prep for the party as well. Sadly, Dolores and Joe from Cleveland cannot atttend. But, the party should be about 20+ people.
On your bill
Color Awards
.:: Monday, October 2nd ::.
~ 09:42 PM ~
~ 07:33 PM ~
"...my rowdy friends..."
Neale is in Marion and last I heard enjoying food from Sao Asian Bistro (yes, Marion has a bistro).
I painted trim on Bill's house (back windows and rear door w/ roof). On Thursday, I am starting the foundation.
I had some sushi from Whole Foods for dinner and some sake (diamond) to wash it down.
New task on the "To Do List": insulate the water heater
I am using Firefox 2.0 RC1 so my extensions are not working. Program works well though.
~ 07:52 AM ~
"...feel and delay..."

We're in.
Neale is traveling to Marion today. So, it is guys night at our house. I am painting at Bill's today after office hours.
Our Thanksgiving guest list is in shape so we can finalize our menu.
Thom Yorke
Someone threw away a perfectly good white boy
Big Marshmellow
.:: Sunday, October 1st ::.
~ 10:19 AM ~
"...only about the pigskin..."
The wedding went well. Nice event. Veg options were limited but the company was good. I saw one former student as the bride and groom were former LCCC students. Also, two faculty members were there as well. After the reception, we met Sara for a drink in Alton. They had the Buckeye game on so I was happy but with minutes left in the fourth a regular had the bartender change the channel to CMT. Oh bother.
Yesterday, Neale got up too late to ride before having to do errands before the wedding. So, I cleaned the house in anticipation for next weekend's party. It was a 85% clean as there is some dusting to do before the party. Plus, I will have to clean up after the bathroom update. On Thursday, the plumbers come to install the arcylic shell over the upstairs bathtub, which will solve a nagging issue for use both. The tub surface is worn and glazing is not the answer. Plus, they will fix the window which was on the list of small things to update. On Saturday morning, we will have an updated bath.
.:: Friday, September 29th ::.
~ 09:06 PM ~
"...we're in yr corner..."
Neale is at Anna's soccer game. I spent the afternoon in the backyard (mowing, trimming, and overseeding) and painting the side windows. Tomorrow, we will do touch-ups on the front and I may have time for a second coat. We are leaving for the wedding around 3:30.
Hey, the Cards are winning!
I am making baked beans for the party next week and they have been going since 4PM. I am using this recipe from Cooks.com. There is no bacon in this version as I am trying to get the seasoning right. I used Woeber's mustard and Super Smoker's Tennessee Original for more character.
El Yucateco
~ 09:25 AM ~
"...a zero..."
I am grading currently. Later, I am painting the windows, laying more mulch, and mowing the backyard. Next weekend is Oktoberfest so the yard needs to looks nice. I also have to pick up some t-shirts for Neale.
Neale got too busy at work so the foundation painting at Bill's is pushed to next week. Sunday, we are painting the back. Once again, Neale needs to hold the ladder while I get the peak.
This is an odd story but here goes. After work on Thursdays, I get groceries usually at Dierbergs and/or Whole Foods. In the mood for sometime different, I got a burrito at Qdoba. All of this end with the timing of arriving home as two school boys were walking right in front of our home. I got out of the car and the kids were looking at me, which did not bother me but it made me notice them. One kid looked really uncomfortable and was holding his stomach. His friend (imagine the kid from "Bad Santa") was carrying his backpack. The Bad Santa kid asked me if his friend could use my bathroom. Given we have all been in this position and the kid looked terrible (& honest), I said "yes". Bad Santa kid stayed with me in the kitchen while his friend got his relief and that was it. We chatted about school and the Cards. Odd. We'll see if the kids come back for candy or to smash my pumpkin.
Tomorrow, we have a wedding to attend over in Alton.
Free Simpsons
.:: Wednesday, September 27th ::.
~ 09:39 AM ~
"...felt he had to leave..."
