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.::daily thoughts views opinions outlooks postures feelings rants loves glissades
You Are Lavender |
![]() People become easily entranced with you. They seem to glow around you. You have a quiet energy that can keep you active late into the night. Even if you aren't the life of the party, you definitely keep the party going. |
~ 10:51 AM ~
"...soon gonna leave my rags and run..."
Betty is back in the hospital. She has had some pulse rate problems and may have had a small heart attack last night. Developing....
We are off for a walk and then the Dog Parade.
Rocks Off
Dog tricks
.:: Friday, February 9th ::.~ 06:26 PM ~
"...sent for baron saturday..."
Training went well. Ellis and I went to Costco and then came home. I made Neale some Welsh rarebit and the chili was very good.
Old Dogs
~ 11:11 AM ~
"...And if you'd only stay the night
You’d see it's not so
Black and white
And on a hard day
Put your cares away
And pray..."Neale is over at Bill's house staining. I ordered her Valentine Day gift this morning. Ah, the joys of the Internet. Ellis and I are going for a walk shortly. Then, the last training class of 'novice 1'. Tomorrow, we are attending the Dog Parade and catching a film. Last year's winning Weiner Dog was named 'Ron Jeremy'.
Currently, I have Radio Paradise streaming and HBO's "Thin" on the screen.
Booth 12
Cry Love
Children of War
.:: Thursday, February 8th ::.~ 06:27 PM ~
"...where's my Grandma's boy?..."
I stained at Bill's house for 5 hours and made good progress. All of the trim near the floor, which is new, has one coat. Some windows and doors are done. Neale is staining tomorrow. Ellis and I are finishing 'novice 1'. Ellis and Neale are out on a walk currently.
Neale wants us to see Pan's Labyrinth, which looks good and I like the director's work. I have an interest in labyrinths and would have a hedge maze on my estate if the dream of owning a castle ever happens. Yes, a castle, a moat and an island are in my grand plans if millions of dollars ever falls into my possession. Yes, the labyrinth dream started with this and Hellraiser.
Our accountant had good news for us. We will be HD soon.
Kelly and Sara invited us to an Oscar party.
Veg new Prius
This I Believe
He's the Dude
.:: Monday, February 5th ::.~ 05:17 PM ~
"...Each time a man stands for an ideal, or acts to improve
the lot of others, or strikes out
against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million
different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep
down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance..."Tomorrow, I am staining at Bill's and the floor people have the correct address to do their review before installation.
It has been a busy week. We are going for a walk soon.
Mr. Met and I ready are ready for baseball.
Sweet Jesus I Hate Bill O'Reilly
Cooler to Mash Tun
You're a Pirate (NSFW)
The Nietzsche Family Circus
Here's to Beer
.:: Sunday, February 4th ::.~ 11:00 AM ~
"...check yourself..."
Super Bowl food & drink quite tasty. Super Bowl game, less than expectations. Rain, Grossman throwing punts, and Payton Manning playing like an MVP.
We noticed a few omissions in our DVD collection so I picked up Sixth Sense, The Others, The Village, and What Lies Beneath for about $2.50 each used at Amazon.
I won an Ebay auction for new weight straps for our Soloflex. I managed to almost wear out my tens. They have developed tears and will fail. A new set of tens (in pairs) from Soloflex is $36 but I won an auction for 2-25s, 2-10s, and 2-5s for about $50, which should be a good deal. The straps looked lightly used but in good shape.
The next thing I am making Neale is Melt in Your Mouth Slow Cooker ribs. The pulled pork turned out well and I love to cook.
Of course, the 9V battery in the entertainment room smoke detector decided to fail at 4AM. Neale heard the beeping at 4AM but did not alert me.
Tree House
Famous Veg
Jig Saw Puzzles
.:: Saturday, February 3rd ::.~ 11:39 AM ~
"...up on the hill they think I'm ok..."
Since it is a balmy 27 degrees, how about some Blue Cheer?