I uploaded photos and there are updates on the following: Lars Hoffman Memorial Dedication, our home exterior, and the Chihuly exhibit.
Yesterday, the Lars Hoffman Memorial Dedication happened at LCCC. Neale came over to the event. She went to dinner at Lockhaven afterwards, I had class so I could not attend. She played tennis in the evening but Matt's rack developed a broken string so it was cut short. I primed the side windows and will paint on Thursday. I installed a new keypad for our garage door on Tuesday. The previous unit died. I also laid some new mulch and will overseed/reseed the whole yard soon. The backyard has done well but got use some more coverage. There is a spot in the front that needs to be reseeded. After the Oktoberfest party, I will steam clean the carpets. All that is left around here for me to do in the side security light and wash/clean the interior doors.
At Bill's house, I need to finish the back and paint the foundation. I am painting the foundation on Friday and doing the back on Sunday.
No Greek fest
.:: Monday, September 25th ::.
~ 09:30 AM ~
We're back!
The credit card I used for the site was the card that was eaten by an ATM over a year ago. So, the expiration date was forgotten by me. Tripod had the old card and they remembered the date. My access to the site was removed and it changed back to 'free' status. After some new information and emails, things are back to normal.
Last weekend, Steve and Joan visited. They approved of the work done on the house. I agreed to clear the basement. There are some walls in the basement that I can remove. After that I will paint the basement using a sprayer. As for the exterior, the back needs to be done, the foundation will be painted, and there are some touch ups to do this week.
Yesterday, I removed the tape residue from our home's front windows. I painted the trim of the windows white. I am priming the side today.
La Salsa
.:: Thursday, September 14th ::.
~ 11:04 AM ~
"...this modern life..."
I have a night class on Wednesdays and it ran almost past the stoppage time. Neale has an big election and had to get up early (2:30AM). So, the last I saw Neale was Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning, I sleep until 7:30 and sometimes she is there before leaving for work. But, not yesterday. I hope to see hear tonight. We spoke on the phone but its not quite same, right?
Ellis is probably suffering the most with this. He did get his full walk yesterday but he was not out of his house too much in the evening. I played ball with him this morning for about 20 mins but he will need to stretch his little legs tonight after I paint.
Baseball Reference
.:: Wednesday, September 13th ::.
~ 09:42 AM ~
"...a lot of laughs..."
More rain yesterday so I could not paint. I am trying for Thursday now.
We signed the agreement to have the upstairs bath covered with an acrylic shell, new fixtures, and new drain. The project will be done before Oktoberfest. The sales pitch involved some information about the return on bathroom remodels in STL and it was quite nice.
Ellis got a bath last night.
Since I have been painting so much, I have not had much time for other hobbies. I needed to bottle my last brew for Oktoberfest but I have not. So, I am giving the Tap-A-Draft system a try.
Loose Change
Paranoia v. Science
Ken Jenning's First Book
.:: Tuesday, September 12th ::.
~ 11:27 AM ~
Scott Tenorman, charade you are!
~ 06:27 AM ~
"...one coat coverage..."
It was too wet/rainy to paint so I am doing some today at Bill's house. I want the side finished before this weekend.
Last Thursday, we met with a rep from "We Fix Ugly Bathrooms" and we wanted our tub covered since glazing does not solve the problem. The first meeting was longer than expected but we decided to do the project. It takes two days and they cover the existing surface with a true seamless acrylic material. They will also replace the existing bathroom window, fixtures, and replace the drain, which has the original drum trap.
We watched ABC's miniseries, "Path to 9/11" and it strongly affected each of us.
I have a local conference on Friday. Neale has an upcoming election.
Basic Juice
Math Fun
.:: Sunday, September 10th ::.
~ 08:11 PM ~
"...peace be with you..."