No surprise we are watching the Super Bowl. We are cheering for the Bears, as is the rest of my family, and Steve Taulbee. Britt and his family are supporting the Colts due to AFC allegiance, we believe.
My veg Lil' Smokies are cooking (veg hot dogs, chili sauce, grape fruit spread, and dashes of liquid smoke), the veg tray is thawing, and my gauc will be made closer to game time.
Neale watched our nephews and niece last night. It went well. I watched "Life Aquatic", which is growing on me with each viewing (Bowie in Portuguese is sublime) and I played "Queen Bitch" a few times as well.
Neale left for the store. She is taking a small break from phase 1 given the running tradition we have of watching the Super Bowl and making our fav appetizers.
This Day in History: Bill Gates meets a pie
Yer Blues
.:: Friday, February 2nd ::.~ 10:19 PM ~
"...oh she wont regret it
no no
them young girls they dont forget it
love is their whole happiness
yeah yeha yeah
but its all so easy..."We went for a walk and smelled gas. There was a water main break on Glendale. Then, we went to training. Neale was late from shopping for shoes so it was Ellis and I. A woman that has a Jack Russell named 'Jack' said we should try showing Ellis. His attention is great but he also has his agenda. Today around noon I tried training him using some pulled pork and he was stubborn. At training he did pretty well and impressed the crowd with his off lead sit/stay and return.
I made my pickled hot garlic peppers. In six weeks, we'll see and taste if it turned out well.
Ellis got a bath with his new shampoo. The first bottle of puppy shampoo ran dry.
Writing is destruction
~ 01:07 PM ~
"...I don't stop..."
Neale decided not to stain today. She is out doing errands and should be back soon. We have to walk and take Ellis to training. We only have two classes left.
My first batch of pickled hot peppers went well. The hot garlic pickles are tonight.
Neale is watching our nephews and niece tonight. I am giving Ellis a much needed bath.
Vita Water
Bauer facts
.:: Wednesday, January 31st ::.~ 06:59 PM ~
"...I hope you folks enjoyed yourself..."
I spent the day at Bill's. I arrived around 8:30 and moved the closet doors first. Then, I plugged the window gap to help insulate the house until we can removed Bill's well-crafted AC brackets. I sanded, washed, and taped the rest of the house, which took until 3PM. The floor rep was suppose to visit between 10-1 but they went to the wrong address. Note to future Home Depot users, they have a problem with using one account (under our home address in STL) to do work in another location (Bill's place). Since they came to our home instead of to Bill's house, we rescheduled. I came home to find their business card stuck in our door. As I was admiring it (they claimed to come to the RIGHT address), I did not notice the ice in the driveway, slipped, and landed on my backside. I seem to have a "natural" reaction to lift my head when I fall so nothing was injured. My Newcastle Brown Ale survived the fall and is this year's "Hairy Woodchuck",which is our drink to observe Groundhog Day. Neale is on Phase One so she is not partaking.
My newly purchased glass jars for canning are santizing in the dishwasher. I am making batches of pickled hot peppers and garlic pickles soon.
Neale went for a walk.
I am making stuffed cabbage rolls this weekend. I have not had any in years. In other food news, STL in finally getting a Chipolte. With Baja Fresh a distant memory, the my current local burrito favs shape up like this:
Nacho Mama's La Salsa Moe's Qdoba Linktastic:
Some people see the glass as half full. Others see it as half empty. Jack Bauer see the glass as a deadly weapon.
How do I get Firefox to play CNN videos?
When girls telephone boys
Join the circus
.:: Monday, January 29th ::.~ 07:59 PM ~
"...the war on anti-war war..."
I have been asked to present to the LCCC Board of Trustees with a fellow member of the Diversity committee. We are informing them about our Black History Month events. It will be my first board meeting. In other Diversity event news, Chantay and I meet with some Alton High School students today as we try to get our partnership program going with them.
After work, I went to Costco for our Super Bowl veg tray and gas, which was slightly more expensive than some stations I passed on the way. Our Super Bowl menu this year is:
Guacholeo Veg Lil' Smokies Actual Lil' Smokies Veg Tray Potato Skins Neale called when I was leaving Costco and we met for dinner at Sweet Tomatoes (thanks again to Mom & Dad for the coupons).
I have been reading about HDTVs again tonight. I found 5 models at Costco that fit our budget and preferred options.
After a tough Monday with a sore ankle, it was fine Tuesday morning.
Friday I am sanding, washing, taping, and staining at Bill's house. Also, the floor guys are coming to see the place again. In good news, the floor tile was not Asbestos.
Biden over before it began...bye bye
20 things...about obesity
Poor can't eat healthy
A piece of wood, metal strings, and a camera
Fit foodie
.:: Sunday, January 28th ::.~ 01:36 PM ~
"...on a run..."
Once again, I got stuff done during my office hours.
Become a Republican
~ 11:36 AM ~
"...yours truly poverty..."
For some unknown reason, my left ankle is sore. My Achilles seems to be fine but the lateral movement is sore. I cannot put my full weight on it and stairs are a challenge. So, I will take time off from walking unless this clears up quick. I have a rubber brace on currently with some Icy Hot for now. When I get home, I will start the ice/heat process.
HBO's Rome is good this season and keeping the HBO series theme going....the timelessness of sodomy. Is there an HBO series that does not have a scene regarding sodomy? I don't watch "The Wire" (who does? is it still on?) but I bet there is some sodomy at some point on a stake out.
I made Alton Brown's firecrackers (picked carrots) and they are tasty. So, I decided to make my own pickles next. I will be canning soon. I have not canned anything yet so it will be another skill to learn.
New distraction: Madden 2007
Our IKEA lamp died as the switch cracked. Given that a $10 lamp has served us well, I will be stopping at Target for a new lamp this afternoon.
Didn't know that
One sick puppy
.:: Saturday, January 27th ::.~ 08:43 PM ~
" it my way..."
We went for a walk and then to Britt's birthday party.
Neale was able to get a lot done at Bill's house.
When the sale of Bill's house is complete, we are looking to invest the money in a money market account for a vacation fund.
Little Green Bag
Made of Stone...almost
Where's Your Head At?
.:: Friday, January 26th ::.~ 12:40 PM ~
"...ball of fire and stars..."
I decided to clean up the format and removed one small hurdle so visitors can get to the journal faster. Plus, the current theme idea ran its course.
Neale is over at Bill's and I am working out. My Soloflex bands are showing wear so I am checking Ebay for new ones. At 3, Ellis and I have training. We will get a walk in before that.
Neale's pulled pork turned out well. She has not tasted it yet but it is her dinner.
Oolong gallery
.:: Wednesday, January 24th ::.~ 08:27 PM ~
"...the earth will save our eyes
don't blink tonight
the earth will rot away
go blank tonight
i really wish these snakes were your arms
i, i really wish you'd make up your mind
the earth disguised away the plague tonight
the earth will save our eyes
go blank tonight
i, i really wish these snakes were your arms
i, i really wish, you should make up your mind
i, i really wish these snakes were your arms
i, i really wish you'd make up your mind..."I spent the morning at Bill's house sanding the trim and windows. Then, I washed them off, waited for them to dry, and taped two rooms. The front bedroom and living room are ready for Neale tomorrow. She is beginning the staining and with the new doors, does not need me there to wrestle close the doors. I would have gotten more done but I had a meeting at 1:30 at Alton High School with Chantay and an AHS representative. We are working on a funded project to help high school students develop diversity projects. Today was the first meeting and we should have some numbers next week. The project runs quick and should be done before spring break. Given that the groups involved at AHS are young teachers and progressives there should be some interesting ideas.