Ellis' first swim went well. Pics have been posted on the photos page. Ellis got about an hour of pool time before lightning was spotted and a small thunderstorm rolled through the area. We came home and were going to the art fair but it closed at 4. So, we went to dinner at Michael's (greek) and got dessert from Ted Drew's. I tried the McGraw (named after a local radio personality) and Neale had the Johnny Rabbitt (another local radio host for AM 1430). I actually listen to AM 1430 (number 3 on my AM channel car presets) for old country (Cash, Merle, and Hank).
.:: Saturday, September 9th ::.
~ 07:03 PM ~
"...thrill of it..."
We went to Bill's house to paint. I needed Neale to steady the ladder as I was painting the front peak andthe part above the porch. There was not a lot of footage covered today but two hard parts are done. Neale left when I was off the roof and she visited Bill's grave & Lars' statue at LCCC. On Monday, I will finish the windows and the last five feet of the side overhang.
Once again, Food TV's "Healthy Appepites" directed my dinner menu. Last week, she made chili and I put some in the slow cooker before leaving to paint. The chili turned out quite well. Today, it was pea soup, which came together quickly. Now, we are watching the Bucks/Longhorns and I am enjoying a Fin du Monde.
Tomorrow, we are taking Ellis for a swim and then to the STL Art Fair.
Bush leaguer
.:: Friday, September 8th ::.
~ 01:04 PM ~
Neale is trying a new look with her hair. It will be curly on occassion.
Yesterday, I mowed the backyard, which was a first for several weeks. Today, I am mowing the front and finishing the front windows.
Killing in the name of....
.:: Tuesday, September 4th ::.
~ 11:53 AM ~
"...thunder on the mountain..."
Neale won at Scrabble last night. We watched Dane Cook's comedy performance (Vicious Circle) while playing.
I almost have the west side of Bill's house done. On Friday, I will go after the parts I can reach at normal ladder heights. Neale is coming over on Sunday to hold the ladder while I reach the peaks (gotta scrap some) and the roof above the porch. Ellis' pool day is Saturday and the STL art fair is in the evening.
My new PC game fascination is Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006. I have never played a golf game on PC before but it is a nice change from football and baseball. The first person shooter days are past it seems. I really like the use of the mouse for the golf swing. It took a year or two but I made it off the 'hack' circuit to the amateur tour. My home course is Pumpkin Ridge and it helps to have that to return to for some easier tournament wins.
Slow down, my brother, your life is passing fast
Will you remember all these scenes that you've passed
So long, so long
Speeding past sunset, blurring from town to town
Faces I forget, hotels all look the same
Worn down the knuckle too far
So long, so long
Lost are your colors, now life's in black and white
Steals from a movie, this life's a trick of the light
Worn down the knuckle too far
Worn down
City of strangers, you seem so tired to me
Don't think I'll stay here, you don't seem friendly
I'll keep on moving, searching for peace of mind
Rivers unwinding maybe I'll find it this time
So long, so long
So long
Live from my suitcase, my life's within my hands
Sleep in a strange bed, hometown's a foreign land
Down, the knuckle too far
---- "Knuckle too far" --- James
Steve Irwin
.:: Sunday, September 3rd ::.
~ 10:22 AM ~
"...point of no return..."
I painted the front of Bill's house yesterday. I did the windows so it took time and not alot of yards were covered. But, I will be back tomorrow and I hope to get the west side trim done.
Neale bought an exercise tramopline but it was too big for her car. So, she requested Britt make use of his SUV. They are picking it up now. Plus, he gets to pick up his power washer, which I used to clean the front windows.
I started the front windows on Friday and they are primed. Tuesday I will finish the windows. It takes about two hours.
We are going for a ride.
Hey Garry
Stony Man
.:: Friday, September 1st ::.
~ 10:07 AM ~
"...where is my badge?..."
Today, I am painting. But where?
I donated yesterday and it went well.
The previous journal has been archived.
Talkin bout a girl that looks quite like you.
She didnt have the time to wait in the queue.
She cried away her life since she fell off the cradle.
Save It for Later