Despite missing lunch, I went to three grocery stores on the way home looking for truffle oil. No one had pure truffle oil but there was truffle oil with olive oil blends. I was willing to give up and make our adult mac n' chee without it but Neale wanted to look at the Trader Joe's in Des Peres. They had a blend as well and that is what we are using for the dish. I will order the real deal online soon. The blend is tasty though.
I prepped and have cooking Neale's pulled pork. 4.45 pounds of Boston Butt is covering slow and low at 210 for 12 hours. I used Alton's recipe. The adult mac n' chee was moved up because she starts phase one on Monday. Yes, South Beach rises from the shallow grave dug by the train tracks to stalk the halls of Sutcliff Manor again.
Overdrive Spider
Days that end in Y
Appy Polly Loggy
.:: Monday, January 22nd ::.~ 08:59 PM ~
"...uncommon but not unusual..."
My question to MLB.... why? MLB.TV may be my only option.
San Fran Brewcraft
Lewis and Clark
Tom is dead
Diversity in the Oscars
Gas~ 01:53 PM ~
"...I told you I'd shoot..."
Dave Barry: 14 Things
Live and Learn
.:: Sunday, January 21st ::.~ 07:27 PM ~
"...flames and stuff..."
I don't mean to jinx anything but if we get a good tax return we are upgrading to HDTV.
Good discussion about Autism
.:: Saturday, January 20th ::.~ 10:18 AM ~
"...One drink too many
And a joke gone too far
I see a face drive like a stolen car.
Gets harder to hide
When youre hitching a ride
Harder to hide what you really saw..."We went for a walk before training yesterday. Ellis did well. Neale was watching an episode of the "Dog Whisper" and he states we should mix up the walking route for the dog (& me too). They get bored seeing the same yards (me too). So, we will map a new path.
Neale is at the office finishing a few vital things and I plan to watch a lot of football.
Our table came in fourth at Zonta's Trivia Night. We won no door prizes or 50/50 drawings. The Powerball drawing eluded us as well.
We got a few inches of snow. I already shoveled the driveway and walk. Ellis enjoyed bouncing around in the snow and chewing a few snow balls.
When in Rome
Nina Simone
MythBusters: The Results
Domino Fun
F.V.K + Big Take Over + Pay To Cum
Today's Dollars
Hello Americans, This is Paul Harvey
.:: Wednesday, January 17th ::.~ 11:11 AM ~
"...Keep you apart,
Deep in my heart,
Separate from the rest,
Where I like you the best,
And keep the things you forgot....."Neale had fun with Sara and Shannon. They went to Bigelo's Bistro, which she said I would like and the menu does look good.
Last night, after my work at Bill's house, I stayed off my feet and hung out in the basement. Besides the typical stumbling around the Internet and making electric noise, I watched "Miami Vice" and "The Ringer". Reviews posted on the film page.
We have training today and we are playing trivia with Neale's coworkers, which raises money for a local womens' group.
Also, we have a Power Ball ticket since it is over 200 million. If we win, I might let down the bridge so you can cross the moat.
Moonlight might be closing.
Another reason to avoid trans fats
Priceless Zappa
You are a pirate
.:: Tuesday, January 16th ::.~ 08:20 PM ~
"..Cost of War...."
I ordered the supplies for my barley wine. I decided to change the yeast strain to a slightly more tolerant strain. The Redeye Stout is still bubbling nicely.
I cannot explain this.
Cheerleaders gone....(wait for it) WILD!
3AM Eternal
“I would have come up with something (worse) than that.”
~ 08:34 AM ~
".. michelle on the second date...."
One of the coldest days of the year in STL.
I decided to update the colors of the site.
Soundboard fun
Gone But Not Forgotten
.:: Monday, January 15th ::.~ 05:22 PM ~
"...some are very obivious..."
Neale was in Hannibal giving a speech and she is currently in Quincy taking a statement. The nasty weather has past so she should have a safe trip.
It was my first day back and it went well. Better than in the past in fact. Ellis and I went for a walk and we are hanging out currently.
Real Grown Up Mac n' Cheese
Super Senses
WWII tank found
.:: Sunday, January 14th ::.~ 07:55 AM ~
I brewed the Redeye Stout and it had the consistency of hot fudge. The smell of malt, chocolate, and hops was powerful. Since it was a stout, I kept the water low and had to stir constantly. If that batch would have boiled over, I would still be cleaning the stove.
Since Debbie did not have cable, she came over to watch "24", which did not disappoint.
I am working on a diversity project at work that connects with Alton High School. There is some grant money coming my way for the my efforts so I am considering upgrading my amp, which I was going to wait until this summer to do that. I started a poll at Guitar Geek to see which amp fellow users would recommend. I have a preference for Ampeg but Traynor has been suggested.
The weather is too cold for the door installers at Bill's house. So, we are painting insid today and waiting for an inspector to stop by this afternoon to insure the interior is asbestos free.
I have CNN on and Saint Louis is in the Headline News twice....the Devlin abduction case and our lovely weather.
Wine Zap
.:: Saturday, January 13th ::.~ 12:01 PM ~
"...Bobby: I'd like an omelet, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce. And a cup of coffee.
Waitress: A #2, chicken salad sand. Hold the butter, the lettuce, the mayonnaise, and a cup of coffee. Anything else?
Bobby: Yeah, now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules.
Waitress: You want me to hold the chicken, huh?
Bobby: I want you to hold it between your knees
...." ---Quote from "Five Easy Pieces", (1970) courtesy of IMDBTraining went well. Ellis was excited to see other dogs and goes directly to the training room door. Besides the Mastiff, there is now a Great Dane. The Mastiff owner is a younger woman and she is physical with the dog. She hit her dog last week and Richard, the trainer, has indirectly mentioned how wrong that is but he has kept his patience. However, I do not see that lasting another 4 weeks if she continues to do that behavior. Also, in my opinion, I would not encourage aggressive behavior in a dog that could easily take you out for a snack, images of Cujo come to mind. Both large breed dogs did well while training but their off mat behavior needs some help just like Ellis does when he sees a group of dogs that could be playmates. Overall, he did well with sit/stay and heel. We are working on a sit/stay that lasts up to a minute. He can do it. On a personal note, everybody has gas. But, when a Great Dane has gas, you might as well be sitting behind a Clysdale. Wow.
After training, we went to Border's to pick up our Hitchcock DVD set (thanks again Border's gift card givers). Then, we stopped by Whole Foods for a few things and tried to have dinner at P.F. Changs, which was too busy at 6:30 in the evening. So, we tried Maggianos again, which Neale was not impressed with the first time. Again, it was an hour and half wait unless you can find a spot in the bar area. The benefits of the bar area are quicker service. The downside is the tight conditions and some grumpy patrons. The couple next to us was an example of the latter. First, he was a "guy's guy" who started his conversation with Libby, the server, with how bad his service was last time (i.e. "how to show your a prick in under 10 seconds"). We were able to put some space between them and us when the other couple to our right moved and we could shift down. Overall, the food was good and it was worth it. Afterwards, we came home and watched "The Man Who Knew Too Much", which is always good.
Neale is out at Home Depot picking up the door hardware for Bill's house. If the weather is nice, the front and back doors will be installed tomorrow. Either way, we are painting tomorrow but we do not know our start time. The installers say they need us there and about 4 hours per door. Next weekend, I am starting on the basement, which has become a smaller job as Britt does not want as much removed as was previously considered.
The ice/rain storm missed us again. Debbie had a limb punch through her roof and lost power briefly. She is still without cable and with the debut of Fox's "24" tonight she is not happy. Ed is also without cable. The third wave of this winter storm moves through tonight and everything is melting now. So, Ellis will get a walk after the Bears game and will need another cleaning with the Pro Line Self-Cleaning spray from Bow Wow Shop. The stuff is great for spot cleaning and in-between bath situations, especially on rainy & wet days.
I plan to brew my Coffee Chocolate Stout today. I tried Schlafly's 15th Anniversary ale last night and it was quite good.
Handy Health Calculators
Man Can Stop Rape
.:: Thursday, January 11th ::.~ 08:42 AM ~
"...tonight it was your face..."
The ice storm was not as bad as the last one. The ground is not covered but the trees have some icicles. The ground is wet but it should be nice enough to walk Ellis as he needs one before training this afternoon.
The storm changed travel plans to Saint Louis. Neale's friend from Texas had her plane delayed so their lunch plans were canceled.
On the holiday break, I was reading a "Guide to Bar-Be-Que" that my parents keep in my old room and found a clone recipe for Saint Louis' own Super Smokers (yes, back in business). I gave it a try yesterday (Mom & Dad that is what I was doing while on the phone) and it is a decent sauce but not a clone recipe. The use of Heinz 57 raised an eyebrow and should be excluded in future batches. I have made homemade BBQ sauce before and it is mostly in the style of Saint Louis and Texas sauces. I have never tried a mustard sauce and do not care for too much for vinegar in my sauces. A quick scan of the BBQ sauce aisle at the local mega mart is a good example of why to make your own sauce. There is usually Worcestershire Sauce and high fructose corn syrup in typical grocery brands; both I wish to avoid if possible.
We have Novice 1 training today and then we are heading to Border's Brentwood to pick up our Hitchcock Masterpiece DVD collection, which I special ordered with my gift cards.
100 People
Float On
You kids keep changing
.:: Tuesday, January 9th ::.~ 08:31 AM ~
" your damn onions..."
I am working on my online courses today. Setting up the schedule is the biggest investment of time.
We have rain in the forecast over the next few days, which is a problem for Bill's door installation. The door guys will not work in the rain and light snow would probably be a problem too. I am putting the last coat of door paint on tomorrow. Neale promises that the back door should be almost done since she did such a good job applying the second coat.
Country Stereotypes
Just obey
Global warming denial
Newman's Own
.:: Monday, January 8th ::.~ 07:19 AM ~
"...endangering your life..."
Yesterday went well. My in-service week is going well. I have most of my early prep done and need to focus on my online courses, which is tomorrow's goal. Today, we have our association lunch and business meeting.
BCS....ah, disappointed.
Difficult Analytical Puzzles
Mike's Radio World
Salt...real salt
Zombie Drinking Game
.:: Sunday, January 7th ::.~ 07:47 PM ~
We are watching the BCS game. Go Bucks.
It was my first day back at work and it went well.
Ellis tried a new chew and he approves.
.:: Friday, January 5th ::.~ 09:20 AM ~
" or go home..."
We went for a walk yesterday, then to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch, Ellis had his first Novice One training at 3, which Richard (the program director) was running. He runs a good class and we like his teaching style. He remembered us but called me Neale. Ellis did well as he has us and has taken Puppy class. Some of the dogs had not had puppy class and it showed. We had the only corgi of course but there was a few shepards, a golden, a Yorkie, a boxer, a Mastiff, and a terrier of some questionable background. An odd thing happened when every dog was quiet and Richard was talking. The Mastiff sat up and barked so every dog had to get up and look.
After the class, we went to Borders to use my gift cards (DVDs and some books), Best Buy (my birthday gift card), the West County Mall (Teavana and to look for shoes), and Alandale Ale House for dinner. The beer was good, my sandwich was a little burned, and the service was not quick but we will come back.
At Borders we purchased the above guide books as we will be going to Europe this year as a couple. Steve and Joan were going to take the family but that will happen in '08 due to a pending birth in the family. We are going in July to Paris, Barcelona, Munich, and Amsterdam for two and half weeks. We will get an International Driving permit, a 15-day Eurail pass, new luggage, and good walking shoes.
Alandale Brewing
Fast food veg
.:: Thursday, January 4th ::.~ 12:08 PM ~
Christmas Day photos are posted.
~ 09:32 AM ~
"...Lookin' for some happiness
But there is only loneliness to find
Jump to the left, turn to the right
Lookin' upstairs, lookin' behind....."New year, new content. I am removing older files in order to add new content this year. So, some older photos have been backed up and removed. Fresh pictures coming.
~ 12:18 AM ~
"...shizoforest love suite...."
It was raining so we did not walk. It was my first break this year and Neale got a pass on yesterday due to the fillings. Ellis did not seem to mind.
I finished one door and have the second one halfway done at Bill's house. I also used my tile removal tool (Mr. Mule) on the tile to test and it came up quite nicely. I was concerned that the tile would be difficult. My frame of reference was the original bathroom tile in our home. Luckily, not so bad. We are returning Sunday to paint the door, move the stove & desk, and I will do the tile. Britt is coming on Sunday to help with the stove & desk. We found a service that will take the goods but only if they are outside on the curb.
Tomorrow is a day for me to do some errands (oil, haircut, etc.). We maybe seeing "Children of Men" too.
I am making flax bread soon. First attempt. Desserts are out for awhile.
Energy Hog
Little Green Bag
Gitmo problems
Got skillz?
.:: Wednesday, January 3rd ::.~ 08:38 AM ~
"...In the pines, in the pines,
Where the sun don't ever shine,
I will shiver the whole night through...."Neale's fillings went well and she said it was not as bad as she expected.
I am heading over to Bill's soon. I only got one of the doors done yesterday. But, I can apply the second coat on one and the first on the other. It is a lot of detail work. There is still plenty of time.
It has been a great bowl season and there is just one to go. The Domers keep their Bowl history consistent.
In flashback to years past news, Mike Nelson is still keeping the MST3K dream alive.
Healthy but cold
Jefferson's Qur'an
Bush...a real fiscal conservative
.:: Tuesday, January 2nd ::.~ 10:12 AM ~
"...its a living thing, a terrible thing to lose..."
Phase 1 of South Beach has reared its head for the last time in this house. The death rattle was heard yesterday when Neale looked at an egg white omelet and could not bear it. Putting the indulges of the holidays (which was one of the best) behind us, Neale is convinced to make better choices. I am changing my eating habits a touch with a new meal plan that involves smaller meals but at about 5 times a day. My lunch habits were getting stale so I need to mix it up. Plus, I am teaching 8 to 1:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays this semester so there is no room for a 20 minutes lunch.
Ellis is worm free! He may get the day off from walking as I am heading to Bill's soon and Neale is having her cavities filled so she has warned me that she will be in a terrible mood this evening. Oh bother.
Nick Saban took the Bama job. I give him 2 years.
Bush can actually say with a straight face that Congress should curb spending. If you are a Republican and you like his track record on spending, then you are not paying close enough attention. Let's see...Iraq, Homeland Security, Hurricane Katrina, the military, and so much more.
.:: Monday, January 1st ::.~ 05:43 PM ~
"...lazy eye..."
We went for a walk and Ellis needed to have his yearly vet visit. He is set for rabies for 3 years. But, Ellis is about 4 pounds too heavy so he is switching to low fat yogurt and a little less food.
Neale is watching Gone With the Wind and I am taking down the holiday decorations.
~ 06:49 PM ~
We had a great dinner at Cafe Balaban's and a great time with Kelly & Sara. I had the veg entree and Neale ordered the Beef Wellington, which was medium rare despite her preference for well done. I have to admit if I ate meat, I would go with medium rare. There is no use for a charred hunk of flesh. We got home alittle after 11PM so the sparking wine from Stone Hill was well chilled. We slept late today (ie no leftover sparking wine) and went for a walk. We just finished The Godfather and will probably watch The Godfather II when Neale returns from Pho Grand.
Ellis has been with us for 1 year.
I am painting the doors at Bill's house this week. Also, I am removing the old kitchen floor.
The barley wine will be brewed in the near future. The mead (honey wine) is resting nicely. Next brew is the Coffee Stout though.
The previous journal has been archived. Please see links above.
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